The human faced snake was placed in a corner by Feng Qianwei and separated from their residence.

Feng Qianwei was worried that the human faced snake would affect the old miracle doctor and might hurt them, so she was separated from each other when she brought it in.

She saw that the hook on the human faced snake was still on her body, stained with blood.

"I'll help you heal the wound first."

Hearing her voice, it nodded.

She took the cold iron hook out of its body. Before she applied medicine to it, she saw that its wound was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The next moment, its snake tail disappeared and became a pair of legs again.

"Put it on for you!"

Feng Qianwei gave him a covered robe to make him look decent.

"After you become a human faced snake, you can change back. How do you do this?"

She found his difference. No wonder he was imprisoned at the highest place. He may be the key to untie the snake entanglement spell.

"You're wrong. I'm not a human faced snake, but a half snake demon. My father is a snake demon, my mother is an ordinary person, and I was born with a human tail."

He put on the robe given to him by Feng Qianwei, and his wound had completely recovered.

"Your resilience is very strong. Is that why you are imprisoned? The other party wants to take your blood and do some research?"

Feng Qianwei saw that the terrible wounds on his body had healed, and there was no blood on his robe.

"Oh, that old ghost sucks my blood every day to prolong his life."

The man sneered and said that his ability to recover quickly, as long as someone with a heart will find out his secret.

The world also says he is a monster. In fact, some people are more terrible than monsters.

"Don't be afraid, I'm not interested in your blood. My teacher was hit by the snake winding curse and is now in danger. I hope you can provide some clues about the source of the snake winding curse. I want to find a solution."

Feng Qianwei felt his vigilance and hostility and directly explained his intention.

"As a token of gratitude, I will take you home. Of course, if you don't believe me and are afraid to bring disaster to the people, I can send you to the place you specify. Of course, if the place you want to go is too far away from the place I want to go, I will send you there."

"If you're not a snake demon, you won't be able to solve the snake entanglement curse, because no one knows which snake is the source of the spell."

When the man heard her words, he was moved. He was imprisoned for so long and lived a miserable life every day. Now he was told that he could be free, whether he believed her or not, he had to bet.

"Can any snake be a lead?"

Feng Qianwei asked.

She saw that although he recovered from his injury, it was not without cost, and his vitality was lost in advance.

His constitution seems to be a natural Yin Jue body. Originally, a man's Yin constitution must die, but he is a half snake demon blood, so he can survive.

"It can also be said that! However, if you use very weak ordinary snakes as the introduction, the snake winding mantra can only be effective for one person. It is not very powerful and can not be transmitted to more people. The more powerful the introduction is, the greater the influence will be and the more terrible the effect will be."

The man nodded.

"Is the length of time from infection to outbreak related to the snake selected by the introducer?"

Feng Qianwei asked quickly.

"Yes, the longer the latency, the stronger the source. The shorter the latency, the weaker the source."

The man said nothing and seemed sincere in cooperation.

"What if it was hidden for a year and a half?"

Feng Qianwei continued to ask.

"The scope is very small. It can hide for more than half a year. It is definitely an extremely terrible snake demon smell. As an introduction, the influence is unimaginable."

The man took a breath and felt that it should be impossible to have this level of snake winding curse.

If so, it's definitely hell on earth!