Seeing that it was an ice city bully, people from the divine king family broke in.

They thought that the other party was the unparalleled fire method and unparalleled blood blade who came to make trouble. They immediately drew their swords and faced the God King.

"Who let you in?"

Under an angry drink.

Peerless danced lightly and said, "don't get excited, I'm alone."

"My own man? Captain, you mean he, the God King comes?"

At the table, several unparalleled people were surprised one after another.

At this time, the God King came and swaggered to Wushuang dance, sat down, grabbed a chicken leg on the table and ate it.

Finished the chicken leg.

When the God King came, he was satisfied and said, "brother Luan Wu, are you sure to win that guy tonight? He has strong strength."

"As long as you don't lie to me, it's no problem," Wushuang said.

After hearing this, the God King came and patted his chest and promised, "can I lie to you? Just like the message I sent you before."

"Today, that guy almost killed the whole army of my divine king family. I knew it. He was the man who killed you yesterday!"

After a pause, the God King came and said, "he threatened us and lured us with a 6-star magic treasure chest. He said that we would help him fight against you. Whoever can kill you, he will give that treasure chest to whoever!"

"Tut Tut, 6-star magic treasure chest." what's the matter with unparalleled random dance? His eyes glowed with gold: "this guy must have got some divine opportunity to have such extraordinary strength, and then he got this magic treasure chest."

With that, Wushuang danced and asked the God King to come: "then?"

"Not only our divine king family, but also more than a dozen other forces, like us, were subdued by force."

The God King came and revealed everything he knew: "he asked us to find a way to lure you to the map of [greedy nest], and then asked us to cooperate with him to deal with you!"

"Good guy, I've found more than a dozen to deal with us, which is unparalleled in the world?"

Unparalleled danced with a cold hum: "it seems that this guy is going to eat tonight. I'm unparalleled in the world!"

At this time, the God King came and then said, "I created a group and raised all the team leaders threatened by him except that guy. After some negotiation, we have now reached a consensus!"

"We'll put on a play with him tonight, pretending to lure you into the past, and then we work together to kill that self righteous guy!"

Wushuang danced and nodded: "you really didn't disappoint me. In this case, you didn't choose to betray me."

The God King came and smiled: "of course I won't betray my good brother for a treasure chest!"

Also at this time, they suddenly realized the unparalleled fire method and unparalleled blood blade.

It turned out that the people of the divine king family have known each other secretly for a long time!

"Don't show up."

Unparalleled disorderly danced and said, "that loser also has a team building order that exploded last time he killed me. I must make him pay for his blood tonight!"

"He thinks that with the help of thousands of people from more than a dozen of your teams tonight and his own strength, he can fight against me. Unexpectedly, he is still fighting alone tonight. On the contrary, what he has done before has added so many enemies to himself. It's stupid!"

The fundus of unparalleled disorderly dancing is full of arrogance.

"When we kill him and explode the team building order and the magic treasure box, we are unparalleled in the world. We are ready to take off directly! At that time, we will have the benefits of your Shenwang family!"

The God King came down and smiled, "thank you brother Luan Wu for your appreciation!"

"You go and prepare. We'll take action immediately. The whole army will attack tonight. Even if he has the help of [Yueli], he won't be our opponent!"

Hearing what the matchless dance said, the God King came and answered, "OK!"

After drinking and eating.

When the God King came, he first informed the other 11 leaders to be ready in another group without Zhang Yi.

Then, in the [unparalleled strategy group], Aite the next Zhang Yi:

"Boss, I've found Wushuang dancing according to your instructions, and then sold him the news that I accidentally found you practicing in [greedy nest]. He's ready to take someone to kill you. Can we also start action?"

"Well, yes."

Zhang Yi, who was diving, immediately floated out. In the group, all the members of Aite sent a message: "gather all your strength. Don't take the main road and go to the greedy nest from the auxiliary road. Don't be found by the unparalleled people in the world. I'm waiting for you in the greedy nest."

See the news.

The God King came and asked, "have you passed?"

"By the way, I've been practicing here for half an hour [greedy nest] (location)"

good heavens!

There was a burst of joy when the God King came.

I was worried that Zhang Yi would be a little late and catch up with the unparalleled people in the world. In that case, if he found out that it was a conspiracy and didn't go to the nest of greed, he couldn't carry out the plan against him tonight.

Now it seems that he has reached the nest of greed.

Next, as long as the God King comes, they will join hands with the unparalleled people in the world and go straight to the nest of greed, and they can take Zhang Yi!

At that time, he can't escape!

Therefore, after the chat was closed, the divine king came and quickly gathered 100 players of the divine king family, and then met with [Warring States period], [troubled times] and other 11 team players at the north gate of the polar ice city.

Accumulate a thousand people, directly brazenly collude with an unparalleled thousand people group in the world, and then rush to the nest of greed together.

In the view of unparalleled random dance, although the other party is strong, there is only one person. It is not necessary to launch more than 3000 people of the unparalleled army in the world.

The reason why he also brought 1000 people is to prevent the other party from getting [monthly leave] assistance.

Otherwise, Wushuang dances without anyone. With the divine king family, they can easily win Zhang Yi.

Such a large group of players leave the city at the same time, which naturally attracts the attention of many passers-by players inside and outside the city.

The discussion followed.

"Unparalleled in the world? What are so many people doing?"

"And the divine king family, people in troubled times, didn't they hear that they were killed by the mysterious beast master player today? There are also unparalleled people in the world who seem to have a grudge against the Beast Master. Will they go for revenge in a group!"

"Who knows, it has nothing to do with us. You'd better mind your own business."

While passers-by players are talking.

Just mixed in the crowd, an archer girl in a green leather suit, yueya'er, said to another priest sister Yuesheng: "sister Sheng, it seems that these people all have revenge on the animal master who saved us before. They won't really be like what they said. They are unparalleled in the world. Are they looking for the little brother of the animal master for revenge?"

Yuesheng frowned slightly, hesitated, told yueya'er, "gather the brothers and sisters in the team and get ready to leave the city!"