Bailing town's later stability is due to Bai Shiba's father.

He has a kind heart to help the world and save people. He uses all his skills to benefit the people.

He used to listen to his father's instruction that although the Bai people had half the blood of the demon family, they were the descendants of the Dragon Queen. They should be upright and worthy of their heart.

But such a father was killed by those ignorant people.

Since then, he no longer believed that good and evil were rewarded, especially when he saw that the kind Danniang came to such an end and almost died in the mountain full of poisonous insects.

Good people are crying, but evil people are reveling. He wants to push them all to hell.

They started a revenge plan to make the whole town of Bailing a real hell.

"Since God is unfair, I will punish them myself, even if I want to die with them."

Bai 18 is completely crazy. He is so cruel to himself, let alone others.

"It's easy for you to die. Your child will never have a father and will always live in hatred. That's the result you want to see?"

Feng Qianwei sees that Danniang is pregnant. The child must be Bai 18.

Bai Shiba was stunned. He saw Danniang's reluctant eyes. He was desperate for revenge, but he left them.

Is this really what she wants?

"Eighteen, that's enough. Our enemies have been punished. Let's let go! I just want to live a peaceful life with you. They ruined the first half of our life, but we still have what kind of life we can choose for the second half of our life."

She came to him with her children this time just to take him away, not for revenge.

But now I don't know if I have a chance to leave. After all, the two people in front of me, their mother and daughter, can't deal with them at all. Even Bai 18 had no resistance in front of them.

At this time, many people in all parts of qingluan country had completely changed snakes, causing great panic.

All localities have asked for help from the above, but there is no reinforcements. They can only organize the lotus soul masters spontaneously to kill those human face snakes.

"Dan Niang, it's too late."

Bai Shiba smiled bitterly. He would soon completely melt the snake.

"I did all this. Please let them go!"

He knelt on the ground and begged the Dragon Queen.

He didn't give the list of the dead to Feng Qianwei at the beginning, because the people on it were not all the men, women, old and young he said, but all the people who were involved in killing his father.

Other indifferent onlookers, he did not let them go, so that they were also cursed. Whether they died or lived depended on their own lives.

"Don't kill white Dad!"

The little girl shouted angrily in the cage. She wanted to control the snakes and attack the dragon, but she found that the snake demons didn't dare to do it.

Even when she saw the dragon, she was afraid from the bottom of her heart.

This is the suppression of blood. Even if she is special, she has become the host of Gu mother and has not been killed. But if you want to deal with the dragon, you can practice for thousands of years.

"Don't be so angry with children. We didn't say we would kill you. As long as you cooperate well, maybe we can let you go."

Feng Qianwei looks at the little girl trapped in the cage and has a bright smile on her face.

Qingling can count thousands, I'm afraid they can't count. They can find the host of Gu mother!

In her opinion, no one can bear the poisonous mother of snake Gu. No matter who it is, it will be swallowed directly by the poisonous mother.

I didn't expect that Bai Shiba would feed it with the soul and nourish it with the blood of the Bai nationality, so that it hasn't eaten the Lord so far.