Other things Ling Wei can't guarantee that she can do well, but as a salesman, she believes that the girl is absolutely capable.

And this young girl didn't find a suitable job because of her low education. Now she opens her eyes incredulously when she hears Ling Wei's words. Her eyes, which have just cried, are still wet.

Very innocent.

"Can I really?" Pointing to herself, she asked with some uncertainty.

Nodding, Ling Wei replied without hesitation: "of course, everything in the world needs us to try. How can we know if we can't do it without trying?" In fact, when the girl pretended to be herself just now, her eloquence was very smooth, which can be regarded as more eloquent.

In the future, as long as there is a chance to let the girl go to the training, I believe she will soon be able to improve her eloquence. At that time, Ling Wei will look at the situation according to her performance. If her business performance is high, it might be possible to promote her position.

"But they..."

Ling Wei's words directly moved her, but where should the children in the rental house go?

Aware of her worries, Ling Wei also has some helplessness: "if you pretended to be Ling Wei just to settle them, now, let me do the work of settling them, and you, from today on, stay with me for the time being."

She doesn't know where she came from, so it's the safest thing for her to do now.

Of course, Ling Wei doesn't rule out that she was deliberately arranged to approach herself.

After all, now she has so many enemies that she doesn't know how many people are queuing up.

"Thank you, really thank you. From today on, I will be a good man, and I will never pretend to be anyone and cheat money outside." Excited in situ walking around the girl's face finally emerged a real smile, but when looking at Ling Wei, her eyes will still show a bit of curiosity from time to time.

Because she really wanted to know who the girl was about her age.

Ling Wei still has to give Tang Ziqian the job of settling down these children. After all, Beijing is his headquarters. It's just a few children. It shouldn't be a big deal for him to send them to a welfare home?

Cunning in the bottom of my heart to plan everything, Ling Wei this just asked the girl's name.

"By the way, what's your name?"

"My name is Qiu Xueqing..."

This sensitive surname of Qiu made Tang Ziqian's narrow eyes narrow slightly

"From today on, you can stay with me. I'll arrange for you to come when the shopping malls like Beijing have already started."

Ling Wei, who has already made a decision, makes Tang Ziqian feel that there is something wrong. As for what is wrong, of course, it is because the girl's surname is Qiu.

He didn't forget that Tang Qing also bought the colorless and tasteless medicine in the hands of a Taoist priest surnamed Qiu, just to make his eyes no longer possible to cure. Although the medicine didn't cause him any harm at that time, the name of Qiu Tian, Tang Ziqian, has always been placed in the list of dangerous people.

He had a deep premonition that this man named Qiu Tian, like him, was a man of cultivation


Without saying anything more, Qiu Xueqing's face was obviously excited.

In the end, the whereabouts of these children are still on Tang Ziqian's shoulders. The moment Ling Wei and Qiu Xueqing parted ways with Tang Ziqian, Tang Ziqian's heart was filled with grievances. A good date was upset by Qiu Xueqing's appearance. Who can he blame?

In a bad mood, he called Tang Yun and ordered him to come to pick him up. After that, he dealt with the rental house and directly sent the children to a welfare home in Beijing. They also went directly back to Tang's home.

Meet Ling Wei again, but Su Yang has completed her mission.

However, for this new Qiu Xueqing, Su Yang has always maintained a lukewarm attitude.

Like Tang Ziqian, he was deeply puzzled about the girl's origin and appearance.

However, in front of Qiu Xueqing, he didn't mention it directly. Instead, he bought three return tickets according to Ling Wei's request. The three people set foot on the return plane together in the evening. On the way, they were speechless. At eight o'clock in the evening, they arrived in Rongcheng.

Jun Mingxuan, who already knows a little about Ling Wei, is still in the middle of a plan to deal with her. It's different from Jun's three-day fishing and two-day net drying. After he knows Ling Wei from other people, he has a preliminary prototype to deal with her in his mind.

With a pen on his head, Jun Mingxuan's mind is to come up with all the information about Ling Wei sent by his subordinates.

That pair of bewitching narrow eyes slightly flash, he suddenly took out his mobile phone and called the detective agency that had been in contact with him for a long time.

"Help me investigate a person, Ling Wei. I want all her recent travel records. I hope you won't let me down this time."A phone call, immediately completed the investigation of Ling Wei.

Jun Mingxuan thinks that since Jun Piaoyao reminds him to be very careful with Ling Wei, it can be seen that Ling Wei is really hard to deal with. It's good, at least it won't make his hand lose weight.

It's only when you've got a good match, isn't it?

With this in mind, Jun Mingxuan finally got up from his position, took the car key, stroked his collar, and strode to the elevator. Now, he went to Ling's Chinese herbal medicine hall again. It's a good way to wait for the rabbit.

In short, today, he is bound to see Ling Wei's true face.

Eyes across an undercurrent, Jun Mingxuan in ten minutes after driving away from the company.

Also on his way to Lingshi Chinese herbal medicine hall, a strange phone call came.

When I picked up the phone, I heard that the first sentence of the person on the other end of the phone was: "I heard that your family is also dealing with Ling Wei now. I just want to say that I want to join in because she made my son go to prison, paralyzed my family and made me unable to live at ease any more. Please give me a chance to cooperate."