The next moment, the huge and incomparable statue even sent out a holy white light.

The white light was pure, without any defect. It was so clean that people felt like bathing in the divine light.

"This is..."

Must do his best to look up at the statue, his mouth opened gently, and he wanted to talk and stop.

Countless people are paying homage to the divine light, and many people kneel down and worship, believing that the miracle has reappeared.

"My God! This statue hasn't moved for thousands of years. What's the matter today?"

"Yes! Something big must have happened."

"I heard from my ancestors that the statues here originally radiated divine light. Later, because of the power remaining in the statues, with the passage of years, they never emitted light again."

"Is it the legendary chosen man?"

"It is said that only the chosen one can make the goddess shine again, but it's just a legend..."

"It's impossible. There hasn't been a so-called chosen person for many years. That doesn't exist."


The people on the square were shocked and talked one after another.


Xujihuan sees Feng Qianwei appear and quickly pulls her to the corner.

"What happened?"

Feng Qianwei asked suspiciously. She just went in. Not long ago, there was a lot of noise outside.

"The gods here are shining. Everyone is curious about the reason."

Must try to explain.

"Have you condensed the soul stone?"

"Well, but I can't use it."

Feng Qianwei nodded and added.

"Haven't you reached that many? 200 inferior soul stones are really not easy to condense."

Must speak with joy.

"But it doesn't matter. We can think of another way."


Feng Qianwei learned from the book that the soul stones in the soul world are divided into three grades: upper, middle and lower. Only a hundred lower grade soul stones can be replaced with a middle grade soul stone, while the upper grade soul stones need a thousand lower grade soul stones.

In addition, there is also a special kind of top-grade soul stone, one of which is equivalent to 10000 inferior soul stones. However, this kind of soul stone is basically extinct. Only some big forces leave it to core disciples for cultivation.

These soul stones can contribute to cultivation and can be directly used for absorption, so they are very popular in the soul world.

The soul stone condensed by Feng Qianwei is the best soul stone. It is as white as jade without any color.

This kind of top-grade soul stone, except that a large number of schools purify it with special methods and condense it at a great cost, almost no one can condense it simply by the power of lotus soul.

She knew this, so she felt helpless.

She still knows the truth that money is not exposed. It's not easy for her to reveal her best soul stone at will.

Now she is just a soul world sprouting new. If she takes out this soul stone in a dignified way, she will certainly get angry.

"It's really a penny. It's difficult for heroes!"

Feng Qianwei condenses the soul stone. As a result, it can't be used directly. What should I do?

"Otherwise, I'd better borrow it from others first."

Just as she was going to borrow some transmission fees from the senior brother of Wenxing tower, she was suddenly patted on the shoulder.

"Big brother! It's really you!"

A surprise voice fell.

Feng Qianwei turned her head and saw Gu duxiao looking at her excitedly. She wanted to give her a big hug immediately.

Her dress today is the same as when she was outside. It is the dress of a little miracle doctor.

He wore a mask on his face and a cloak on his body.

"How do you recognize me?"

Feng Qianwei is quite surprised to see Gu duixiao here.

"Big brother, even if you turn into ash, I can recognize it!"

Gu duxiao said heartlessly.

"You turned into ash..."

Feng Qianwei has a speechless face.

Can you talk well?