I believe that as long as the Chinese people have some status, they all know the existence of the Tang family, but they ignore one point.

Since there are Tang families in China, how can we avoid other kinds of families?

This is a taboo.

This is also a secret.

One belongs to Huaxia, and the other belongs to the top secret.

Rather than risk offending Tang Yuanshan, the wolf king has to ask Tang Yuanshan for a guarantee.

The Tang family is not one of the four big families in China, let alone other people from all walks of life. Since a long time ago, the surname of the Tang family has only belonged to the secluded family in China.

Wolf king is also very clear, if Tang really want to do something to Ling Wei, it is absolutely safe.

"How much benefit did this girl give you, so that people like you would not hesitate to plead for her?"

Sitting on one side, Tang Yuanshan hears wolf king's words similar to courtship, and slowly turns to look at him. In his eyes, which seem turbid but are actually sharp, there are some imperceptible colors in them.

It seems that this young girl named Ling Wei is not only fascinated by her grandson, but also other people in the outside world are involuntarily conquered by her personality charm? But is it really the result of her charisma?

Think of here, Tang Yuanshan to Ling Wei curiosity also deepened a few minutes.

"To tell you the truth, she didn't give me any benefits, because to me, this girl is equivalent to being kind to me. The last time I was in Aba County, if she didn't show up, now Mr. Tang, you don't want to see me alive again. "

Death? At that time, he really could not die, but the body invaded by the cold poison had already become rigid, unable to move, and could only lie in bed all day long without a trace of consciousness. What's the difference between death and death?

When wolf king said this, his face was a bit reminiscent. To tell the truth, he is still glad that he met the girl with excellent medical skills, because Ling Wei's hand not only woke him up, but also promised to pay attention to his body in the future.

"Well! I think you are all fascinated by this young girl, aren't you Tang Yuanshan was shocked by what he said. Although the identity of the wolf king was inferior to that of him, Tang Yuanshan knew exactly what the role of the wolf king was in China.

When the wolf king was young, he had a friendship with Tang Yuanshan. Tang Yuanshan knew what kind of person the wolf king was. Now, it is the wolf king himself who once again expresses his gratitude to Ling Wei in front of him. It can be seen that Ling Wei really exists as a benefactor to him.

"Ha ha! Mr. Tang is really joking. If I, wolf king, could be charmed by others, I would not be single all my life. Well, I'll make an appointment with Ling Wei for you. She will come here a little later. Mr. Tang just needs to have a rest here and wait for her arrival. "

Not to say much, since the wolf king has asked Tang Yuanshan, even if Tang Yuanshan has not given him any reply, the wolf king knows that the meeting between Tang and Ling Wei today will never embarrass her.

With Tang Yuanshan finished the last sentence, the wolf king left here for the first time because he still had a task in his hand.

Looking at the back of the wolf king, Tang Yuanshan slowly narrowed his eyes and recited the word Ling Wei again. He really wanted to see what kind of magic the girl had. He not only captured his young grandson, but also convinced the wolf king, who had a certain position in all walks of life.

Chengdu Chinese Medicine Association building.

Today, the Provincial TCM exchange conference will be over.

Although Ling Wei only came to this conference for the first time, her uncanny acupuncture skill is deeply imprinted in everyone's mind.

It is also because of this TCM exchange conference that TCM practitioners from various cities in Southwest China know Ling Wei as the number one person and that there are still such dazzling but extremely accurate acupuncture techniques in the world.

Huang Qingming's mood in the past two days is very strong. Needless to say, although Ling Wei has joined the southwest Chinese Medicine Association at the invitation of Che Jindou and become vice president at one stroke, in Huang Qingming's opinion, it doesn't matter which Chinese Medicine Association Ling Wei joins, because she is in Chengdu City, so her everything is naturally linked to the Chengdu Chinese Medicine Association.

In the next two days of TCM exchange conference, not only did not see Ling Wei, but also Xue Changdong and Fang Wenshan. It can be imagined that from the scenes of the first day of TCM exchange conference, now they are standing in the United Front.

Ke Jinbao was sitting in the huge conference room of TCM exchange conference. A pair of eyes with some secret thoughts swept over the audience, and a smile appeared on his face. He stood up from his position and announced directly to the audience: "this year's TCM exchange conference in southwest province will be finished perfectly today, but before that, I have one thing to inform you It's about the chain drugstore of kejintang. "Ke Jinbao's voice rang and attracted everyone's attention. Everyone looked in the same direction, and their eyes were a little surprised. It seemed that they were very surprised at Ke Jinbao's action now.

You know, on the first day of the TCM exchange conference, Ke Jinbao's grandson, Ke Shu, slapped himself in the face of everyone.

Since then, although Ke Jinbao will bring Ke Shu to the TCM exchange conference, he always keeps silent. It is because of his attitude that we temporarily forget about the disgrace of Ke Shu that day.

Now Ke Jinbao even took the initiative to stand up and announced to many old Chinese medicine practitioners present?

How can we not be surprised?

After Ke Jinbao finished his sentence, he noticed that everyone was looking at him with some satisfaction. It seems that Ke Jinbao's speech at this TCM exchange conference is still useful.

I don't know that people are not paying attention to him because he speaks. The reason why they turn their attention to him is that they are too curious and curious about his courage. At this time, they can stand up and talk about his Ke family like a person who has nothing to do.