Looking at this one in a million, there are more than 40 million players in Liuguang City, and not many people have flying mounts.

At the end of the night and the dawn, I really moved for a while.

Soon, he recovered his composure: "do you think a bird can buy me?"

Zhang Yi said, "not only that."

"As long as you promise to join me, I can give you better treatment for the night march."

"What the night march can bring you, I can give you ten times. Come to me, you will have a better future."

After hesitating at the end of the night and dawn, he said, "you... Let me think about it and reply to you in two days, OK?"

"Yes," Zhang Yi said without hesitation.

At the end of the night and dawn, he continued, "but at least let me see your sincerity in inviting me into your family?"

"Why don't you give me this Firebird first. Anyway, when I enter your family, you will give it to me."

At the end of the night and dawn, he said so casually. He didn't think that this person would give himself a valuable flying mount directly before he was sure to join him.

To his surprise.

Zhang Yi didn't even think about it, so he replied, "no problem."

With that, he actually traded the flaming Firebird directly to the end of the night and the dawn!

At the end of the night and dawn, ha ha smiled: "brother, forthright!"

"You wait, wait two days, I will give you a satisfactory answer!"

Zhang Yi smiled faintly: "I look forward to your joining."

"Let's add a friend." at this time, the friend application was sent at the end of the night and dawn.

Zhang Yi opened the deep hiding and agreed to the application of night and dawn.

Then, at the end of the night and dawn, he said hello to Zhang Yi and left the private room.

Just outside the restaurant.

At the end of the night and dawn, I couldn't help smiling: "it's a simple guy. It's so easy to cheat!"

"I didn't even ask your name or the size of your family. You can trust me so much. Is it really stupid or fake stupid, ha ha ha!"

Then, at the end of the night and the dawn, he opened the friends list, looked at the [deep hiding] in the list, and smiled with a crooked mouth: "do you still put this outfit deep? Sorry, I slipped away first, sayunala ~"

With that, at the end of the night and the dawn, he was preparing to pull black Zhang Yi. After thinking about it, he still kept him.

Maybe later, this person has some use value.

Think so.

At the end of the night and the dawn, go out to fight the flaming Firebird.


The flaming bird appeared at the end of the night and dawn, and couldn't help making passers-by salivate.

"It's great to ride a bird, ha ha ha!"

At the end of the night and dawn, he rode on the flaming Firebird with a smile and took off.

In restaurant 12.

Private room 6 on the second floor.

At the end of the night and just after dawn, Zhang Yi was still in the private room.

The dragon family and the Dragon walk all over the world. They come in from the door.

"Boss, did you really give him the Firebird? Will he really join our dragon clan?"

"Of course he won't join the dragon clan so easily."

Listen to what Zhang Yi said.

The Dragon walks around the world and wonders, "then why give him the Firebird? Isn't it for nothing?"

Zhang Yi smiled calmly: "it's impossible to give for nothing."

With that, Zhang Yi opened a video interface, intercepted a video that seemed to have just been recorded and sent it to the dragon family.

After watching the video sent by Zhang Yi, the dragon clan was surprised: "boss, you recorded the process of talking to him just now..."

"Recording from a third perspective, no one will find that I recorded it."

Zhang Yi said: "you send this video to the king of Qin and ask him to show it to the boss of the night marching army."

It turns out that Zhang Yi planned all this tonight!

He had long known that a Firebird could not buy the night and the dawn.

You have to play some tricks against people like night and day.

So Zhang Yi plans to use this video to make the night marchers doubt the end of the night and lose their trust.

This is the first step.

Therefore, the dragon family did not die and took orders. They met in private with the Dragon undercover placed in the night marching army. The [night marching army, King Qin] sent him the video recorded by Zhang Yi

The next morning.

Several heads of state of the night marching army were having breakfast in a breakfast shop while discussing business.

"The dragon clan, has the undercover been installed?"

With the team leader, the voice of the Night Walker just fell.

The elite of the team, archers, night marchers and Tianjue said, "it's arranged, but they can't get in... They don't want anyone to join the team..."

The Night Walker frowned: "they are very vigilant. Is it possible for their people to turn back and become our people?"

"No! Their people don't know why, loyal to the dragon family..."

While I was talking.

The night marching army and the king of Qin suddenly reported:

"Captain, last night we went to rob the Firebird of the overlord family. As a result, we were ambushed, the whole team was destroyed, and our vice captain will die forever!"

"What?" the Night Walker patted the table and got angry: "who did it?"

"I don't know." the night marching army and King Qin said, "the other party's damage is too high. Before we can see who the enemy is, we were directly killed for seconds."

"Dare to kill my nocturnal officer!" the nocturnal Walker's murderous intention is wild: "kill!"

At this time, the night marching army and the king of Qin went on to say:

"Then after returning to the city last night, someone found me and asked me to send a letter to him at night and tomorrow."

"I felt something strange. After sending a message to Yejin Tianming, I quietly followed Yejin Tianming to the place where they met, and then saw..."

"What do you see?" asked the Night Walker.

The night marching army and King Qin didn't go on, but came to the Night Walker and showed him a video.

This video is the video of Zhang Yi Trading [Flamingo] in the private room of the restaurant last night.

In the video, at the end of the night, Tianming promised to abandon the night army and join Zhang Yi's team, but asked Zhang Yi to give him two days to think about it.

And Zhang Yi gave the Firebird to the end of the night and the dawn.

This video makes the night walker who can only see its surface angry:

"At the end of the night and dawn, you bastard, dare to betray me and keep company with Yinuo!"

"Captain, you say this man is a promise?" the night marching army and the king of Qin deliberately pretended to be stupid.

The Night Walker looked at the video and said, "wearing a mask and hiding the ID, do you think I don't know who you are?"

I thought it was Yinuo who intercepted the Firebird and killed the vice captain of the night marching army.

The Night Walker was even more angry.

At this time, the night marching army and Tianjue said, "Captain, Yinuo Qingcheng has openly attacked us and killed a senior general of our night marching army. Should we fight back?"

The Night Walker gave an order: "pass on my password: anyone who sees the dragon family in the wild will be killed without amnesty!"

In addition, the Night Walker ordered the night marching army and Tianjue: "keep an eye on me these two days. At the end of the night, tell me immediately if he has any changes!"

"Yes!" the night march and Tianjue took orders.

The night marching army officially declared war on the dragon clan and began to launch an all-round attack!

The night marching army and the king of Qin quietly told Zhang Yi about the actions of the night marching army.

Let the night marching army doubt that the goal of the end of the night and the dawn has been achieved.

The next step is to turn the night into a complete enemy with the night marching army.

It paves the way for him to be driven out of the night march and finally join the dragon family.

In this regard, Zhang Yi has also formulated special countermeasures.