"A few months ago, the Qin family no longer exists, and I have no way to ask my grandfather anything." Qin Shu said with some sadness.

"No? Dead? " The housekeeper also couldn't accept: "how did you die? What happened? Isn't everyone in the Qin family here? "

"Yes." "It was an accident," Qin said

"How did you get here? Not because I remember? " Asked the housekeeper.

The vision slides to Feng Ling Xuan and Xuan Yuan Yi's body, ask again: "these two are..."

"They are godfather's apprentices and my elder martial brother and elder martial sister. This time, I came with them." Qin Shu said, "according to you, then I am the young master of the Kingdom ruins? But the age difference between me and this site is too big, isn't it? "

"You may not believe that your age is not in your twenties. Your real age is in your twenties." The housekeeper said, "you've been in trouble before, which made you frozen when you were very young. When Qin Zhong took you away, you were only five years old. At that time, you were still frozen. Qin Zhong thought of many ways to save you later."

"Over two hundred years old?" Qin Shu was shocked.

Chaoyang is to a: "looks like a small white face, did not expect, turned out to be an old monster."

Feng lingxuan: "I'm not sure."

Chaoyang, you are also a spirit beast for hundreds of years. Do you mean that people are more than 200 years old?

In fact, in the field of practice, it's normal to be a few hundred years old. There are many thousands of people who have high accomplishments and long life.

In fact, only a few decades old can be regarded as a start-up. Such freaks as fenglingxuan and xuanyuanyi are unique in the history of practice.

Qin Shu didn't care, so the housekeeper couldn't accept it: "how can you talk, you monster? I'm an old monster. Why don't you say my little master is an old monster? "

After that, the housekeeper looked at Qin Shu and said, "young master, don't think much about it. You are only twenty years old. You don't have to listen to those messy things. You can't count them."

"What is a mess? You old man, tell me clearly, what is a mess? Besides, I'm not a monster. I'm a spirit beast. Do spirit beasts understand? " Chaoyang growled: "Laozi is a spirit beast from the upper world."

"The spirit beast from the upper world?" The housekeeper looked at Chaoyang in surprise and doubted. However, he soon believed it. He said, "are you sent by the upper Mu family to pick up the young master?"

Before the accident of this kingdom site, the branch of Mu family, that is, Qin Shu's family, was going to the upper boundary, but when the accident happened, there was no way.

Chaoyang denied: "what is the Mu family? Is it worthy of my service?"

"Then you are..." the housekeeper looked at Chaoyang thoughtfully.

Xuanyuanyi said: "he is my contract beast."

"Are you from the upper world?" Asked the housekeeper with some surprise.

"No Xuanyuan Yi said: "but soon, I will go to the upper boundary."

"Since you are not a member of the upper boundary, why do you think you can go to the upper boundary? How can you be yourself? Young people, it's better to have some self-knowledge. " Said the butler.

Xuanyuanyi smiles a little, and doesn't say anything more. Fenglingxuan frowns and says: "dog's eyes look at people's low things. For Qin Shu's sake, I won't take your life. But if you don't know what's good or what's bad, then don't blame my men for being merciless. At that time, you will be hurt and maimed, and that's what you asked for. "

Fenglingxuan, just like xuanyuanyi, can endure people's disrespect for her, but she can't endure people's disrespect for xuanyuanyi, especially when some people look down on xuanyuanyi.

Feng lingxuan's words, the housekeeper's face immediately became ugly, looking at Feng lingxuan's eyes is also very bad: "are you threatening me?"

"Since you know that you are old and have been in the ruins of Dihai kingdom for a long time, don't open your mouth easily. Otherwise, it's easy to expose your ignorance." Feng lingxuan sneered.

Housekeeper's anger: "you..."

The voice square falls, Qin Shu then once again opened a mouth, however, the inside and outside of the words are all protect Feng Ling Xuan and Xuan Yuan Yi.

He said: "if you are really the housekeeper, really for my good, then don't say any more. They have saved my life. Without them, I don't know how many times I have died. Moreover, I can only rely on their help to make such achievements."

The housekeeper was shocked, and then frowned: "young master, in this world, there are a lot of people with bad intentions, they..."

"I believe in them." Qin Shu interrupted the housekeeper and continued: "since I am your young master and the master here, how about you take me to meet my real parents and relatives first?"

The housekeeper looked at Qin Shu, but he finally gave in to Qin Shu's eyes.

What about intransigence?

Qin Shu looked at the housekeeper and didn't know what to say.

