"You actually grabbed the boss's explosive!"

The original girl looked at the 9-star blood soaked Unicorn bow in front of her and was pleasantly surprised: "is it for me?"

"Well, yours."

"Nine Star weapon..."

Holding up the Kirin bow, the original girl was full of joy.

She never dreamed that she was holding a 9-star weapon in her hand in this era when there were not many 6-star equipment for the whole people!

And before identification, the attack power of this bow has reached 11700 points!

After identification, it should reach 13000.

This attack power is almost blown up!

Zhang Yi looked at his backpack and began to count the rest of the booty.

I found that everything I grabbed was invaluable:

[fireball skill] (skill book):

Quality: Gold

Description: unleashes fireballs on a single target, causing 275% magic damage when hit. Cool down time: 5 seconds, consume 750 energy points (according to your level 85)

Skill specialization (unique to golden skill): serious injury (increases the owner's damage by 25%)

Professional limit: magician and Beast Master (the damage coefficient of Beast Master is reduced to 255%)


[God · skill upgrade] (God · God level magic scroll):

Description: after use, you can upgrade any skill quality to gold, and randomly upgrade two skills with quality lower than red to red, and permanently add 10 skill slots to the user.

I have to say that God scroll can't be compared with ordinary magic scroll!

One is a grandfather and the other is a grandson.

If this is replaced by an ordinary divine skill upgrade scroll, it will only raise a skill to gold.

Of course, this may be a little floating.

After all, at this stage, many players don't even have purple skills.

Among ordinary players, whoever can have an orange skill is a big man.

Not to mention red and gold.

In addition, there is a 9-star God treasure chest and a bath fire armor [judgment of fire].

These two things are the essence of dark Fire Kirin:

[judgment of fire] (armor):

Quality: 9-star artifact

Grade: 90

HP: + 72000

Additional attributes: physical strength + 270, physical strength + 270, endurance + 270, endurance + 270

Durability: 80 / 80

Ability: rebirth from fire (passive. The equiper has a 20% probability of being in the original 50% state when he dies, and cools down for three days.)

Artifact talent: Defence + 55%

Class limit: Knight

Description: it is smelted in endless fire. This is the ancient god armor. The equipment will obtain the supreme god of fire power

Not identified

See the data of armor [judgment of fire].

The four people present were stunned and couldn't even speak.

After five seconds of silence.

The original girl couldn't help sighing: "it's too... Strong! The blood added, the tablet life before identification, is more than my total life now! And the artifact talent adds half of my defense... My God!"

Following the original girl, Han yarou also had a small face full of shock: "it can be resurrected from death! This equipment is really powerful!"

Indeed, even riding on a horse can't help being shocked.

This semi artifact armor is full of temptation for him as a knight.

At this time, Zhang Yi suddenly pushed the fire trial to Yiqijuechen without hesitation.

By the way, he gave him back the arsonist helmet that he had hung up before he rode to the dust.

Yiqijuechen was stunned for a moment. It seems that he can't believe that the friendship between him and Zhang Yi is worth Zhang Yi to give him a priceless 9-star semi artifact armor at this stage!

"Boss war, your contribution is not small, and you deserve it."

"But you grabbed it." Yiqijuechen looked at Zhang Yi and said, "moreover, your blood horse can also be used."

"It's Warcraft after all. It's too wasteful for such good equipment to work on a robot without consciousness and operation."

"Only in the hands of strong people with first-class awareness and operation can this equipment give full play to its maximum value."

After listening, Yiqijuechen said, "are you praising me..."

Zhang Yi smiled and didn't say anything sensational. He directly handed the armor to Yiqijuechen: "you can only wear it at level 90. Your level is too low. You have to practice hard."

Yiqijuechen took over the fire trial. Although he didn't say much, he understood everything from the bottom of his heart.

Not just for Zhang Yi.

He will remember what others did to him.

As for the distribution of booty, although Zhang Yi risked his life to grab everything, he still distributed it fairly according to the principle of selflessness:

The Kirin bow is original.

The fiery trial is a unique ride.

Zhang Yi accepted the golden fireball and God skill scroll.

Because mages eat by skills.

The skill scroll, which can be used to upgrade and strengthen skills, is obviously not as effective as Zhang Yi, a beast master.

The 9-star treasure chest was given to Han yarou.

Because Zhang Yi understands that this is a team, a whole, not his own game.

After distributing the booty, the original girl holding the Kirin bow said impatiently, "let's go to the identification office and identify the equipment!"

The equipment exploded by the boss belongs to the unidentified state.

So, Yiqijuechen and Yuanwei went to the identification office together.

Zhang Yi and Han yarou came to the blacksmith shop in the east of the city.

Because [entrusted by the God of fire] is already in the completed state, Zhang Yi only needs to go to find the blacksmith shop owner [Mogu] and submit the task.

The difficulty coefficient is close to 28000, and the ultimate goal is a hidden task of a 10 star God boss.

What benefits this task can bring to Zhang Yi is worth looking forward to.

So, after arriving at the blacksmith's shop, Zhang Yi immediately found Mo Gu and triggered the dialogue.

"Warrior, I thought you died in the battle!"

Before Zhang Yi could speak, Mo Gu exclaimed, "the battle just now was really fierce! Unexpectedly, huoqilin was so powerful that it almost destroyed our phantom city!"

"But fortunately, we killed it after all."

With that, Zhang Yi took out the fire from his bag and gave it to Mo Gu.

Looking at the fire in his hand, Mogu marveled again:

"You really got the fire!"

"Warrior, you have made great contributions to the phantom city. Next, please accept your due reward!"

With the sound of Mo Gu dialect just falling.

A pleasant system prompt sounded from Zhang Yi's ear——

"Ding ~ congratulations on completing the task [entrusted by the God of fire], obtaining the reward experience value of X120 million, gold coins of x20000, demon reputation of x14400! [arsonist suit] (level 90 8-star Beast Master seven piece set) X1! Obtaining the title of [Fire Fighting hero]!"