After Ling Wei arrived, Dai Quan followed her old friend Wang guogang with great excitement. He wanted to brush his sense of existence in front of Ling Wei after Ling Wei appeared.

This is not, Wang guogang just and Ling Wei say two words, Dai Quan has repeatedly to Ling Wei in front of three times.

It's not that Wang guogang didn't notice that he kept trying to get in front of Ling Wei. It's just that Ling Wei and Tang Ziqian came together today. He had to keep a little style, so it's not good to quarrel with Dai Quan in front of Ling Wei and Tang Ziqian. He just gave Dai Quan a symbolic glare.

After receiving Wang guogang's warning eyes, Dai Quan's heart was full of a fierce smile. Hum, you old Wang, now that Ling Wei's people are here, don't you let me contact her? Do you want me to finish the task or not? Do you want me to retire or not?

"Well, if you have time in the future, you'll come for a walk." Ling Wei smiles and her eyes seem to sweep all the people in the villa hall, including Dai Quan who is standing beside Wang guogang. When she sees Dai Quan, her eyes twinkle.

Maybe she spent more time with wolf king, maybe she spent more time with elder brother Ling Feng. When Ling Wei's eyes fell on Dai Quan, she was shocked.

It's another old man who likes to wear Tang clothes as much as Wang guogang, the protector of the state. Like Wang, the old man is also gray, but under the gray, he is a face full of energy.

These four words are not enough to describe Dai Quan, just because Dai Quan's whole body exudes a kind of inexplicable dignity and solemnity. Even though he is comical in front of Ling Wei at this time, Ling Wei is acutely aware of Dai Quan's other blood breath.

Almost in a few seconds, she determined that the old man in front of her must be a soldier.

"Who is this? Is Mr. Wang going to introduce me? " How clever is Ling Wei? After realizing her narrow identity, Dai Quan took the initiative to look at her.

Wang guogang heard Ling Wei ask, his heart is also a song.

He really wants Ling Wei to ask for Dai Quan's identity in person. Otherwise, today he would have purposefully invited Ling Wei to come. Now if he had purposefully introduced Dai Quan to Ling Wei, he would not know how to explain all this to Ling Wei.

Now Ling Wei takes the initiative to ask about Dai Quan's identity, which really makes him feel relieved.

"This is my old comrade in arms and bad friend, Dai Quan." Wang guogang did not tell Dai Quan the identity of the leader of the beast organization. After introducing Dai Quan to Ling Wei, Wang guogang turned to Dai Quan and introduced Ling Wei's identity to him: "this is my life-saving benefactor and also my unforgettable friend. Ling Wei

Dai Quan and Ling Wei shake hands with each other, look at each other and smile.

Dai Quan and Ling Wei, who got to know each other through Wang guogang's introduction, soon got to know each other. They were led by Wang guogang to sit in the sofa area on one side of the hall, and Dai Quan soon took the opportunity to enter the theme.

Rubbing his hands, Dai Quan's face once again emerged a flattering smile, his eyes looked at the opposite Ling Wei, but in the heart could not help nodding. It's no wonder that the ultimate leader of Huaxia will call Ling Wei personally. This woman is so beautiful that even her strength is amazing.

Dai Quan takes a deep breath and introduces herself to Ling Wei.

"Ling Wei, I've heard a lot about you and me. I think it's necessary to introduce myself to you again. I'm Dai Quan, the leader of the Chinese beast organization. " When he reached out his hand again, Dai Quan's flattery and smile suddenly disappeared, and his eyebrows also revealed a faint sense of righteousness.

When he solemnly introduces his identity to Ling Wei, from that moment on, his whole soul can't help but turn up, with the sharp and sharp edge accompanying him for many years.

The leader of Huaxia beast organization?

These words successfully attracted all the attention of Ling Wei.

Her smiling face remained unchanged, but her eyes were a little calm. When she heard these key words, Ling Wei was not surprised.

Yesterday, I received a call from Wang guogang saying that she wanted to come here for a talk. She knew that Wang guogang might have something to look for her.

Today's meeting with Dai Quan just explained everything.

"Mr. Dai, you and Mr. Wang should be true brothers, right?" Ling Wei can't help but ask softly.

If it wasn't for her brother, Wang guogang would not have asked her out so quietly. You should know that Wang guogang's mouth is tight. From the beginning to now, he has never disclosed Dai Quan. It can be imagined that although Wang guogang didn't say that, today's meeting must be for Dai Quan's sake.

See Ling Wei this face does not change appearance, Dai Quan heart bottom is also flash a surprised.

He didn't expect Ling Wei to be so calm. He couldn't help but move his eyes to Tang Ziqian beside Ling Wei.

Tang Ziqian as like as two peas utter not a single word, but a strong black horse, and even a black suit that is exactly the same as other men, can not conceal his noble breath, and his elegance and pride are spit out. He sits quietly beside Ling Wei, though he is silent, but Dai Quan has a clear feeling that he is not. Cut off the pressure.These two young people, all give him a kind of unfathomable feeling.

To tell you the truth, Dai Quan has never looked at anyone wrong for so many years, but now he can't see through them!

"Yes, Lao Wang is the most important brother in Dai Quan's life." Dai Quan nodded, acknowledged Ling Wei's words, and then said, "Ling Wei, you are Lao Wang's life-saving benefactor. To me, you are my life-saving benefactor. I've been aboveboard all my life, so now I think I should tell you something. "

Dai Quan's face is full of magnanimous. He looks at Ling Wei with doubts on her face and scolds her for being a black fox. He doesn't believe that Ling Wei doesn't know his purpose when she hears that she is the leader of China beast organization!

But when I came to my mouth, the words became like this: "today I asked Lao Wang to introduce me. I want to see you because we Huaxia have an important task for you to complete. The ultimate leader of Huaxia upper class issued this order to me, let me find you as soon as possible, and ask you to come forward.... "

Ling Wei smiles in her heart, but she still keeps a slightly confused look on her face. She twists her eyebrows: "elder Dai, in fact, I'm quite confused. Please help me out. The ultimate leader of the upper class of Huaxia ordered you to come to me? "