Maybe it's because Feng Qianwei is pregnant now, so when she sees the stone fetus, she thinks of her child and feels pity, so she didn't auction it before.

If it is taken by others, its fate can be imagined.

She didn't see that after the stone tire was collected into the crystal space, it was lying quietly on the ground next to the germinating God seed. A trace of aura was flowing in the snow and sand below, which was spreading up from the finger tip of the stone carving into its heart.

"Ten drops of spirit dew of jade branch grass, with half a liang of cloud frost petals, plus three money purple water chestnut..."

Feng Qianwei made up the medicine. Her movements were very skilled. Even if she made the prescription for the first time, her movements were orderly and there was no mistake.

Soon, the medicine in her hand was prepared and poured into the black pottery bowl.

"Knock, knock!"

There was a loud knock on the door. Feng Qianwei opened the door. As expected, Yun Liangze came.

When he entered the house, he smelled a slightly cool fragrance, as if he were in the garden in the morning, looking down and sniffing the roses.

He raised his hand and closed the door. The ginger sunshine outside the window came in. The house made of warm jade was suffused with soft and clear light.

"Ah Qian, I'm coming."

"I mixed this bowl of medicine for you with jade branch grass."

Feng Qianwei handed him the medicine bowl. He was surprised.

The next moment, he picked up the medicine bowl in his hand and drank it without careful inquiry and inspection.

Feng Qianwei saw that he didn't even ask, so he drank it up. Isn't he afraid of her poisoning?

She thought so, raised her eyes to meet his eyes as clear as the ocean, and only saw her figure clearly printed in it.

The warm feeling stirred in my heart.

He trusts her very much.

Such a sense of trust, in the details of the tree over the years, slowly integrated into her heart, making her feel deeper and deeper.

"Jade branch grass can only be used after a long time every time it condenses the spirit dew. If you don't mind, I'll plant it first."

Feng Qianwei said, with the meaning of inquiry.

"Just arrange it."

Yun Liangze said simply.

"You're here to refine the medicine. I'll watch beside you to avoid any problems."

When Feng Qianwei heard his reply, she couldn't use the prepared explanation at the moment.

He knew the value of yuzhicao, but for him, she was the most valuable.

"Then please."

Yun Liangze originally wanted to say that there would be problems with the medicine she prepared, but since he could stay and have her company, why wouldn't he do it?

His operation was the power of his soul, and he found that a comfortable clear flow quickly poured into his soul, like rain and dew falling on dry branches and leaves, moistening his weak soul.

Knowing that she was in danger, he ventured into the soul world and his soul was traumatized. He didn't tell her about it. Unexpectedly, she found his soul and carefully prepared the good medicine for recovery.

Her carefulness and consideration made his heart throb, and a gentle smile could not help floating on his cold face.

"It seems that she still has me in her heart!"

His heart was filled with joy.

It was getting dark outside. Beichenxi was worried about Feng Qianwei and Yun Liangze. When the meditation lotus platform appeared, she flew and fell on it and entered the soul world.

"Don't have an accident. You must wait for me!"

She knew shengwuyou's predictive ability and felt uneasy in her heart.

At the same time, the auction is in full swing. Although the price of green gold wire is very high, some people can't help buying it.