When they are locked up in this isolation zone, it is doomed that they will not be in a good mood.

Hearing Ling Wei mention this request, Qian Jinren ponders for two seconds and nods happily. On the contrary, Zhang Zhiming, who stands on Qian Jinren's side and flatters incomparably, snorts coldly in his heart. His mouth is also unforgiving: "doctor Ling wants us all to come out? Can you cure them if you're in it alone? It's more convenient for us to help, isn't it? "

Leering at Zhang Zhiming, Ling Wei ignores him.

Zhang Zhiming's disdainful eyes are the first to see her from the bottom of her heart.

Trembling with anger, Zhang Zhiming is constantly comforting himself, as long as he waits.

After a while, you can see Ling Wei's incompetence. What can be more enjoyable than that?

He quietly took out his mobile phone and took a look at the time. It's ten o'clock in the morning. It's a little late for the group of media reporters he secretly met. I believe that in a few minutes, the epidemic isolation area will be surrounded.

As he lowered his eyes, Zhang Zhiming covered the essence and expectation of his eyes.

After recommending Ling Wei to Qian Jinren on the same day, he quietly went to do a very important thing -

that is, he secretly met with the journalists of the major media in Chengdu City as a mysterious person, and told them that a very important event would happen in the disease isolation area of Chengdu City in two days, which was absolutely their intention Less news.

Generally, as long as it is about the news of the epidemic isolation area, the media reporters will pay more attention to it.

After all, today's leaders, for the sake of everyone, will hide some news about life. Just like the two cases of Datura, Qian Jinren did not dare to inform the public of the sudden case because it would cause panic among the public.

This is also the real reason why he secretly sought for talented people to come to treat this Datura patient.

Just using such bait, of course, is not enough to attract the attention of those journalists. In order to meet these reporters and make them arrive in the epidemic isolation area on time, Zhang Zhiming has paid a lot of money. Not only did he hand in the recording of his recommendation to the mayor, but also he spent a lot of money on it.

Of course, no one will know that he did it, and only he knows it.

God knows, he knows!

On that day, the moment he received a call from Fang Wenshan informing him that he had invited Ling Wei, he called the reporters again and confirmed the appointment time again, that is, 10 o'clock in the morning today.

Silently following behind these people, Zhang Zhiming showed a smile at the corner of his mouth wearing a mask.

After a while, all these journalists show up, and Ling Wei can't escape even if she wants to. With the intervention of the media, her inability to deal with Datura will be exposed to the eyes of the general public. At that time, there is no need for him to publicize anything for her, and the citizens of the whole city will know her.

Tut Tut, it will be live at that time. I feel excited when I think about it!

Immersed in his own thoughts alone, Zhang Zhiming felt much more relaxed because of Ling Wei's fate.

After taking a look at the disease isolation area, Ling Wei finds that the symptoms of the two people are the same as those of the girl who came to see her in Ling's Chinese herbal medicine hall.

"Mayor Qian, next I hope you can leave all your time for me. I will try my best to see them, but you'd better not disturb me."

Once again, as a reminder to mayor Qian, Ling Wei took a series of medical equipment from the caregivers behind her. Then she turned around and walked directly to the ward inside the isolation area.

Looking at her back, Fang Wenshan's eyes were full of expectation. Not only he, but also Qian Jinren, who was standing beside him, had a look of hope. The sudden onset of Datura was really frightening.

Think of a helpless disease unfolding around the public. How desperate is it?

I can only live in the isolation ward every day.

It seems that there is only despair left in such a life -

sooner or later, but it is the moment when Ling Wei raises her hand and knocks on the door. A large crowd is rushing towards the isolation building. They are all authoritative journalists in the city. They are even bigger than those entertainment reporters.

Even how they broke into this disease isolation building, this generation of security can not explain.

The hustle and bustle of the crowd suddenly made the whole Quarantine Building boiling. Their noisy steps and irregular running caused a sensation in this generation. The already silent quarantine area turned into a noisy city.Qian Jinren can't help looking back when he hears the sound of the movie.

It doesn't matter if you look at it. It's just a shock! I saw that his dignified face was also accompanied by everything that followed and became unable to calm down any more!

One by one, with big and small bags on their backs and microphones of major media news stations in their hands, you hit me and I hit you one by one. They rushed to their direction, and at the same time, they yelled: "Mayor Qian, is it mayor Qian? May I ask if mayor Qian's presence in this epidemic isolation area is due to another outbreak of serious and difficult diseases in Chengdu City

"Is the one standing next to mayor Qian the president of the first control area hospital? The presidents of the hospitals in control zone one have all come to the quarantine area. Does it prove that the reason why you are here is what we think? "

"Mayor Qian, would you please answer the question we just asked? We have received secret news that there have been two extremely serious sudden diseases in Rongcheng City in recent years, which are incurable. Is that right? "