Chapter 1299

At this time, the little boy didn't know what he had done. He looked at the fish left by Lin Yi. His eyes, which had been shining, were dim at this time. It was like falling into some sad memories. He didn't see Lin Yi behind. At this time, he was in deep water.

Lin Yi has no time to see what the child is playing at this time. He is completely preoccupied with himself. When Lin Yi transported the wooden beads to his arm, he found that he thought a little more. Even if they were as strong as wooden beads, Lin Yi faced a very fucking problem. How to use them?

Although under the irradiation of Mu Lingzhu, the blood in Lin Yi's arm is very obvious, even vaguely able to see the shape of Chu Jie. Although it is not clear, what is certain is that this thing is like a reduced version of centipede, which is very ugly.

But for Lin Yi, it's no use to see clearly. The urgent problem now is to get rid of it. However, these little parasites are completely not afraid of Lin Yi's mu Lingzhu. It seems that they still have some enjoyment. They even hold their heads.

Lin Yi is also in a cold sweat. If he can't think of any good solution, he will really give up his car and give up this arm. But as a last resort, Lin Yi will never hang this road. After all, he has this right hand. If he doesn't have it, how can he hold Su Mengying in the future?

Lin Yi remembered what his master Lin Zhengfeng said in his mind. It can't live without blood. At present, there is only this way. Lin Yi has a way to evaporate the blood of a certain part of himself, but there is absolutely no way to evaporate the blood of the whole arm, which is equivalent to wasting the arm.

But now the question is, these little insects are already dissatisfied with Lin Yi's whole body. How can they get together and catch them all? At this time, Lin Yi's forehead is dripping with sweat. Now it's really a time of life and death. If he delays, I'm afraid it will really hang up.

At this time, Lin Yi also bit his teeth and no longer tangled. Now there is only one way to save himself. Lin Yi was shocked and shook out the silver needle that had been stuck on his arm.

This silver needle was originally used to stop the flow of blood, but at present, Lin Yi has to give it a go. Lin Yi already had a bold idea in his mind.

Lin Yi decided to pull out the silver needle on his arm, just to let the blood flow again, let all these little things rush into his heart, and then go to the most critical part to stop them.

Of course Lin Yi knows. It's very risky. But these insects are so scattered that they can't find any other way to get them together except this way.

Lin Yi bit his teeth. He knew the risk of doing so. If he reacted slowly and failed to block these things in one place and let them into his heart, he would be dead.

Now is obviously not the time to hesitate. The silver needle has been pulled out by Lin Yi, and the blood has flowed. These little things are completely the same as Lin Yi imagined. After feeling the blood flow, a stream of milk poured into Lin Yi's heart.

Lin Yi seized this opportunity. The silver needle he had already held in his hand also flew out at this time. It was stuck three inches above and two inches below his shoulder joint to ensure that all these small insects were locked in and there was no way to swim out. However, even Lin Yi showed his teeth in pain after these two needles.

After all, this shoulder joint is still very fragile. Although Lin Yi can only guarantee that stimulation with silver needle will not cause any sequelae, there will be pain. However, Lin Yi tried his best to fight very successfully this time. He successfully locked all the small insects in his shoulder joint, and none of them was missing.

Lin Yi also opened his eyes at this time. Although he said that all these little things were gathered together by himself, the next step was really dangerous. Lin Yi had to use his internal skill to pass through his blood to get these little things out of the blood. But this step is also possible and dangerous.

This is also Lin Yi's first attempt, but the situation is urgent. Lin Yi has no time to think. He must start at once. Just do it. Lin Yi also quickly showed three silver needles and stuck them on several other important acupoints in order to save himself in case of failure.

Then came the time of pain. Lin Yi reached his arm, and the blood flowed in the blood vessels, which were very fragile. If he was not careful, it would easily break the blood vessels. Therefore, Lin Yi was always careful to transfer his internal skills into the blood.

Lin Yi was sweating and wanted to breathe, but he had to close his mouth. Only from the expression on Lin Yi's face can we see how painful Lin Yi is now. The body bowed all the time and couldn't find a comfortable position.

At this time, the little boy also calmed down. Holding the dying fish, he slowly walked to the pond, stretched out his hand and threw it back to the pond.

But after all, the fish was dead. After being thrown down by the little boy, it first aroused layers of waves on the surface of the pond, but then it also recovered calm. The body of the fish floated up to the surface bit by bit, and finally turned over its stomach.

The fish nearby seemed to be curious about why such an alien fish suddenly appeared on their territory, and it seemed that it had lost its life.

The little boy didn't see that the fish was actually dead. After he thought he had released the fish, he turned his head and looked at Lin Yi who was meditating. He tilted his head and seemed to be thinking, but he didn't say anything at last. He just blinked and walked past Lin Yi. The destination was the dense jungle behind Lin Yi.

The little boy walked slowly. He seemed to be very leisurely. He didn't have the ruthlessness that ran into Lin Yi just now. Maybe there are some young boys like this age now.

"Where do you want to go?" The little boy just walked past Lin Yi, but Lin Yi slowly opened his eyes, stretched out a hand, grabbed the little boy's arm, and stared at the little boy.