Most of the people who appear in this ward are wearing black suits, with a pair of black sunglasses hanging upside down in their ears. Their tall and strong bodies and strong social atmosphere make it easy for Ling Wei to guess their identities.

Their clothes and temperament reveal the identity of this group of people - underworld.

"Mrs. Xi, have a good rest. We'll go first." This group of people in black is also very straightforward and obedient. With Xi rongjuan's words, they turned and left the ward directly. The surging crowd walked towards the door of the ward, but the gorgeous woman rushed in.

"Ma, did you invite this man? Mom, why are you so upset? Although your disease can not be cured in this hospital, it can also be controlled for a while. Why do you believe those false doctors from the outside world? This girl looks so young that she doesn't look like a real expert. She can't cure you. Mom, are you really old? How can you be so confused

The gorgeous girl's face was slightly angry, and her eyes were shining with genuine care when she spoke.

It seems that the gorgeous girl really cares about her mother.

"Xi Yaorao, shut up! This is a traditional Chinese medicine that I invited from a well-known medical foundation Association on the Internet. She will treat me. It's another matter whether I can cure it well. You can't lose your dignity in front of outsiders! " Xi rongjuan suddenly cold face to scold his daughter.

A pair of originally peaceful eyes suddenly sent out a bit sharp.

This sharp hidden in the old man who was in the underworld for many years.

Ling Wei lowered her eyes to guess the origin of the old lady.

"Well! Although my mother agrees to let you see a doctor, you'd better not move now. I'll call my mother's attending doctor now! Cheating money to our Xi family head unexpectedly, also don't see this Rong Cheng Xi family is what kind of status, depend on you? " Scolded by her mother, Xi Yaorao wriggles her ass and goes to the door. Before leaving, she speaks ill at Lingwei's side.

Listening to the sound of her high heels stepping away, Ling Wei touched her nose! Is it true that I am a liar on my face? Or do you look like a dog skin plaster? She didn't move her hand, didn't pulse for Xi rongjuan, and didn't offer a price for the diagnosis and treatment.

What? This gorgeous woman Xi enchanting actually identified herself as a money swindler?


But although Xi Yaorao's words are not pleasant to listen to, Ling Wei doesn't care about her for her filial duty!

Walking forward, she waved her hand to Xi rongjuan with an apologetic face and said, "it's OK." Taking the bag off her back, Ling Wei zips it open and takes out her special medical equipment. She turns her head and signals Xi rongjuan to put out her hand.

When she closed her eyes, Ling Wei's calm feeling came from the pulse of the old lady in front of her. After a while, she opened her eyes with a slight frown: "your rectal cancer has lasted for more than ten years? Fortunately, it's getting worse now, but it doesn't mean I can't control it. For your diagnosis and treatment must be six times acupuncture, each time interval of a week. Well, I'll give you acupuncture first. If things get better, you can choose me

Due to Xi enchanting that momentum to leave, Lingwei think saving people is important, price is second.

It's really important to control the rectal cancer for the old lady first.

Xi rongjuan also agreed with her decision.

In fact, since Ling Wei saw her, Xi rongjuan had 80% confidence in the girl in front of her. At least the girl's eyes were as clear as a pool. People with such pure eyes are not dirty people.


With Xi rongjuan's consent, Ling Wei closes the door of the ward, and then signals Xi rongjuan to lie down. Next time, she will start acupuncture for the old lady. I'm afraid she will have some difficulty for the first time. After all, it's handmade, but I believe that after this time, Ling Wei will be familiar with acupuncture for the old lady.

On the other side.

Xi enchanting out of the ward, it is the first thing to call his brother.

Xi Jianai is a famous gangster in Chengdu.

They have been born into gangsters for generations. Compared with Lei Shaocheng, who plays gangsters openly and secretly in the entertainment industry, I don't know how many times they are authentic.

But Xi's father died in a fight many years ago. In order to avenge his father and immediately replace the upper brother, but also from that time began to really change the character, change the direction of life, from that moment, the younger brother Xi Chengmo has become a famous figure on the list of Chengdu gangsters.

"Cheng Mo, you come to the hospital quickly. My mother doesn't know where to find a young girl, but she came to seek medical treatment from the Internet. This time, she is really confused. What she doesn't know is that she thinks it's hard to get medical treatment online. In fact, the girl doesn't look like she has the ability to cheat money. Come quickly, my mother won't listen to my advice!"

Complain to that end, Xi Yaorao is crying!Xi Chengmo, who was talking about an important event, suddenly stood up from his seat, overturned all the previous negotiations, and suddenly turned away. A few black suit men who follow behind him scan the discontented people with cold eyes without saying a word, and then follow Xi Chengmo back to back.

Xi Chengmo wants to leave. Who dares to say more?

Oh, no?

After years of fighting with the underworld, Xi Chengmo has already developed his evil spirit.

He threw away his mobile phone and ran directly to the driver's seat. After the engine, he stepped on the accelerator and quickly headed for the first hospital of Chengdu urban control area.

Here, after Xi Yaorao hung up the phone, she hurried to the office of the attending doctor. The attending doctor used to be her high school classmate. Although she didn't dare to say how superb she was, she was the best in the Department of rectum.

He can not cure the disease, I'm afraid there will not be another person in Huaxia.

So as soon as he heard what Xi Yaorao said, he quickly put down his medical record, put on his white coat and walked toward Xi rongjuan's ward.

The grim faced attending doctor disdained at the bottom of his heart, but seriously came to Ling Wei's side: "do you have a doctor's certificate? If you don't, please get out of this ward. Xi rongjuan is my patient, but I can't tolerate you, a warlock from nowhere. "