Yes, they play such a role in this office. Who makes this office the largest official office in this government building?

Secretary, senior county official.

This middle-aged man is a well-known secretary in this county, because the county has been getting better and better since he was appointed as secretary. Now, in a short period of three years, a small town in remote areas, which used to be extremely depressed, has been gradually favored and selected by foreign developers.

It is surrounded by endless mountains and rivers. If it is developed, it must be a top-grade tourist area.

"Good. It's none of your business. The main thing is to ask you to send me the key of my Audi. You can drive Volkswagen later. " When the Secretary heard his special driver speak, he sat on the sofa motionless, but his eyes full of pure light gradually became clear, as if he had just seen the driver.

As soon as his words came out, the driver immediately nodded: "yes, secretary, if there's nothing wrong, I'll go first?"

As he spoke, he bent down and showed 90 degrees of respect.

"Go ahead."

Eyelid lazy raised to lift, this middle-aged secretary's face has not changed, the arm lightly raised, to the position of the door, waved his hand, indicating that he got the order to quickly go away.

Seeing the Secretary's action, the special driver just let out a sound, and then left the Secretary's office with a trot.

As soon as the driver left, the chat in the office resumed. If someone could listen in front of the Secretary's office, he would find a problem. Although there were four people in the office, there were only three people talking.

Because the Secretary sitting in the seat is not very open.

It is the so-called saying that if you say too much, you will lose. The person standing in his position has thoroughly understood these four words. How can he become the Secretary of this county without two brushes? So even if the other three people in the office said it vividly, his face was also lack of interest, but his eyes with pure light would show some kind of invisible blue light from time to time.

"Secretary, let's continue what we just talked about?"

Less than three minutes after the driver left, another man sitting on the right side of the Secretary opened his mouth. He was the man who mentioned Ling Wei and his party to senior county officials. Like several people present, he also worked in the government building, but the difference was that his wife was an in-service doctor in the county people's hospital.

Ling Wei and her series of stories and legends are all overheard from his wife. Who said that only women in this world love gossip? Men gossip, more than ten times more terrible than women!

After learning Ling Wei's legendary story and amazing beauty, he can't help chatting about her appearance and free clinic as gossip. He told senior county officials about Ling Wei's deeds and rumors about her, not for the purpose, but for the sake of gossip.

But the others at the scene were different.

There are four people here. Except for the county officials who don't speak much, two of the other three are lusters.

The married middle-aged man is naturally lustful, but the other two colleagues are not as hen pecked as he is. After he heard about Ling Wei, a young and beautiful girl, the other two lusters were ready to move and itch.

Like them, there is the county official who has never spoken but always loves beauty.

In order to create a good image of himself in the outside world, the senior county official never shows his lustful side to other people. Of course, there is only one kind of person, that is women.

In front of a woman, he is an absolute color, but in front of a man, he is an absolute gentleman. Habitually hiding his look in a calm, the Secretary's acting skills can be described by more than two words? After years of ups and downs in the officialdom, he has already developed a face of joy and anger.

At this time, the two secretaries nodded, moved their lips slightly and vomited a sentence: "your gossip is very fresh. I don't know that there is such a young and promising female doctor coming to our county. It seems that I have to take care of her this evening."

With the Secretary's words, the middle-aged man sitting on one side said again: "ah, it's really a legend! It is said that she was only 19 years old, even less than 20 years old, and her medical skills were so superb. My wife saw with her own eyes that she pricked a few needles on a female patient at random, and then the female patient's condition was cured. "

Although the man knew Ling Wei's legendary story, he didn't know who she was saving. Even though his wife was a doctor in the hospital, his wife didn't tell him who the patient was and what the disease was. It can be seen that his wife is also a woman doctor with medical ethics.When the Secretary heard this, he was more and more interested.

Is there such magic medicine in the world?

At this moment, the county official was full of curiosity and Explore desire!

"After she cured the patient, the director of the people's Hospital of the county and other people knew that she was Ling Wei, a famous young doctor in recent years. It was at that time that they realized that Ling Wei, a female doctor, had come to our county to give free free medical treatment to poor children. Ling Wei is not only good at medicine, but also very beautiful. The key is that she is kind-hearted! If anyone can marry her in the future, it will be a blessing from the previous life. "

When the gossip comes to this, the middle-aged man turns his hand and takes a cup of tea to his mouth. After drinking a mouthful of water, he finds that everyone is silent after listening to his gossip. It's also that he is the one who spits, and the other three are the ones who stare.