All these things, the headmaster of Xicheng No.1 middle school can only have his own pain.

But in this period of time, his body is more and more empty, obesity has never given up pestering him over the years, and even other bad problems gradually burst out in the boredom of the past half a year. No, in just over half a year, his appendicitis has developed to the point where surgery is necessary.

Xicheng is just a small poor county. Even if you want to see a doctor in Xicheng, you have to think twice.

Because there is no excellent medical equipment in Xicheng, which can't compare with those advanced medical equipment in big cities. In Xicheng, except for some small clinics, it is the county hospital. But for the fat headmaster who cherishes his life like gold, where is not to see a doctor?

Since you want to see it, you have to look at it seriously and have a good look!

So he rushed directly from Xicheng to Rongcheng, and entered the Municipal Hospital of Rongcheng for examination.

After the examination, the municipal hospital in Chengdu city gave him a piece of bad news. That is, his appendicitis has been perforated at this time. Even if the operation is performed, the soft tissue cells verified by appendicitis will still remain in his body, causing the disease of appendicitis again.

"Wu Hanjian." A voice came from the office of the surgical director of Rongcheng municipal hospital. The doctor called the patient's name from the inside to the outside. Wu Hanjian, who was sitting outside waiting for the results of the examination, stood up from his seat. His fat face was covered with some flesh, which made his facial features wrinkled.

"Yes. I'll be right in

After a reply, Wu Han walked to the office of the director of surgery of Chengdu Municipal Hospital. The chief surgeon in a white coat and glasses raised his eyelids and looked at him. Then he pointed to the position opposite him: "sit down."

Wu Hanjian, the headmaster of Xicheng No.1 middle school, slowly came to the opposite of the doctor and sat down. His face was a little nervous, staring at the doctor's face at this time, but his eyes were mixed with some worries that could not be ignored.

"Wu Hanjian, your appendicitis is already very serious. Why do you come to the hospital for examination at this time? Or are you not aware of your appendicitis? I tell you that your appendicitis has been perforated. Once the perforation occurs, it will form localized abscess in mild cases, and diffuse peritonitis, abdominal suppuration, septic shock and even life-threatening in severe cases. Even if the perforation is operated in time, it often causes a series of complications, such as incision infection, abdominal residual abscess, intestinal fistula, intestinal adhesion, adhesive intestinal obstruction and so on

Slowly say this result, the doctor wearing a white coat is also a sad face, appendicitis, must suffer from it.

This is a kind of disease that once discovered, he must go to the hospital for examination and treatment in time, and cooperate with the doctor for treatment as soon as possible. For example, Wu Hanjian's case shows that he had procrastinated when he discovered this disease.

Hearing what the doctor said, Wu Hanjian's face suddenly showed a kind of frightened color. He didn't think that his appendicitis had missed the best time when he came to treat it. The pain of appendicitis tormented him. At the same time, he was hit by the doctor's words, and his face turned pale.

"Can't I have surgery if I have a perforation?" He asked.

The doctor looked directly at him, heard this question, but suddenly a smile, this smile with some unspeakable speechless: "it's not that you can't be treated by surgery, of course, surgery is OK, I'm just responsible for you that your appendicitis has perforated, even if it is treated by surgery, it can't be cured, I'm afraid it will relapse in the future."

Once perforation is no longer easy to treat appendicitis, for now a series of Western medicine, is still a difficult thing.

They have been in the Department of appendicitis for many years, and have seen all kinds of appendicitis, but perforated appendicitis, even if it is removed in time, still can not be cured. This is the most troublesome situation, and this is the real reason why the doctor with glasses said that to Wu Hanjian.

Wu Hanjian, who was badly hit, put out his hand to cover the lower corner of his right abdomen, but his heart was dripping blood.

The sad color on his face was in his eyes, but the doctor suddenly gave him another suggestion.

"If you want a complete cure, I think there should be someone in Chengdu who can help you. Although she is young, she is indeed the only Chinese medicine doctor in China who can cure Datura. She has never heard of her name before. But this time, there were two cases of Datura in Rongcheng, and she took the initiative to treat them. Her name is Lingwei. "

When the doctor first told Wu Hanjian this suggestion, a piece of hope suddenly appeared in his heart.

But at the moment when the doctor's words completely fell, Wu Hanjian's face became more and more pale!

Ling Wei?

Ling Wei?

Ling Wei? He will never forget the student, Ling Wei, who was determined to be punished by him for ridiculous reasons. He will never forget the day when she left Xicheng No.1 middle school with such firm look and confidence.Ling Wei was admitted to Rongcheng Medical College, which is a fact known to all the people in Xicheng.

However, it is precisely because of this fact that Wu Hanjian has not had a good life in the past six months.

"Ling Wei, how old is she?"

As if he didn't believe it, Wu Hanjian wanted to confirm the name and information of this person again. Because he wanted to know whether Ling Wei was the student she had been given away by herself.

"You haven't seen the news?" Hearing the patient's question, the doctor laughed again, but he was laughing at his ignorance. "If you don't believe it, then you can search the five words of Lingwei in Rongcheng City on the Internet now. I believe the news videos on the Internet will help you solve your doubts."

With these words, the doctor put Wu Hanjian's medical record aside and called out the name of the next patient.

Zheng Leng took out the mobile phone, Wu Hanjian really according to the doctor's words to do.

Sure enough, as soon as the search started, countless videos appeared, with a click through rate of tens of millions. Even at the bottom of the video, there were a lot of comments and messages from netizens. At a glance, all of them were praising the young doctor Ling Wei.