Since Yue Jinsong did not want to admit in public that the medical alliance did support the hospital of the first military region, he tried to make these five people learn to shut up.

If the existence of Yue Jinsong and the other four people doesn't help him to snatch the credit, the best solution is to let them all lose the chance to speak.

Before Yue Jinsong and his family returned to the Beijing Medical Alliance, Li Kaiyuan immediately hosted a dinner for their children. They had dinner together last night and celebrated their father's success.

After the dinner, Li Kaiyuan also generously signed up for a tour group for the five of them, and took the lead in paying a series of fees, which made the five children go to the tourist destination with great confidence.

Li Kaiyuan was very satisfied with what he saw now. Yue Jinsong and the other four people's faces changed greatly, which made his heart feel a little dark. These people, whether they are in Chengdu or Beijing, love to sing against him.

Now that their children are in their own hands, Li Kaiyuan feels that things are becoming more and more interesting.

"I'm sorry, Lao Yue. After dinner with me, the children of several of you went to travel abroad. This time, all the expenses of their travel were funded by the medical alliance. As a reward, you arrived in Rongcheng in time to support the hospital of the first military region this time."

There was silence in the conference room, but Li Kaiyuan knew that several people present were not as quiet as the silence in the conference room at the moment.

Maybe like him, everyone already has different ideas in their hearts.

But so what?

He knows these stubborn old men too well. In front of his family, even if these old men can't really speak for him in public, at least they won't talk about the truth in front of the media.

And that's what Li Kaiyuan wanted. This is also his ultimate goal!

"Li Kaiyuan, I didn't expect that you still have the habit of abducting and trafficking? Where have you got my child? " When they heard Li Kaiyuan's bold words, they all felt a click in their hearts, and immediately realized that things had changed.

Li Kaiyuan is clearly telling them that the children have already gone out for a trip on purpose. In the process of telling them just now, Li Kaiyuan made it clear that all the expenses this time come from the medical alliance. Is he a bully, giving the "reward" to everyone first?

But Yue Jinsong and the other four members didn't want his so-called "reward" at all!

Because they all know that once everyone accepts and admits this reward, then the next five of them will not be able to raise their heads in front of Ling Wei. Even in the medical alliance, they will become sheep to be slaughtered by Li Kaiyuan.

"You don't have to worry. I, Li Kaiyuan, am also the leader of the medical alliance. Now my life is getting better and better. Even if I can't think about it any more, I won't commit kidnapping, trafficking, killing and arson. I cherish my life very much!"

Li Kaiyuan clearly aware of the five people present that gradually become worried about the mood, the heart of a smile, see, these stubborn old man still want to fight with him?

It is a great thing that the h5n6 virus in Rongcheng City is removed this time. If the medical alliance can win the credit, we can imagine how important the medical alliance will be in China in the future.

Yue Jinsong, these old men, are really unintelligent and stubborn. They dare not accept such a good thing. What's the taste of their life?

Thinking of this, Li Kaiyuan spoke again, but this time, his tone changed slowly: "your children are all adults! They are all young people with their own thoughts and opinions. No matter how powerful I am, I can't make them easily abducted by me, can I? "

What he meant was that Yue Jinsong and the other four old men turned red.

Because several of them have lived and worked in the Medical Alliance for a long time, they have not fulfilled their father's responsibility for many years, which also led to Yue Jinsong's indescribable guilt for their children.

Over the years, after the children have come of age, they try their best to make up for the lack of their father's responsibility. Therefore, they are not very strict with the education of these children, which leads to the difference between their children and the children of other perfect families.

Yue Jinsong knows his son best. His son is very introverted and honest, but Li Kaiyuan is so cunning that he can easily persuade his son in a few words.

Yue Jinsong had this kind of consciousness, which naturally occurred to the other four old men.

For a moment, the whole conference room once again fell into calm, but different from the previous calm, although no one spoke very quietly in the conference room this time, there was gradually a restless atmosphere in the air.Yue Jinsong and the other four didn't take Li Kaiyuan's words, but the five of them fell into deep meditation at the same time. They were worried about their son, who was traveling far away. At the same time, they clearly realized that Li Kaiyuan's words were a showdown.

Although Li Kaiyuan is under house arrest to monitor the children of Yue Jinsong and other five people, he is not really directly committing a crime.

Because he secretly sent several people to follow the children on the ground of inviting them to travel abroad. The person li Kaiyuan sent to monitor the children of Yue Jinsong's five people is not others, but also the children of several members of the medical alliance.

If young people go out to play together, they can get together more easily. In this way, the children of Yue Jinsong and other five will not be aware that they are being watched. This is what Li Kaiyuan expected early in the morning.

This time, he won the credit for the cracking of h5n6 virus.

How can the hospital of the first military region of Rongcheng be developed? Why do you have the ability to crack h5n6 virus? Even if the first military region hospital in Rongcheng is an advanced and well-known hospital in China, no matter how powerful they are, they can't be able to directly crack the h5n6 epidemic infectious virus.

Moreover, the hospital of the first military region in Rongcheng City must not be so powerful!

If any hospital can be so powerful, what else does Huaxia need to do with the existence of their medical alliance? The medical alliance, as the name suggests, is the best alliance in the whole Chinese medical field. It has the most elite medical forces in China.