But Ling Wei knows that Tang Ziqian can't be blamed for this.

After all, no one would have thought that Zhao Jian would enter the exercise base of the control zone by mistake, and even less would he have never changed the location after he entered this generation.

As long as Zhao Jian is hiding in this generation, unless he is a person in the control area, no matter how many police officers are deployed, someone may come to this position, because this generation belongs to the safe area under the control area. Who dares to intrude?

Of course, the lucky thing is that Yuan Xin's request made Shangyi pay attention to it early. In fact, even if Yuan Xin didn't ask him, he would come to deal with this matter when he received a report from the monitoring department in the control area that someone broke into the military exercise base.

The signs shown in the video clearly show the relationship between Zhao Jian and the lady who is covered with hemp rope.


After shaking her head, Ling Wei turns to look at Zhang Ying, who is supported by several soldiers. Her tears are more fierce. In memory, she hasn't shed any more tears for a long time.

But today, when she saw her mother like this, she couldn't help crying.

Zhao Jian, she's going to tear him!

"Vivi." All of a sudden, hearing her daughter's voice, Zhang Ying thinks that she has a hallucination. Now she is nearly 50 years old, and her health is not as good as before. When she was dealing with Zhao Jian just now, she was actually very tired, but in order to keep her sober, she almost tried to cheer herself up!

Zhao Jian slapped her two times just now, which almost hit her tinnitus.

There is a sharp pain in the head.

But Zhang Ying did not cry out and carried it down.

What I didn't expect was that when she continued to insist, these soldiers in colorful clothes appeared, and they rescued her from Zhao Jian in the most direct way.

Zhang Ying saw Ling Wei's tearful face in a twinkling of an eye, and her heart was also pulled hard. She quickly said thank you to the two soldiers on her side. She quickly hugged her daughter.

It was not until she hugged her daughter again that Zhang Ying's heart finally settled down. She could not help feeling her left and looking at her right, for fear that she would be hurt. I can't stop my caring eyes.

"Wei Wei, did you really have a good time without your mother? Why do you have such cruel enemies around you? Tell mom what you've done all this time? " Zhang Ying, who knows nothing about her daughter's deeds in Chengdu City, finally asks what she thinks.

Because she was afraid that her daughter would offend too many people without knowing it, she would be so worried now. Zhao Jian is a good example.

"Mom, I went to school in Rongcheng City, and I also treated the sick and saved the people. There's nothing else except these. This man's name is Zhao Jian. I don't have a holiday with him, but it's a little complicated for him to tell me. Go home first, I'll apply some medicine for your wound, and then we'll talk slowly."

Ling Wei hugs her mother tightly, but her face goes over her shoulder and tears. It's her fault that she doesn't take good care of her mother.

It was because she was a step late to pick up her mother in Xicheng that she led to the result today.

It's her fault.

It's all her fault!

"Weiwei, my good daughter, as long as you're OK, mom can do anything. For me, the most important thing is you, understand? So you must be good, let mother no longer worry is

Zhang Ying felt her daughter's shaking, and her eyes were wet again. She didn't want to cry when she was dealing with Zhao Jian just now, but when her daughter's face appeared in front of her eyes, she couldn't help crying.

It is said that her daughter has never left her for so many years, but now she has never returned home.

"Don't worry, mom, it won't happen again, I promise! After this, I will take you back to Xicheng to clean up your things. Then you and I will come to Chengdu to live together. The house has been built and everything in the house is ready. You just need to carry your bags and check in. "

Ling Wei wiped the tears on her cheek with the back of her hand. Then she raised her head and said these words to her mother. Her eyes became clearer after she cried. Looking at her mother's red and swollen cheek in front of her, Ling Wei felt as if she had entered a frying pan.

She vowed that from now on, in the face of the enemy, no longer soft.

She vowed that from now on, she would never let her relatives be threatened again!

If people don't offend me, I won't do it. If people offend me, I'll get rid of the root -

just as his mother and daughter hugged each other and talked for a while, Tang Ziqian had already negotiated with Shang Yi. At this time, Zhao Jian, who was originally extremely free, was tied up by the army.

After saying goodbye to Tang Ziqian, Shang Yi takes a direct look at Ling Wei with her back to her, and then gives Zhao Jian to Tang Ziqian.

, today, he has never discovered how Zhao Jian should be disposed of. Everything has the final say of Tang Ziqian.After taking over the bound Zhao Jian, Tang Ziqian directly drags him to Ling Wei's direction.

However, Zhao Jian, who was dragged to the ground by Tang Ziqian, obviously felt the tingling pain of his legs, and the friction and electrification factors were fully displayed at this moment.

And he can't cry pain!

His plan is exposed again, his heart is broken down, but the collapse can not change the fact that he has been arrested. At this moment, he can only continue to think of ways to escape the control of this blind man!

It was only when he tried his best to struggle that he found that the blind man was extremely powerful.

All the little actions he did didn't work in front of the blind man! Not only that, even the strength he tried to struggle was easily dissolved by this man.

This man, Zhao Jian remember! He once met Zhong Bingrong at his birthday party. This tall man with all his dignity made him feel oppressed.

Dragging Zhao Jian and throwing him on the ground, Tang Ziqian comes to Ling Wei's side.