The silvery moonlight grass stretches all the way, with scattered streamers on the tip of the leaf and covered both sides of the gravel road.

Clusters of smoke purple brocade flowers are blooming, and each petal is as round as jade. Wisps of drooping silk cirrus feather clothes rattan, gently draped from the hundred year old tree, fluttered with the breeze.

Bell like emerald, dotted with unknown white flowers, is full of dark brown old wooden frames.

The most eye-catching one is the small sapling next to the Lingquan spring. Although it is less than half a meter high, it has an extremely attractive rich breath of life.

The medicine boy who takes care of flowers and plants immediately invited a Gao Xing pharmacist.

"May I see your badge? How many drops of spirit dew do you need to exchange?"

Pharmacist Qin took out a crystal disc that specially read the merit value on the badge. He had to make sure that the other party had enough merit value before he could get the Linglu.

Once Linglu leaves Lingquan, spirituality will gradually dissipate.

Every drop of spirit dew is extremely precious. If it was not exchanged, it would not be taken out of the spirit spring.

"This is my badge. The merit values in it are exchanged for Linglu."

Feng Qianwei handed out her medicine hall badge and placed it on the crystal.

Seeing that the badge was golden, pharmacist Qin was shocked and almost dropped the crystal in his hand to the ground.

"Sorry, I'm going to get the spirit dew now. Sir, wait a moment here. The merit value in the badge can be exchanged for ten drops of spirit dew. If there's no problem, I'll deduct the merit value."

Qin asked before returning the badge.

"Is there so much?"

Feng Qianwei remembers that she can get 8000 merit points by passing the eight star assessment. She remembers that the exchange point of Linglu is 1000, so she can only exchange eight drops.

"There are 10000 merit values in the badge. Adults can exchange ten drops of spirit dew."

Qin asked respectfully, with a very good attitude.

People who can be pharmacists in the medicine garden are not ordinary people, and their requirements are very strict. They are basically born in a medical family. They must have sufficient pharmacological knowledge and learn all kinds of skills to care for flowers and plants.

In addition, their background is also unusual. Most of them are core members of the headquarters of the medicine hall.

"Then exchange ten drops!"

Feng Qianwei nodded and took back her badge.

She doesn't know when she has accumulated so much merit value?

Is it because some of the merit values answered by the difficult wall have arrived?

I think that's why.


Pharmacist Qin personally went to the Lingquan to take ten drops of Linglu and put them in a special white jade bottle.


The wind is as like as two peas, which are seen in the spring, and the dew drops are just like the dew.

"Is Linglu actually from this small tree? So it is not planted next to Lingquan, but because of it."

"I didn't expect you to guess so soon. Indeed, this small tree seedling is the core of the whole miraculous medicine garden. It is not only a branch of the ancient tree of life, but also a part of the ancient tree of life."

Wen Xu said slowly.

"I didn't expect the little sapling to be so big!"

Feng Qianwei knows that the headquarters of the medicine hall is also built here because of the ancient tree of life. It can be said that the ancient tree of life is the foundation of the medicine hall and is absolutely indispensable.

"My Lord, this is your spirit dew. Please accept it."

Pharmacist Qin handed her the white jade bottle.

"If you need anything next time, please come back."


Feng Qianwei put away Linglu and nodded.

"By the way, can we visit here? Will it be inconvenient?"

"Of course! It's very convenient!"

Qin pharmacist quickly replied.