It is not because of who, but because of the weather and various factors of the boundary.

Today's debris flow will not put her to blame.

It's her choice to come to Sha Village. No one in the world can make a decision for her.

"I'm sorry, Wei Wei. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have encountered this debris flow. Fortunately, you don't have anything to do, otherwise..." Li Buwei didn't say the following words, but his voice was obviously choked with some unimaginable sobs.

Shaking her head, Ling Wei didn't speak any more, while Tang Ziqian quietly held her and waited for the rescue project arranged by the Town Committee.

The rescue process was very smooth, even in less than ten minutes.

It was not until they left the debris flow area that Ling Wei and Tang Ziqian finally landed on their feet that they felt secure.

"Wei Wei, are you ok? Scared, right? I'm sorry, Uncle Li, I'm sorry for you! " Not long after landing on the ground, Li Buwei rushed over and hugged her.

Ling Wei, who is hugged by Li Buwei, shakes her head abruptly, constantly pacifying Li Buwei, who is too excited: "Uncle Li, what do you say? It's just the weather, and you're right. I'm fine, aren't I? Well, Uncle Li, I'm fine. "

Patting Li Buwei's back gently, Ling Wei thinks of her father again for a moment and feels Li Buwei's nervous heartbeat. Ling Wei even has a feeling of returning to her father's arms.

Yes, father's love is like a mountain.

But her father was killed many years ago, and she has never felt any fatherly love since.

I'm afraid that a large part of her friendship with Uncle Li at first sight came from her desire for fatherly love? Her father's death is always a pity for her, even if she never said sad and sad, but when she saw the harmonious scene of other students going out with their parents, she was still sad.

"Fortunately, it's OK. If you have something to do, uncle li really doesn't know what to do."

In order to let go of Ling Wei, Li looks at Ling Wei's face covered with sweat under the flashlight light illuminated by countless people, and his eyes slowly show some kind of elder's heartache, "you are a good child. Ling Wei, it's really lucky for Uncle Li to know you in his life. "

Without Ling Wei, he would have lived in the pain of being played by Jiang Li all his life.

Ling Wei's hand, let him out of the pain, but also redouble efforts for tomorrow.

"I'm lucky to know Uncle Li in my life." Gently holding Li Buwei's hand, Ling Wei said from the bottom of her heart, but when she finished this sentence, her eyes slightly deviated and fell on Tang Ziqian, who was beside her body. Her Phoenix eyes condensed a bit of gentle water. Looking at Tang Ziqian's eyes, it was like saying that meeting him was also her luckiest thing.

I can't see Ling Wei's soft eyes, but Tang Ziqian is acutely aware of the difference in her eyes.

Without opening his mouth, he just quietly grasped her hand with his big palm.

Just as Ling Wei was talking to Tang Ziqian and Li Buwei, the town official of Sha Village came over from behind.

"Not scared? To tell you the truth, the reason why the rescue is so successful today is that different natural disasters often occur in the generation of Shacun. In the early years, these natural disasters also took many lives. Now, with the development of science and technology and the progress of the country, although natural disasters are still happening, there have been many rescue exercises in our town, So today we can save you in a short time. "

The senior official of the town was a little skinny little man, wearing a pair of black frame glasses. He looked a little stiff and dull, but the rescue he launched was opposite to his appearance, quick and steady.

"Thank you, senior official of the town. This sand village is under your jurisdiction. It's a great blessing for sand village." During the debris flow, there was no signal from this generation, and the phone calls between Ling Wei and Tang Ziqian never went out. This is the real reason why Ling Wei was moved by the arrival of this high-ranking official in the town.

It can be seen that this high-ranking official of the town is very concerned about all the conditions in Sha Village. Just by virtue of the weather, he can judge that the situation in Sha Village is not right. How responsible is the high-ranking official of the town?

"You're welcome. Serving the people is what I should do. You are also frightened tonight. You'd better not stay here. Why don't you leave the village with our car? "

Just after Ling Wei's words, the senior official of the town also looked around and looked at all the surrounding environment. When he saw that the car with a hidden roof was submerged in the debris flow, he kindly gave his advice.

"Well, well, thank you, Township Committee. But before I leave, I want to say a few words to Uncle Li."

After saying hello to the senior officials of the town, Ling Wei let go of Tang Ziqian's hand, but talked to Li Buwei. Ling Wei, who listed the situation in Sha Village as a terrible situation, also advised Li Buwei to leave the village with Uncle Li.After all, it would be inconvenient for Mr. Li to wait for others.

Under Ling Wei's persuasion, Li Buwei finally nods to Ling Wei's suggestion after pondering for a few seconds.

So in the following time, Ling Wei, Tang Ziqian and Li Buwei went back to the village again, picked up Uncle Li, and took the nurses who came to take care of him with them. Before leaving the village, Ling Wei described the debris flow at the intersection of the village to all the villagers, reminding everyone to pay attention to safety, A group of people set out for cunzikou together, and then gathered with a group of rescue workers of senior officials of the town.

Half an hour later, all the people got into the big pickup truck brought by the senior officials of the town. After negotiating with the senior officials of the town, all the vehicles started towards the county. This time, the senior officials of this town are giving everyone a free gift.

Fortunately, the town is close to ABA County, only 20 minutes away.