"How can I judge if I'm a lotus soul master?"

Feng Qianwei asked curiously.

"Did the master see the pink streamer lingering on you? Every time you improve a product, there will be another lotus shadow streamer of different colors, so as to judge the product level. This streamer will appear when you use the lotus soul."

The answer of string made her understand the way to judge the strength of lotus soul master.

"It should be dawn soon now. The master can leave this place with the help of the power of the lotus soul."


Feng Qianwei took off the ancient mirror, put it in the crystal bead, and then put the little snowball away.

"Hey, why can't I take in the jade flute? Otherwise, I'll leave it here. What if someone finds you?"

"Master, I'm a sacred instrument. No storage space can accommodate me. Don't leave me here. I've restrained my breath. It's an ordinary Xiao that others can't see."

The string wanted to cry and said without tears, how did it spread on the owner of a river and bridge?

"Only when I exert my real strength will I be sensed by some strong people."

"So every time I want to use your words, I need to sneak, and run away as soon as I use them, right?"

Feng Qianwei carefully considered whether to take the goods away. She felt it was a dangerous goods.

"It's better! After all, the master is only a lotus soul master, which is better than ordinary people."

The string said.

"My little lotus soul master, for the sake of safety, I'd better leave you here in the dark."

Feng Qianwei threw away the Phoenix white moon flute.

"Don't! Master, I think your impression is black. You must be haunted by evil spirits. At least there are powerful evil spirits around you. You can at least defend yourself with me, can't you?"

The Phoenix white moon Xiao "Shua" and flew to Feng Qianwei's hand.

If the owner abandons the magnificent ancient relic, how can it lift its head in front of its peers in the future? What more shame?

"Forget it, I can't help taking you. Anyway, you are also a gift given to me by little snowball. If you lose it, it will be sad."

Feng Qianwei said reluctantly, which deeply hurt Xian's heart.

"I'm not as good as a dog?"

I have an impulse to cry.

Feng Qianwei tied the Phoenix white moon flute casually to her waist and didn't worry about whether it would fall. This guy brought his own function of finding the owner and didn't worry about losing it at all.

She opened the stone wall and swam to the bottom of the well.

Purple lotus blossomed in her hands, and the pink halo on her body flowed. The whole person turned into an arrow and rushed upward.

When she was running out of strength, she finally rushed out of the lock dragon well.

She looked back at the exit and found that she couldn't find the wellhead. It was all broken sand and stones.

She has been unable to condense the lotus soul, and can only swim towards the lake with perseverance.

However, before she swam to the lake, there was not enough oxygen.

Her head began to get dizzy. She thought about whether to go into the crystal bead to take a breath. She felt that her arm was pulled by someone.

The next moment, the jelly like lips covered her lips.

The air she needed came into her mouth.

She couldn't believe her eyes. The lake looked bright and clean in the moonlight. In front of her eyes were a pair of blue ocean like eyes. The wet long eyelashes made his eyes more blurred and profound.

His lips were so close to her that they were as hot as lava that they almost melted her.

The feeling of electric shock spread to every cell around her, making her head dizzy than when she was lack of oxygen.

They were so close that she was held in his arms and swam up quickly.

She tried to push him away and swim up by herself, but he kissed deeper, as if to tear her apart.