With the clenching of her lips, her long white fingers gently opened the carton. The next second, the contents of the carton directly constricted her pupils and opened her eyes.

Rao is Ling Wei's new life. When she sees the things in the paper box, she is still frightened.

What is this? This is a hand that has been broken all the time. From the elbow to the tip of the finger, there are even bloody stains on it

It's fake, but it's real.

As she breathed nervously, Ling Wei quickly looked up to the kitchen. When she saw that her mother was still cooking with her back to her, she calmed down a little, but her hand moved faster. She quickly threw the prosthetic hand into the box, holding it in her hand while using her feet, and directly transferred the boxes to the empty room.

After entering the room, she repeatedly made sure that the door was locked. Then she squatted down again and removed the boxes in turn. Ling Wei moved quickly. After the visual stimulation of the prosthetic hand, she did not show any fear when she saw the "things" in other boxes.

Take out the things in each package and put them on the ground. Ling Wei's eyes gradually catch cold. What are these? One elbow, one ankle And a heart.

How could such a wonderful thing be sent directly to her new home? It can be seen that the other party is either familiar with everything about her and knows the address of the house she was awarded.

Unfortunately, this point, in Ling Wei's heart slowly calculated again, and finally thought, unlikely. In this world, besides the city leaders knowing the location of her new home, the next is her mother Tang Tang and herself.

Tang Tang? Hehe, how can it be?

Would that be the city leaders? It's impossible. She believes that no one in the city leaders can't get along with her. However, even if someone really can't get along with her, I believe that people who can become city leaders will never make such naive threats.

So who are the senders of these packages?

For a moment, the sender of the package became a mystery.

Ling Wei squashed all the five packages and found a huge black garbage bag. She threw all these things into the black garbage bag, then rolled them up and left them on one side of the empty room. After a while, she would try to throw away the garbage bag without her mother's notice.

"Vivi, it's dinner."

Ling Wei racked her brains and couldn't figure out who was the person who sent her the package to intimidate her. However, her mother's voice rang from the hall and came into her ears, giving her a sense of inexplicable peace of mind. Fortunately, her mother was OK. It seems that the property management of family happiness is really a set of rules.

Anyone entering or leaving tianrenzhile community must show valid certificates and must be registered, and the most satisfying point is that every person who is about to enter tianrenzhile community must report his or her house address. After having the house address, the person who wants to enter the community will be seen by video with the owner who lives in it Keep in touch.

"Mom, from today on, no matter who comes to you, you don't let go easily, you know? No one will send the express here in the future, because I will never write the shopping address here. So in the future, no matter if someone comes to you or me, you just need to know that no one else knows that this is our address, so no matter who comes to look for it, you don't care, OK? "

For the safety of her mother, Ling Wei has to explain to her mother.

Looking at the serious look on her daughter's face, Zhang Ying suddenly realized her daughter's seriousness: "OK. My mother will do whatever Vivian says. "

Zhang Ying is an honest person. She will never be flexible in anyone's affairs except for a couple of children.

However, she has one advantage, that is, she works so hard for her children. Now that her children have been admitted to university, she still focuses on her children in her leisure time. She may have the idea of compromise on any matter, but there is one thing she will never compromise on -

that is the matter related to her children.

As long as anything concerns her children, she is determined not to compromise easily.

After getting her mother's acceptance, Ling Wei's heart relaxed and her lips lifted a smile. She looked at her mother gently: "let's have dinner. I'm going out tomorrow, and it may take me half a month to come back. That's to say, I'll go to the free clinic activity I told you last time. I hope mom can do what I said in the past half month. I don't want to be distracted by you. "

All these years.

No matter in the last life or in this life, Ling Wei has always been shrouded by her mother's maternal love. In this life, she has finally grown up, and her mother has finally been received by her. She will definitely defend her hard won family love with all her strength.

"Well, I'll listen to what you say."

Zhang Ying glanced at her daughter who was eating with her head down, and directly used words to reassure her.

Ling Wei, who believes that her mother has absolute discretion in these matters, is relieved.After dinner, instead of chatting with Zhang Ying, Ling Wei quickly brings out the garbage bag she rolled up. While her mother is washing the dishes, she takes the lead in throwing the garbage bag at the door, and then quietly returns to the hall.

Then she came to her mother: "Mom, it's getting late, so I'll go back first. I have to go to bed early tonight, and I have to get up and start tomorrow. Mom, please remember what I said. You should pay attention to your health when you are alone at home. "

Ling Wei hugs her mother hard, then turns around and leaves quickly.

Stepping out of the house, she stretched out her hand to wrap the black garbage bag on the ground around her wrist, and then dragged her to the elevator. Her warm breath suddenly dropped at this moment.

When she finally throws the bag of garbage into the garbage can, Ling Wei's slender Phoenix eyes are still full of cold. As she drives away from her family, Ling Wei's face in the driver's seat is still cold. The happiness of a family union, mobile phone,

, Zhong Bingrong's first time, Kwai Wei took out a cell phone and gave a long phone call to the long lost Zhong Bingrong. The grandfather clock quickly picked up the phone. Soon, the voice in her cell phone came with a loud laugh.