Although Wang Lixin has just been transferred to Chengdu City for a short time, Wang Ba has refused to suffer such a dumb loss because of his father's status since he was a child.

He still remembers that when he was in primary school, his father was the director of the local police station in the town. When he grew up and went to junior high school, his father had become the director of the Public Security Bureau in the county. Now his father has directly upgraded from the director of the public security Bureau in the county to the director of the general public security bureau in Rongcheng City.

From the day of primary school, Wang Ba has never been bullied by anyone. It's not because of how kind he is, nor how powerful he is. It's because he has a father who is the director of the Institute. Because of Wang Lixin's love and connivance, Wang Ba has never been defeated since he grew up.

Now that his father has become the director of the General Administration of Rongcheng City, he can't even manage an auspicious hall. If this is said, isn't it a slap in the face?

Thinking of this, he immediately told Zuo Chongliang what happened at the gate of the auspicious hall.

The reason why he called Zuo Chongliang was that Wang BA was also in the General Administration of the Ministry of public security on the day when Wang Lixin just took office. However, he became one with Zuo Chongliang, who was the group leader.

Zuo Chongliang is a ghost. When Qi Yanbo, the last director of the Public Security Bureau, was in office, he failed to climb up because he had no chance. But this time, Wang Lixin just took office and brought his son here. The meaning of this can only be described as meaning but not words.

"What? Do you think that man dares to attack you? And I'm pinching your neck? " Hearing Wang BA's spitting explanation, Zuo Chongliang sneered in his heart, but he didn't dare to show the slightest. Instead, he looked at Wang BA's neck seriously.

When he saw that there was a little red mark on Wang BA's neck, Zuo Chongliang's eyes widened: "Damn it! How obvious are the marks on your neck? Wang Ba! You tell your friends what happened to you when you were in the auspicious hall before! Tell the truth. "

With Wang BA's attitude and tone, Zuo Chongliang entered a state of acting almost in an instant. It seems that Wang Ba is really a good friend in front of him. It seems that the scar on Wang BA's neck is really serious.

"I gave them two thousand yuan, and they didn't want to do it. They even wanted to hit me. I didn't expect that the citizens of Rongcheng would be so arrogant. If the public security of Rongcheng was so unstable, wouldn't the citizens of Rongcheng want to live in dire straits?"

Wang Ba looked at Zuo Chongliang staring at his neck. His face was serious. He really had some neck pain.

He reached out and touched the place where Dugu Zhen had just strangled him. He could not help but press it with his finger!

This press makes a problem.


After taking a breath of cold air, Wang Ba did not believe in evil. He pressed his finger abdomen again to the place where the pain was slightly felt on his neck. This time, he found that the place where he had just been strangled by someone would be a piece of sour pain.

Dugu Zhen is a man who cultivates the truth. Even if his hand is slight, it can be regarded as serious for ordinary people like Wang ba.

It's just that Wang Ba didn't realize it at all.

If he had not walked fast just now, he would not be so safe now.

"Lying trough, my neck is so painful, brother Zuo, you must avenge me!" When he found that his neck was really strangled by the man, Wang Ba jumped directly.

Seeing Wang BA's frightened appearance, Zuo Chongliang has just received two thousand yuan from others and is still hot in his pocket. Naturally, it's impossible to tell the truth in his heart face to face. So Zuo Chongliang followed Wang BA's attitude and exclaimed: "don't worry, Wang Shao. It's wrapped in me."

After Ding, the elevator reaches the fourth floor of shiweitian restaurant.

"Brother Zuo, look, the one opposite is the auspicious hall." As soon as Wang Ba got out of the elevator, he put his eyes on the auspicious hall. When he saw that the door of the auspicious hall was still closed, his eyes crossed a sinister path, but he was happy.

Good. It seems that those people didn't leave just now.

That's good, so he can settle with those people!

Zuo Chongliang looked at the position pointed by Wang BA's little fat. Sure enough, he saw the three characters of auspicious hall at a glance.

He raised his hand and patted Wang Ba on the shoulder. A slightly arrogant smile appeared at the corner of Zuo Chongliang's mouth: "when they come up, I'll rush in with you to help you find the place. Wang Shao, I've helped you privately this time. At that time, in front of director Wang, you should say a few good words for me. "

Zuo Chongliang really doesn't want to stay in the position of group leader any more.

It has been five years since he entered the police station. Unfortunately, he is still just a group leader. The group leader, to put it bluntly, is called the group leader. But in fact, he has no right to drive the group leader!

As the saying goes, a soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier. If he can't find a chance in other places, Zuo Chongliang also starts to have a bad idea.Wang Ba is obviously a good target.

"Hey, brother Zuo, if you tell me this, you'll find the right person. I'm not sure about anything else, but it's absolutely no problem to give you a few nice words in front of my father. You know, I'm my father's favorite from childhood!"

The reason why Wang Ba secretly called Zuo Chongliang because of an auspicious hall was that he knew that no matter what he did, his father would carry it for him. In that case, what's more, it's just an auspicious hall?

Two thousand! Two thousand yuan for their auspicious hall, that group of Hicks didn't give themselves any face, but also for their own hands, it's just death!

Staring at the auspicious hall with a sneer, Wang Ba directly defined all the people in the box as bumpkins.

In the short time they were talking to each other, the other nine people who came up from downstairs were also present.

"Come on, brothers, all follow me. Follow my instructions later." When Zuo Chongliang saw that everyone had arrived on the fourth floor, he raised his hand and snapped his fingers, then walked with Wang Ba towards the auspicious hall.

Zuo Chongliang's usual job as a group leader is to organize everyone's action occasionally. At this moment, the nine people who followed him didn't think much about it, instead, they followed him.

In the auspicious hall, Ling Wei just pressed the service key to call the waiter. At the end of the meal, everyone in the auspicious hall stood up, perhaps just full, and their faces looked very satisfied.

It's really a famous Chinese restaurant that has risen in just one month.