Outside is a hot spring pool, surrounded by green shade and dense white fog.

The environment of this hot spring inn is particularly good. In Longxiang City, where there is an inch of land and an inch of gold, the inn can be built into a garden, which shows how amazing the financial resources and power of the inn owner are.

The stones polished without edges and corners are built into a circular pool, which shows the feeling of nature.

On the edge of the pool is a green bamboo forest, which not only divides various regions, but also makes people feel very elegant.

Scenery is beautiful, but people are more beautiful!

The honey colored sunlight, penetrating the green bamboo leaves, fell on the man bathing in the pool, reflecting the colored light of water droplets on his shoulders and hair.

Even if it's just a back, it's handsome enough to make people daydream infinite.

This picture of a beautiful man bathing is pleasing to the eyes and stunned Feng Qianwei.

"That man was him last night!"

She recollected that they had been in the hot spring pool last night.

She shook her head violently and threw out the red faced pieces of memory.

"This man is not simple."

Feng Qianwei is very sensitive to danger now. She finally came back to life, but she doesn't want to have any intersection with this dangerous man.

She could feel his cool and arrogant temperament, even if he didn't turn his head, he had exuded a terrible atmosphere.

Seeing the skirt that had become rags on the ground, you can imagine how rough the man was.

With lingering palpitations, she glanced at the room and saw the men's clothes on one side.

"Borrow it first."

Feng Qianwei puts on her clothes with light hands and feet. Their bodies are very different, which makes her feel like a child stealing adult clothes.

She put on her shoes and hurried out of the Inn room.

When the man returned to his bedroom, he saw that his clothes had disappeared, and the woman last night had disappeared.

The icy eyes crossed a dark and sharp light.

He put on a black and silver robe and sat on a bamboo recliner.

Remembering her sweet taste last night, he was a little thirsty.

Who is she?

Why did she appear in his bath? Was it a deliberate conspiracy or a doomed encounter?

He shook a bronze bell, but strangely, it didn't make a sound.

Not long ago, a sunny boy in white, who didn't know where he came from, flew to him.

With his legs crossed, the boy lay lazily on another recliner and rubbed his bleary eyes. He didn't wake up at all.

He has a simple baby face, a pair of bright big eyes and pink lips, which evoke a cynical smile. Her curly flaxen hair glowed softly in the sun.

"Please, boss, can't you wait for the night? I've just fallen asleep. You don't know I'm sleeping during the day. You have the heart to call me over at this time."

The young man said with a wronged face and looked at each other faintly.

"You check someone."

The cold man ignored his resentful eyes and said directly.

"Will you check it for you in the evening?"

The boy yawned and said drowsily.

"Check now!"

"Boss, I'm still a child. Do you really have the heart to squeeze me like this?"

The young man's eyes seemed to drop water in an attempt to win sympathy.

"Have the heart."

The cold man reached out and rubbed the star beads hanging around his neck, as if thoughtful.

"Boss, how cruel..."

The boy can only admit his life and look at him.

The man stretched out his hand and lifted it. The pool water condensed into a woman's appearance. It looked lifelike, like a beautiful woman walking out of the water.