"Girl! Come back quickly! You're crazy!"

Yun Liangze was startled and suddenly came back to his mind. He wanted to rush over and bring back shallow Vera.

However, just as he rushed over, the Qinshu stopped him.

"Let her go! If anyone can pass through this blood soul wood forest, it's only her."

Qin Shu didn't worry like others, but let Feng Qianwei enter the blood soul wood forest.

"She was not affected by the blood soul wood forest."

Shengwuyou's calm voice fell slowly and let Yun Liangze look at it.

Sure enough, as he said, Feng Qianwei walked in the blood soul wood forest without being affected by the devouring power of the blood soul wood. On the contrary, the light of those blood soul wood also converged and did not dare to contact Feng Qianwei at all.

"This... What's going on?"

Beichenxi was also stunned. Why did the blood soul wood have no effect on her?

"Ah Yan was born close to these plants and will not be attacked."

The Qin script casually explained that no one knows whether this is true or false.

But looking at his appearance, he seemed to have expected that the blood soul wood would not hurt Feng Qianwei.

This is the secret of their teachers and disciples, and no one forced him to say it.

Shengwuyou glanced at the Qin script, full of deep meaning.

If Feng Qianwei didn't take the initiative to walk into the blood soul wood forest, Qin Shu wouldn't let her save people, let alone let people know her secret.

Feng Qianwei's small figure soon disappeared in the sight of everyone. Everyone was worried about whether she could successfully save people.

However, there is no other way but to rely on her.

In fact, Feng Qianwei has something to rely on for daring to take risks. She believed that her crystal beads must be out of her sight, but not too far away from her. There is a kind of heaven swallowing demon in the spirit bead. Ordinary people can't sense its existence, but these blood soul trees can sense its breath.

Those black fog was only contaminated with the breath of swallowing Tianshi, which made these blood soul trees dare not approach, but she was surrounded by the God of swallowing Tianshi. Even if there was only a little breath, it was enough to frighten them.

As she expected, she was not attacked by these blood soul trees.

"Fortunately, the bet is right!"

She breathed a sigh of relief. Although she was certain, she was not 100% sure.

But she has to gamble once, at least it's possible to succeed, isn't it?

She walked quickly through the blood soul wood forest. There were only these trees here, but it was safer than anywhere else.

I don't know how long she walked. When her legs began to sour, she finally saw that on a high ground surrounded by blood soul wood, the wind was lying on the ground for a long time. He hadn't eaten. At the moment, he was very weak.

Hearing the footsteps, he raised his head with difficulty. In the blurred vision, a bright and beautiful girl came step by step, stepping on the bloody leaves.

When she left the scope of the blood soul wood forest, the light of the blood soul wood behind immediately lit up and turned into the most gorgeous picture. That pair of bright eyes is the brightest light in the darkness.

A person waits in boundless solitude, desperate and helpless. At this time, he saw other people besides himself, and his heart filled with strong joy.

"How are you?"

Feng Qianwei stepped forward and helped him up.

"I'm fine, thank you!"

Feng Jiumu looked at her. Perhaps because she looked very harmless, he subconsciously felt that she was not a bad person.

Seeing that the wind was weak for a long time, he took out the water and fruit and handed them to him.

"It seems that you haven't eaten for a long time. Have something to eat first!"