After hearing this, xuanyuanyi had an answer in his heart. He took the sword spirit and went out first. Some people hesitated for a moment and followed him.

This time, he finally came out, but everything in front of him was not much different from what he had seen before. If he wasn't sure that he really came out, xuanyuanyi would have thought that he had come back to the origin again.

Is the layout all the same? The medicine in this is the same?

Just had such guess, Xuan Yuan Yi shook his head to veto, how is it possible? It's absolutely impossible. The owner of this palace is not stupid. He wants to plant herbs. How can he plant different ones? At least, there will be some rare ones.

Xuanyuanyi and Jianling walk in front of each other, followed by so many people all the time. They look at each other and see helplessness in each other's eyes.

After a pause, xuanyuanyi turned his head and said, "ladies and gentlemen, I can understand your thoughts, but can you stop here and stop following us? You can go wherever you want. Why follow us? If you think that you will get more with us, then you are very wrong. I can tell you clearly that if you follow us, you will not get more, but nothing. "

The implication is also very obvious. In terms of cultivation, these people are not rivals at all. They want to get things under the hands of practitioners who are more advanced than themselves. Aren't they dreaming?

Jianling added: "do you want to help our father and son find something? If so, then I welcome it very much. " The implication is that he will rob everything they find.

This is a bandit! However, they can not say more. This is the reality.

The law of the jungle, if we continue to follow, maybe there will be nothing left.

At this time, even after xuanyuanyi's words came out, some hesitant people did not hesitate at all. They were not stupid. Why should they follow? At that time, it's still for others to make wedding clothes.

So all the people who followed them left in a short time.

Now only xuanyuanyi and Jianling are left. They look at each other and laugh at the same time.

It's easy to get rid of the timid.

Xuanyuanyi takes Jianling's hand and goes to the right side decisively. There is nothing different on the way.

However, when they come to the end, they will find that they are different.

At the end of the corridor is a door. It seems that there is no characteristic door, but there is a boundary in front of it. Xuanyuanyi spent a lot of effort to break the boundary.

When you open the door, you can see a room that looks like a living room. Its furnishings are very simple, but people can't ignore it at all.

Every thing, you can see the carefulness of the master.

Xuanyuanyi and Jianling looked around the room, but they didn't find anything useful.

Is this really just an ordinary palace?

No! If it's really just an ordinary palace, how can it be so memorable?

Even though he and Jianling are the only people in the house, xuanyuanyi absolutely believes that there is something in the palace that makes countless people excited, but he is not sure where he is for the time being.

"Dad, this should be a common place for visitors. Let's go in and have a look?" The sword spirit's eyes fixed on the inside of the door and said, "I have a feeling that something is attracting me."

"What is it?" Xuan Yuan Yi picks eyebrow to ask a way.

The sword spirit shook his head: "it's not clear, but there must be some."

Xuanyuanyi has no doubt, and takes the sword spirit to go inside.

From the living room to the inside, there are residential areas. There are many houses and many scattered courtyards. Each courtyard is very exquisite, which makes people want to explore.

However, if you experience it carefully, you can also find that these courtyards emit different breath. When they look at each courtyard, they don't find anything special. However, after stepping out of the courtyard, they see something different.

Magic weapon room?

Xuanyuanyi is very surprised, Jianling excited: "before attracted me is these things, if you can eat all good."

Xuanyuan Yi mouth a draw, very helpless: "you are not afraid to support?"

Sword spirit way: "if really can all eat into, that is to support, I am also willing."

Xuanyuan Yi leads the way first. He tries to touch the magic weapon, but he is not rejected at all. Then, he tries to put away the magic weapon, but no matter how he tries, he can't put it away. Finally, he has to give up.

The sword spirit also followed and tried to eat. As a result, it failed without accident.

The magic weapons here can be touched and taken down, but they can't be put away in any form.

They didn't know that xuanyuanhan and fenglingxuan, playing with magic weapons on the other side, found something different at the first time.

Someone's using the magic weapon!

This kind of cognition makes mother and son alert, and Feng lingxuan intentionally protects her son.

