Although the cook's cooking is not very good, but the knife is the best.

A four or five Jin kitchen knife danced wildly, shaking Jin's eyes. Without ten years of hard work, a fish was skinned, boned and cut into pieces as thin as cicada wings.

The cook glanced at Jin Xiaoxiao, who was still looking at the dead fish. There was a smile with sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

After the water boils, put the fish fillets in boiling water, and then you can get out of the pot. Then you can start the oil pot again. You can thicken the fish fillets with the raw meal, soy sauce and various seasonings, pour them on the fish fillets, brush the pot, and then boil the boiling oil, put the pepper on the fish fillets, and pour the boiling oil on them.

"Zi La" sound, suddenly, a fragrance wafted out.

The cook was quite satisfied. He put it on his nose and sniffed. He glanced at Jin Xiaoxiao, who had not started yet, with disdain. He hummed coldly, "what's the use of doing those labors? Don't kneel down to me in a hurry."

Jin Xiaoxiao is not in a hurry, and he is not angry because of the cold words of the cook.

She just quietly looked at the dead fish, pestle there motionless.

This is very worrying for Wu Da. He is very worried about Jin Xiao.

For a long time, Jin Xiaoxiao suddenly moved, cut open the fish belly, removed the internal organs, washed off the fish head, abandoned, crucian carp head is very nutritious, just because the fish is no longer fresh, the fishy smell of the fish head is very important.

She turned the fish over, patted it gently with the back of the knife, and pulled out a fishy line from the fish's head.

This move puzzled the cook. He never knew that there was such a line on the fish.

Seeing that the cook's face was full of doubts, Jin Xiaoxiao continued his action and said: "this is the fishy line. On the back of the fish, there is a kind of scale called side line scale, which is arranged with dense pores. It is connected with the fishy line in the fish body. The smell of water, mud and soil will adhere to the fishy line through the pores. If the fishy line is not removed, the fishy line will be removed, Fish will have a strong earthy smell. "

The fish scales were cut off, and the fish were cut into small pieces. The Gu Yue powder was used as the ingredient, and the onion, ginger and garlic Baijiu was used to remove the fishy smell, and the salt was salted up by grinding and meticulous salt.

About half a hour's effort, Wu Da pulled up the bellows, and the gold was small to boil the oil. When the oil was heated, the fish was fried into the pan. At the same time, she prepared a wooden basin and poured dozens of seasonings, including soy sauce, sugar, Baijiu, Gu Yue powder, star anise and cinnamon.

After all the fish pieces are fried, they are soaked in the sauce prepared in advance.

After a long time, Jin Xiaoxiao took out the pieces of fish, picked them out one by one, put them in the shape of fish, embellished them with coriander, sprinkled them with sauce, and served them with all kinds of color, flavor and flavor.

Jin Xiaoxiao is very quick to cook, and even a drop of oil and a piece of vegetable leaf are missing from the stove.


The cook can't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva and stare at Jin Xiaoxiao in surprise.

Only by doing this can the cook feel uneasy.

This is the first time that he saw someone cooking crucian carp in this way. After soaking in sauce, the fish pieces fried to golden color have an amber luster. Looking at them, they make people move their fingers.

Jin Xiaoxiao handed the plate in his hand to the cook. The little girl was full of cunning: "try it."

The cook frowned, and the chance of winning was suddenly less than half. He directly grabbed a piece of fish and put it into his mouth. After biting it, the fish was crisp, and there was sauce overflow. The smell of ancient moon powder, with a little pepper and hemp, bloomed on the tip of the tongue, and it was delicious.

The most special thing is that this dish has both the delicious taste of crucian carp and the feeling of freshness, which makes people can't help but eat one mouthful after another.

Swallow into the stomach, the cook immediately like a duck was trampled on the neck, a time speechless.

Jin Xiaoxiao glanced at the fish in the cook's hand and said with a smile, "even if you don't have to taste it, I know you don't taste right."

After listening to Jin Xiaoxiao's words, the cook was immediately displeased. He turned his eyes and said angrily, "you haven't tasted it. How can you know that it tastes bad?"

"Ha ha." Jin Xiaoxiao, with a faint smile, rolled up her temples and hung a trace of hair around her fingertips: "although your fish is not just fished, it's still fresh. If you wrap the fish fillets with raw meal, it has lost the taste and flavor of the fish."

With that, Jin Xiaoxiao looked at the cook with great interest, as if he was waiting for him to kneel down and worship himself as a teacher.

Obviously, the cook didn't think so. He raised his neck, and his face was full of unconventionality.

As Jin Xiaoxiao expected, he glanced at the cook and said with a smile, "since you don't admit defeat, that's OK."

She glanced at Ambassador Wu. They went out of the restaurant's kitchen and turned back to the restaurant. Since they ordered food and wine, they didn't eat the overlord's meal to the end. Although, Jin Xiaoxiao just took a bite.

He threw a silver or two and left the wine shop with Wuda.

Wu is full of surprise, went to the door, a pair of words and stop appearance.

Jin Xiaoxiao said: "brother Wu, do you want to ask why I gave so much silver?"

Wuda suddenly widened his eyes. Before he went out, his father told him to listen to Jin Xiaodi, such a little girl, no matter what happened. At first, Wuda still doubted his mistakes. Hearing Jin Xiaodi's words, he felt his father's foresight.

He nodded frequently and looked at Jin Xiaoxiao for a moment, as if waiting for her answer.

Jin Xiaoxiao laughed, and his eyes narrowed slightly, like a cunning fox: "that's because these two pieces of silver are a teacher worship gift for my stupid apprentice."

"What Wu Da was stunned. He turned his head and looked at the restaurant. Then he looked back at Jin Xiaoxiao, pointed to the restaurant and said, "girl, it seems that the cook didn't want to be a teacher."

Jin Xiaoxiao had an enigmatic look, and her small hand put up a finger: "one, two, three..."

She just counted to "three", and suddenly heard the cook's voice in the wine shop: "you wait a minute."

The smile on Jin Xiaoxiao's face is like a blooming gardenia. She thought that the cook would come out and stop herself only when she counted to "Five". Unexpectedly, when she counted to "three", she would

She slowly turned around, raised the beautiful little face which was harmless to people and animals, and looked at the cook with a pair of watery eyes: "what else do you want?"

The cook, tall and long legged, came to Jin Xiaoxiao in three or two steps and knelt down.

"Dong! Dong! Dong

The cook kowtowed to the ground three times, looked up at Jin Xiaoxiao, and said, "master, please accept my apprentice's worship."