He only hopes that the housekeeper can take him. Of course, if the housekeeper doesn't want to, he has no choice but to find his own way.

The housekeeper finally led the way. Qin Shu didn't mind at all. He called fenglingxuan and xuanyuanyi.

The housekeeper was not happy when he saw them. He wanted to persuade Qin Shu not to trust people too much, for fear that Feng lingxuan and Xuan Yuanyi might be wrong. However, Qin Shu's trust in them made the housekeeper unhappy, but he had no choice. Finally, he had to agree.

As he walked, the housekeeper told Qin Shu about his real home, the branch of the upper Mu family, Qin Shu's biological parents, the demise of the Mu family, everything he could say.

Fenglingxuan and xuanyuanyi also listen carefully. Later, fenglingxuan suddenly remembers something.

She remembers that mutianya comes from the upper world. Then, isn't the Mu family in the upper world the family of the Dihai kingdom? Qin Shu is also a member of the Mu family.

All the branches of the Mu family were buried, and the cards were placed in a room. The housekeeper took Qin Shu and explained everything to him. He took Qin Shu to recognize his relatives and offered incense to the elders.

After the incense, the housekeeper took Qin Shu to walk around the underground kingdom. He knew everything and explained to Qin Shu as he walked. He was afraid that Qin Shu would forget.

Qin Shu listened carefully, and his mood would be affected by what the housekeeper said. From time to time, fragments of the past would appear in his mind. However, he could not remember the contents of the fragments, could not see them clearly, and could not grasp them.

Gradually, Qin Shu became impetuous and excited again. He could not control himself.

His head began to ache violently, and he could bear it at first. Later, he could not help it, so he fell back straight, his hands still holding his head.

Xuanyuanyi steps forward to hold Qin Shu. Fenglingxuan relieves Qin Shu with his power. At the same time, he doesn't forget to ask, "have you forgotten what I said before? Can you get excited? Can you recall it? Didn't you let it go? Qin Shu, you really don't take yourself or me seriously, do you

Speaking of the back, fenglingxuan becomes extremely fierce. The momentum she exudes is very strong. The housekeeper Rao is used to the wind and rain, and he is also shocked by fenglingxuan.

Qin Shu bowed his head and knew he was wrong. He said, "I'm sorry, I don't want to be like that, but some people can't control themselves. I..."

"Well, don't say anything sorry, your own body, if you don't pay attention, then who can help you?" Feng lingxuan said, "I'll help you again. You won't think about it for a while."

After that, she looked at the housekeeper and said, "I know you very much hope that Qin Shu can remember the past things quickly, but I want to tell you that he can't recall too much, otherwise he will die."

"What?" The housekeeper looked at Qin Shu in surprise.

It's just a memory. How could you die?

Qin Shu didn't explain, and he didn't know how to explain.

Feng lingxuan is not afraid at all, how serious, how to say.

Later, she said that Qin Shu needed a better environment to adjust her body.

The housekeeper guards against her and xuanyuanyi. She and xuanyuanyi don't believe in the housekeeper. All the people in Mu family are dead. No matter how high the housekeeper's cultivation is, how can he escape the disaster? What is his purpose of staying at this time waiting for Qin Shu to come back?

For a time, they have no way to determine what, but, through getting along, they can know.

Now, Qin Shu's headache is just used as an excuse.

In order to avoid Qin Shu's thinking, xuanyuanyi also sent a message to Qin Shu. His cultivation housekeeper was high, so naturally he was not afraid that the housekeeper would hear it, because the housekeeper could not hear it.

There is always time and others to prove whether the housekeeper is really loyal or has a different purpose.

Fenglingxuan will not forget the housekeeper's eyes when he looks at Qin Shu occasionally. Besides, he will always take them around and talk to Qin Shu so much. I hope Qin Shu can remember everything?

Qin Shu obeys fenglingxuan and xuanyuanyi's arrangement, and the housekeeper can only arrange a good environment.

As soon as the housekeeper left, Feng lingxuan said directly: "Qin Shu, no matter whether you like to hear it or not, I will tell you: This housekeeper may really be a person here and is in charge of the Mu family, but he also has some problems. As for what it is, I have no way to determine for the moment."

"I believe it." Qin Shu said: "I always feel that his seemingly unintentional actions, those words that sound unconscious, always have some meaning. It seems that he wants to lead me to where."

He recalled it carefully and said it without hesitation.

He didn't believe in the housekeeper, but he believed in fenglingxuan and xuanyuanyi.

Feng Ling thinks about it, and asks Bai Li Ji to check it out in person.

Sure enough, we soon found out the difference.