"Those shadow spirits were originally the soul fragments of the snake demon family that died after a world shaking war. They were the army under the Dragon Queen, the leader of the demon family. After death, their souls were broken and could not enter the reincarnation. They were angry and gathered here by the Dragon Queen. Those demon souls were very angry. In order to protect the world, their master trapped those angry soul fragments with the boundary of Yueying village. The original master wanted to purify them Their hostility, but before it was time, the master fell, and there would be a shadow spirit. "

Candlelight tells the source of the shadow spirit. Those soul fragments are gathered by the Dragon Queen, and only sporadic fragments are scattered outside.

"Someone must have taken away the snake and Gu that gathered countless shadow spirits. Although this is a closed place, there will be a time to worship their ancestors every ten years, and someone will come here. There are always greedy people who try to be immortal and think this is a good place, so they try to follow in."

"Why not completely block here and open the ancestor worship day?"

Feng Qianwei asked puzzled that this kind of place is safe only if it is completely closed.

"In order to calm the anger of the empress of the dragon and the hostility of the spirits, the descendants of the empress of the dragon and the descendants of the snake demon can come here every ten years to worship their ancestors. If no one comes to sacrifice after ten years, it means that the descendants of the Empress of the dragon and the snake demon have completely disappeared, and the result can be imagined."

What Zhu Ying said, Feng Qianwei may also understand.

Seeing successors, the Dragon Queen and the snake demon can also be comforted. If the family is destroyed, they must be angry.

After listening to Zhu Ying's story, Feng Qianwei already has some speculation and inference in her heart. It must be the old national teacher and Empress Dowager of qingluan state who are behind the scenes. They know that the people in Yueying village are not old and immortal, so they have a bad heart.

Some of them came to the moon shadow village and reached an agreement with a clever shadow spirit, stole the snake venom and left the moon shadow village.

Then they were slowly eroded by the shadow spirit and finally replaced.

It can be said that the source of all this is greed.

If you want to be immortal, you will eventually find your own way to death.

She had seen all kinds of books in the divination building. Those people were studying the snake family and wanted to steal the secret of longevity.

At present, it is still unknown how many people in the royal family of qingluan have not been replaced.

"Is this year's ancestor worship day open? By the way, the ancestral land of the Bai nationality is in Yueying village in the Phoenix Mountains, which is this place."

Feng Qianwei remembered that empress Baipu once said that Bai Shengyuan came from the ancestral land of the Bai family. The last time they met was in Yueying village.

She looked at the candlelight dress. He was wearing a robe with a white crescent shape pattern. He should be the man of the white moon sect.

It is said that only they can go to the depths of the mountain without being attacked by a curse. Are these ghosts the secrets guarded by the Bai nationality through the ages?

"Are you a Bai, too?"

Zhu Ying looked at her in shock. How could she know that this is the ancestral land of the Bai nationality?

"My mother's surname is Bai, and her name is Bai Shengyuan."

Feng Qianwei confirms that what empress Baipu said is true. This is the ancestral place of the Bai nationality.

"The last time she appeared was here. Have you ever seen her?"

"Bai people, every ten years, someone will be selected to serve the dragon. I was sleeping before and was awakened not long ago, so I haven't seen your mother, but you can ask someone. She may know your mother's whereabouts. She is an old man in this village and one of the only living people left."

Zhu Ying showed her a bright way.

"Mrs. Huang at the head of the village and the widowed grandma at the end of the village are people with shadows and the Dharma protector of the white moon sect. They are responsible for the grand ceremony of ancestor worship every time."