Chapter 2309

Obviously, yunshuang has realized the sense of crisis for the current situation of Yunshi group, but yunhang obviously has not.

Admittedly, this is an old fox level figure. However, it seems that there are not a few old foxes in the world who are broken and sinking because Hu can't keep up with the development of the times. As a saying goes, those who drown can swim, because those who can't swim can't get into the water so deep.

Although it was yunhang that founded the tens of billions of basic business of Yunshi group, it was before. Speaking of, when yunhang started its business, it was still the last industrial era, but now it is different. Now it has fully entered the Internet era. If you still use the previous ideas to run the enterprise, you will only lose more and more money, and eventually unknowingly, It has distanced itself from those top enterprises.

This is a terrible thing for a top enterprise.

Therefore, after yunshuang realized the sense of crisis, it wanted to find a suitable way out for Yunshi group. Those businesses in the past can no longer maintain the correct development of Yunshi group. There must be a better way out to continue to operate perfectly and even make more money.

Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum.

Not only Weijia and Baojia in the provincial capital, yunshuang is also aware of such a big market. Although Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum is still losing money, yunshuang knows that the loss is only temporary, not only Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, but also Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum next door. Even as a latecomer, Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum is also losing money, Losing money is even worse.

However, neither side has the intention to give up.

This is not a fight, but all have targeted such a large market. Therefore, under such circumstances, everyone wants to completely realize the transformation of their own enterprises or find a better way out. Yunshuang knows that his decision is not wrong, but yunhang does not agree. According to his consistent entrepreneurial thinking, he believes that such an investment route is not desirable.

It was precisely because of this that the two people made some unhappy.

"So, have you decided?"

Lin Yi picked his eyebrows. "Since you have decided to invest in Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum and are still under great pressure, how dare you give it to me? I don't trust myself so much, okay?"

Lin Yi was speechless.

It can be seen from yunshuang's words that this sister paper is very optimistic about the development of the TCM Museum. Therefore, she wants to invest a lot in the TCM Museum and strive to make the TCM museum one of her main industries.

In order to implement this step, she even doesn't hesitate to quarrel with the cloud bank. Under such circumstances, the sister dares to hand over such an important project to herself, which can be said to be very trusted.

However, under such trust, Lin Yi doesn't feel much moved, but is a little speechless. If he is a talent good at operation and management, it's OK to say, but the problem is... He doesn't know much about operation and operation. This sister's practice really makes Lin Yi helpless.

"Because now you are still the major shareholder of the hospital."

Yunshuang said casually, "you are the major shareholder of the traditional Chinese Medicine Museum. If you lose money, you will lose more than me, so..."

"Well, that's what I mean. If I lose money, I'll certainly lose more than you. But have you ever thought that I don't care about money. You've seen my speed of making money. If I really want to make money, I just need a little time to earn all the gambling houses and antique cities in Donghua province. At that time, I may earn more money than your Yun family's property combined Many. "

Lin Yi shrugged.

This is also the reason why he dares to take over this mess. That is, he doesn't need to care about money at all. It's not that Lin Yi has endless money, but that he has the means to make money easily. Because he makes more and faster, he doesn't think money is a good thing at all and spends it casually.

"Will you let me lose money?"

Yunshuang asked directly.


Lin Yi looked at yunshuang's smiling eyes and shrugged helplessly, "it seems that I really can't. It's like playing games. A good friend pulls you to play games. Can't I drag others back?"

"So, there are a lot of businesses in Yunshi group, and I don't have much time to worry about Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, a field I'm not familiar with. In comparison, it's undoubtedly the best choice to give it to someone I trust, and I believe you can."

Cloud Frost said softly.

Lin Yi really wants to say that this sister believes in herself too much. Even she doesn't think she can do it. However, she still doesn't say it. Sometimes, what she can rely on is not her own opinion, but an embodiment of her attitude and ability. If she does, Lin Yi doesn't think she can't do it.

"If you don't want to go home, shall I take you to the hotel?"

Lin Yi thought for a moment and asked.

Yunshuang shook her head and turned to look at Lin Yi. A different color flashed in her beautiful eyes, and then said with a smile, "It's boring to go to the hotel, and you underestimate the cloud family. I'm not the only villa. In fact, in Nanyang City, there are not ten or eight villas belonging to our cloud family, and there is my personal industry. Do you think I will live without land?"


Well, Lin Yi has really entered a misunderstanding.

He heard yunshuang say he didn't want to go home, so he subconsciously thought that the sister wanted to live in a hotel or something, but he forgot that the other party was a super rich. For these rich people, there were many houses, so naturally it was impossible to live in only one place.

"Well, well, I can't understand the way you rich people live."

Lin Yi smiled helplessly, "so now, tell me where you live, and then I'll take you there? After all, you drink, I don't trust you to drive back by yourself, or you call your assistant or something?"

"Don't bother so much. I'll just go and live with you."

Cloud Frost said calmly.


However, Lin Yi was startled by her calm words and went to live there? It seems that yunshuang has never been to the villa since she bought it?

"Why? You shouldn't be a Jinwucangjiao, so you don't dare let me go?"

Yunshuang glanced at him lightly and said carelessly, "I remember when I went to see you a few days ago, in addition to Huanhuan's' rich woman ', there was only Tang Mengying. Is it difficult? Is there anyone else besides Tang Mengying? Or... What unspeakable relationship do you have with Tang Mengying?"