After a long silence, Tang Qing was also thinking.

Think about the consequences of doing so.

But after thinking about it for a long time, he didn't come up with any consequences. Maybe it's time to attack Tang Ziqian. Otherwise, if he doesn't do it again, it will be the same as what his father said, and there will be no chance.

"Go ahead, good boy. No matter whether you succeed or not, you are still your father's child. I believe that even if things are revealed, your grandfather will let you go for my sake."

Tang Qingshan said this well, but he didn't even have the ability to persuade himself.

He knows what Tang Yuanshan's attitude towards him is all these years.

Since that happened more than 20 years ago, my father never really took him seriously.

Looking at the figure of Tang Qing leaving the other courtyard, Tang Qingshan slowly clenched his hand on his side. This time, he had to put all his eggs in one basket.

Holding the pill tightly in his hand, Tang Qing unconsciously slowed down his pace even when he was walking up and down the road of the Tang family. Fortunately, he was not nervous enough to tremble. It was probably because of something in his heart, so he could not help looking left and right when walking on the path of the other courtyard of the Tang family.

I'm afraid someone will see him go to Tang's restaurant.

All the people of the Tang family have lived in the Tang family's territory over the years, but they eat in the same restaurant.

Compared with those independent villas, the Tang family is more like a palace. It is not only composed of numerous individual courtyard, but also has four different restaurants in southeast, northwest and North.

And the Tang family's direct line all dines in the East that big restaurant.

The so-called "be the host and sit the East".

The hot sun shines on the path of Tang's other courtyard. Tang Qing's back is covered with layers of sweat, sticky and full of wet feeling, which makes him slow down involuntarily.

The closer to the restaurant, the more nervous Tang Qing's face was.

Looking around, Tang Qing, who found no one, rushed into the East Restaurant while he was empty.

During this period, even the servants working in the restaurant finished their dishes and chopsticks and went back to their rooms to have a rest.

Tang Qing is the only one left in the empty restaurant.

After a few deep breaths, Tang Qing carefully looks around and rushes to the cupboard where the tableware is placed.

Tang Ziqian's unique set of bowls and chopsticks was found in the cupboard, and Tang Qing's heart beat fast.

Looking at the clean bowl without a trace of water stains, Qiu Tian's words rang out in his mind.

With a little water, he quickly dropped the pill into the bowl.

The next second, a look of shock appeared in his eyes.

Because the pill in the water, it will be visible to the naked eye speed of rapid melting in this bowl.

It's gone.

There is nothing more in this bowl.

Only half a bowl of clean water was left.

Surprise, Tang Qing did not forget to quickly pour out the bowl of water, and then looked back at the still empty restaurant, his face hung a successful smile, and then in the bowl back to its original place, quickly evacuated the restaurant.

It wasn't until he came out of the restaurant that his breathing became smooth.

At this time, Tang Qingcai was surprised to find that he was already wet behind a large area.

It can be seen that it took 80% of his courage to do such a bad thing.

Back in his family's other hospital, facing Tang Qingshan's slightly excited look, he nodded and said, "it's been dealt with. I'll wait for the effect after dinner today. I hope this pill, which cost me 50 million yuan, is effective."

As soon as he said this, Tang Qingshan laughed, shook his head, and said to his son earnestly: "Tang Qing, you can't doubt the ability of that Taoist priest Qiu. He is a rare talent. I haven't heard of anyone who is more proficient in the strange method of dunjia in China. The medicine is just the tip of his iceberg."

As for Qiu Tian, Tang Qingshan had heard about him early.

Now he hears that his son is worried about the drug, so of course he has to refute it.

"Dad, I didn't mean that. I just saw the magic of the pill. That's why I said that."

Tang Qing pulled his T-shirt sophistry.

Tang Qingshan waved his hand: "it doesn't matter, as long as you don't doubt it in front of him. No one in the world likes people who buy their own medicine and doubt their efficacy. Since all the money has been given, why don't you believe it once? "

Tang Qingshan's words made Tang Qingxin clear. He nodded. He wiped the sweat on his back, showing a look of disgust: "Dad, I'll take a shower first. It's too hot. I was sweating all over when I went out just now."

As soon as he said this, Tang Qingshan nodded: "go!"

Then Tang Qing entered the inner room in Tang Qingshan's sight.Tang Qingshan, still standing in the same place to amuse the birds, narrowed his eyes and thought of the appearance of Tang Yun just now. An imperceptible chill came up at the corner of his lips.

And a clan meeting?

Is it for the sake of Tang Qinghao? But in fact, if you really want to be good for Tang Qing, you can give Tang Qing a position in the Tang family.

If you can't, how can you say it is for the sake of Tang Qinghao?

Tang Qingshan's eyes are full of coldness, and his interest in teasing the bird in front of him is suddenly lost. Anyway, in half a day, Tang Ziqian's blind eyes will become incurable dead eyes.

After informing all the direct and collateral members of the Tang family of the news of the upcoming clan meeting issued by Tang Ziqian, Tang Yun returned to Tang Ziqian's study.

"Sir, the news is in place."

"Well. After this clan meeting, I will leave the Tang family for a period of time. During this period, you need to pay attention to all the things of the Tang family, so that you can report to me on the phone. "

Tang Ziqian has made up his mind that after this clan meeting, he will go to Rongcheng to see her.