"Han'er, I'll see you later. Don't be impulsive."

"Good." Xuanyuanhan nodded.

The next moment, fenglingxuan goes in another direction.

At the same time, xuanyuanyi is going in the same direction.

When they turned the corner, they were stunned at the same time.


"Ah Yi..."

After returning to their senses, they called out again with one voice, and then they laughed at the same time.

Who would have thought that they would meet again under such circumstances?

Xuanyuanyi stretched out his hands, and fenglingxuan plunged into his arms without hesitation.

Xuanyuan Yi said: "lingxuan, it's really good to see you again."

"Dad, are you not excited to see me?" Xuanyuanhan blinked and asked.

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Yi let go of fenglingxuan and hugged Xuanyuan Han again. He said, "I'm very excited to see you, baby."

"Dad, you are so fake." Xuanyuanhan and Jianling speak in unison, full of disgust.

The sword spirit hugged xuanyuanhan and said, "brother, I miss you so much. Do you miss me?"

"Yes." Xuanyuanhan nodded heavily.

Fenglingxuan and xuanyuanyi are pulling each other to say other words. They separate what happened one by one.

Those in the past, they no longer care, but this continues, we have to find a way.

You know, these things can't be explained in a few words. They still need to explore carefully. At the same time, we should also consider what they should do in case someone else comes.

In the magic weapon room, the two adults are thinking about countermeasures, while the two little guys are fondling with the magic weapon.

"If only we could take all these magic weapons away." This is everyone's voice. No matter who sees this room full of magic weapons, they can't be indifferent.

Unfortunately, they thought of many ways, but there was no way to take them away.

Later, they thought of a compromise, and they absorbed the spiritual power of the magic weapon here.

It's not likely to happen. If these magic weapons look good, they can only play and have a look. They can't do anything else.

They have no choice but to give up. After all, it's still very big here. There are many places they have never been to. If they spend their time here and let others get better things, won't it be more than worth the loss?

"Well, let's go. You have to believe that none of us can get it. Then, no one else can take it away. So, even if we do other things first, they will still be there when we come back." Feng lingxuan comforted the two little fellows and told the truth.

As Feng lingxuan said, as a sword spirit, he can't take away these swords, so who else can do it?

Fenglingxuan looked at xuanyuanyi and asked, "where are we going now?"

"Take a step and look at it. I'm not sure about the details." Xuanyuanyi said: "this palace is a deep mystery. We need to be careful and be more careful."

"Yes." Feng lingxuan deeply thought it was, and raised her hand to hold Xuanyuan Yi's hand. When she looked down at it, she naturally said, "I'm not afraid to lose you if I hold you like this."

Xuanyuanyi suddenly has a feeling of heartache. He looks at fenglingxuan and solemnly says, "the same thing, I won't let it happen again."

"Come on, let's see what else." Feng lingxuan was moved, but, moved to move, she did not really believe in anything.

Xuanyuanyi's heart, she is clear, he will give that kind of commitment, she is also expected, but this practice of heaven prays for the mainland, the situation is changing rapidly, who can guarantee what?

Xuanyuanyi also frowned after saying that. In fact, he didn't have to promise again and again. He just needed to take practical action.

As they walked side by side, they found a door at the end of the magic weapon. Compared with the simple door they had seen before, it was too complicated. There were exquisite patterns carved on the door, which were hard to forget after a glance.

Feng Ling Xuan narrowed her eyes slightly and said with a smile: "these people are really not ordinary people. They actually use this kind of array."

"Those patterns?" Xuanyuan Yi suddenly understood.

Feng lingxuan nodded: "the sculptor of the pattern is a very powerful master of the array. Because of this, the complex pattern can only contain the array, move and move all. As long as you don't pay attention to it and touch the array of death, you will be buried here in nine cases out of ten."

"I have mentioned this technique in the books I read before, but I can't break it." Xuanyuan Yi's mind shows the pattern of the array, but he can't start it.

Feng Ling Xuan sighed and said, "I don't have a way for the moment. I'm afraid I need to learn again."