"Uncle Li, uncle Yang. Don't rush to press the grab button today. If you believe me, just wait for my reminder. " Ling Wei glances at the four real boxes on the stage and whispers to Li Buwei and Yang Jin.

Li Buwei and Yang Jin nodded after hearing her words. From the moment they set out for the Cloud City, they had decided to follow Ling Wei's arrangement for their trip to the Cloud City. This is also their first statement after joining Ling Wei's team.

One after another, several pieces of wool were photographed on the field, and the people who captured the wool left their seats, waiting for the stone to be disintegrated on one side of the stage. Xiao Qingquan and placed in front of a piece of wool, it is also at this time, Ling Wei pupil slightly move.

"Uncle Yang, take this wool! Come back first, and we'll deal with the problem of stone breaking later. " Her words almost came out at the same time as Xiao Qingquan's pricing words.

Fortunately, Yang Jin's quick reaction and the speed of pressing the button made him take down the wool at one stroke.

Ling Wei nodded to Yang Jin, who stood up and went forward to get the wool. After that, she was also nervous and breathed a sigh. Just now, she looked at it with her eyes, but Xiao Qingquan's wool, which was only the size of a palm, was inside! However! Yes! Emperor green!

But the exciting moment happened to be someone who didn't know what to do to break her good mood!

"I want you to sell me the wool you just photographed. You paid 4000 yuan for it, didn't you? I'll give you twice, I'll give you 8000 yuan, and you can resell it to me now! Hello, I'm talking to you! Do you hear me

Zhao Qing is only 11 years old. She not only has a big voice, but also points at Ling Wei in the back row with her sharp chin raised. She makes the most of this scene.

This one body a call, then quickly caused not small movement.

After hearing what she said, some of the banquet attendants around them looked through their eyes one after another. Most of these people were a little unhappy and angry, so their eyes were not able to hide their displeasure.

The essence of jade feast is fairness. Even if you want the wool that someone else has already photographed, you have to discuss it with the other party before you talk about resale.

If anyone can order others to sell the wool they have captured to themselves in this way, the existence of this jade feast will lose its essence.

Ling Wei and Li don't want to hear her voice, but they also turn their eyes.

Compared with Li Buwei's slightly angry look, Ling Wei is much calmer. She just faintly looked at Zhao Qing, who was only 11 years old in front of her. Then she moved her eyes and looked at Yang Jin, who had already got the wool and was coming back.

"Well, I'm talking to you? What do you do when you ignore me? Look at me and see the money? Don't you come to this jade feast to buy wool just to gamble on stones and make money? Now I'm paying twice the price, and you don't lose money. If you think the money is too little, then I can pay three times the price! How's it going? "

Both father and mother are experienced figures in the jade industry. Zhao Qing has been influenced since she was a child. She has been in touch with jade ever since she was sensible. Her father is the chairman of a famous jeweler in the jade industry, and her mother is a famous first-class appraiser in the jade industry.

Compared with her peers, she was born with top-quality jadeite. She was born on a Jade Pagoda. What she wanted was something she had never missed before, not to mention being ignored like now. However, the people who ignored her were two strangers who were not masked.

Zhao Qing has participated in the jade feast since she was nine years old, and now she has participated in it three times.

But I have never seen the old and young in the back row at the jade feast. Therefore, she relied on her parents' position in the jade industry and opened her mouth.

Ling Wei listens to the noisy loliyin in her ear, and looks down at the first row of Zhao Qing, who is always standing. Her eyebrows are slightly invisible.

She can calm down!

But Li Buwei, who is in conflict with Jiang Li and Zhao jianben, is unable to calm down.

When Zhao Qing's voice sounded again, Li Buwei shifted his eyes and put his eyes on Jiang Li, who was back to him. His eyes were like a light mixed with dark fire, poking Jiang Li's back tightly.

I'm afraid the girl is more than ten years old, but it's exactly ten years since Jiang Li betrayed him.

What does that mean?

Li not for the heart ruthlessly a pull, almost immediately his face then gloomy down.

It turned out that when Jiang Li betrayed herself, she was already pregnant with Zhao Jian's seed in her stomach, otherwise the child would not have been so big.

He treated her well in those days, and even could be said to love her. In that case, what kind of mentality did she take to betray him and ruin him?

Of course, Jiang Li also heard her daughter's noise. Since Zhao Qing was a spoiled child, she didn't think much about it. On the contrary, she felt that the people in the back row didn't appreciate it. After her daughter paid three times the price, she still refused to let go and sell her wool to her daughter.

So she also turned to stand up, want to reprimand each other a few words.However -

the next words she wanted to say were choked by Li Buwei's face, which she had never forgotten until midnight. Aware of Li Buwei's evil look in her eyes, she was stiff all over and her pupils shrank.

Is that him?

He Didn't you go missing long ago?

How can he enter this jade feast in his capacity?

Countless questions suddenly exploded in Jiang Li's mind at the same time, which made her confused. Looking at Zhao Qing, who was full of arrogance and domineering, she could not say a word.

Li Buwei's appearance was obviously unexpected to her, after ten years, but she never forgot him.

Not because I still love him, but because I am guilty!

What to do? What should I do?

If he broke that incident at that time, would he and Zhao Jian also be ruined?

Now, she and Zhao Jian didn't have a firm foothold in the jade industry at that time, and they can't talk about fame, but now they are different.