"The Jiulong instrument of luoyuxuan is amazing. It's a treasure verification artifact made by everyone in Tiangong Pavilion. Although it can't identify the cryolite, it can identify the grade of the items inside after the ice melts."

"It is said that the material for making Jiulong instrument is green tear copper, which still contains natural spirituality."

"How do I use this Jiulong instrument?"

A head asked curiously when he saw it once.

"The Jiulong instrument is the same as the treasure divination artifact in the peerless building. As long as it is placed in the same place with the treasure, it can produce induction and manifest the Dragon light illusion. According to the number of dragon shadows, the value of the treasure can be judged."

The manager of luoyuxuan opened his mouth and introduced it. It is the most fair thing to judge. Both sides have no objection.

"That's fair!"

Qiao Er Shao nodded and took the lead in asking people to put the herbs and eggs on the jiulongyi stage.

Although most of his items are relatively recent, they must be able to press each other with a precious egg.

After these items were put on, the light of jiulongyi was shining. In the dazzling green light, the Golden Dragon shadow suddenly rose.

Feng Qianwei heard that Xu Jinhuan mentioned the Jiulong instrument, but now she sees it for the first time. She feels quite novel.

Jiulongyi kept rotating, Golden Dragon shadows flew up, and her eyes were still calm.

"The shadow of the three dragons!"

He said nervously, his heart full of worry.

"The three dragon shadows depend on that egg."

At a glance, Feng Qianwei saw that jiulongyi didn't respond at all. Until the egg was put on, jiulongyi didn't rotate rapidly.

"The three dragon shadow is also good. This Jiulong instrument is not a treasure."

Seeing the three dragons in the end, Qiao Er Shao said with satisfaction.

Feng Wei Wei looked at the egg. It was impossible for the Kowloon instrument to have only three dragon shadows. But all its essence was concentrated in the eggshell, and it was all restrained.

In addition, this ancient egg, even if it is precious, can not hatch in today's heaven and earth environment, just like those miraculous drugs can not grow.

"Master, that egg has the smell of a divine beast. You must get it. You can hatch it in the space of Yuehua Pearl!"

The voice of a small snowball came from his mind. He sensed the smell of the egg and woke up.

"OK, I'll find a way."

Feng Qianwei responded.

"It's our turn."

Xu Jinhuan said. Seeing Feng Qianwei nodding, he asked people to put these jade pieces up one by one.

In full view of the public, even if they want to play tricks, they can't help it. But there are many strong people watching. If they cheat, they will be found.

The first jade was moved up, but jiulongyi didn't respond.

"Ha ha, I'll tell you! This jade is not worth much money."

"Look, there's no reaction from Jiulong instrument. I think it's bound to lose."

"Oh, I don't have any skills. I want to pretend to be a master."

Yu Linying gloated. She saw that the jade blocks were all made of the same material. Surely none of them could make jiulongyi react.

"Childe, what should I do now?"

When he saw that there was no movement when several jade stones were put on, he couldn't help wiping his cold sweat.

"It doesn't matter. Just look at it."

Feng Qianwei waved her hand. Although jiulongyi didn't respond, she was still calm as usual, so that people couldn't see through her inner thoughts.

"I don't know where he got his confidence."

Qiao Er Shao sees that Feng Qianwei hasn't admitted defeat yet. She thinks she's pretending to be calm.

He waited for the last piece of jade to be identified, and whether the other party could continue to pack it.