"In fact, gong xi's kinship is not believable. There are not a few relatives connected by blood who are immortal, and there are not many people without blood connection who love each other. The situation of you and me may not be as familiar to your mother as the servant girl who has been waiting beside you. Mother, it may be closer in blood. "

"It has nothing to do with filial piety. It's just the intimacy and estrangement caused by human nature. After a long time, long love is inevitable. Years can really wear away a lot. You don't need to blame yourself or feel guilty. Intimacy and respect cannot be confused. Maybe you are not close to Princess LAN in your heart, but you can't allow anyone to humiliate her, can you? "

Gong Yueyue stood up from his seat, took the stool and sat next to Zhao Changyuan, surrounded his waist and put his face on his chest: "don't think too much. I will always accompany you and teach our children well. After a hundred years, our children and grandchildren will come to offer incense and worship to us. Although I don't believe in souls after death, we will never be forgotten. "

When Gong Yueyue mentioned the word "children and grandchildren", Zhao Changyuan's heart ached. He spent a lot of effort to hide it. He asked people to check carefully one by one for every doctor and person who could diagnose pulse around her, and even used taboo methods against those doctors without authorization, This did not make those people aware of ah Wan's body.

Gong Yueyue's pulse is very strange. The infertile pulse can't be hidden at all, but her physical condition can't be hidden. However, it is not easy to make an article on people. Zhao Changyuan dare not fool around with her body. If he wants to hide from Gong Yue, he can only move his mind.

Like the cool night of the moon, the spirit of the moon can also some evil gong xi, which can eliminate or even tamper with people's memory. He spent a lot of effort to get the spirit of the moon to Liao Song. That woman knows a kind of magic, which is similar to the magic of witches and insects in Miao Jiang. Because she is too evil, she has always been despised. Fortunately, this woman is also a person with insight and price, and she has never made much publicity. Otherwise, no one will tolerate her.

This method leads people to fall into a coma and can give instructions to them. Therefore, those government doctors ask Gong Yueyue for a pulse every day. Even if they feel that she is infertile, they will feel that Gong Yueyue's body is healthy in their mind.

However, Gong Yueyue can't be unmarried all her life, and she can't hide these things all her life. One day she will be suspicious and investigate. What will happen then?

Zhao Changyuan sighed, took her into his arms, reached out and rubbed her hair, and then kissed the top of her hair.

This kind of Zhao Changyuan made Gong Yueyue slightly uncomfortable. She put her hand on his chest and grabbed his clothes. She was slightly uneasy: "what's the matter with you...?"

Somehow, Gong Yueyue felt a strong sadness from Zhao Changyuan.

"Remember, no matter what happens, I won't dislike you, okay?"

Zhao Changyuan's voice is soft, but it falls in Gong Yueyue's ear like thunder. Does he already know his own things? Otherwise, what does that mean?

Zhao Changyuan smiled and straightened her body: "well, don't think too much."

"Junfeng, what do you think in your heart? Can you give me a correct answer? I'm really upset about you. " Gong Yueyue held Zhao Changyuan's hand and said to himself, "until now, I have some understanding of your original feelings. I can feel that you have some concerns in your heart. There is always a layer of separation between us. Just like you and me at the beginning, do you think I deserve it?"

"Don't think about it. It has nothing to do with you. It's just my own business."

"But I want to turn 'your business' into' our business'." Gong Yueyue looked at Zhao Changyuan, "I know that in your eyes, your daughter's family should stay in the backyard and should not get involved in what men should do."

"However, I think that I will only become a drag on you. I shouldn't rely on you to protect everything. Those dangerous things push you to stand in front alone. I should let others think of me as your help, not your weakness."

"Since juming mountain, you should know something. I'm not the kind of woman who only hides behind men. I..."

"All right." Zhao Changyuan interrupted her and put his finger on her lips. "I don't know what you've been thinking all day. It's just a small thing. As you know, kids are difficult to deal with, and it happens to be the new year's festival. It just blocks my heart. I'm not in a good mood. "

"Oh, is that so?" Gong Yueyue hung his head and didn't believe it.

Zhao Changyuan didn't want to say anything more about her. She has never been a fool. If she said more, I'm afraid she would really reveal her secret.

In fact, he had no feelings for her. He was just afraid that he could not control her temper, so that the two people would eventually break up unhappily. After all, so many people feel that they are not suitable to be with her. He really doesn't know whether he can have good results for such a relationship that is not valued by everyone.

"I don't think his Highness the king of Qi knows something about the things that should be concerned about by his daughter's family." Gong Yue smiled and joked.

"You have lived in the deep palace since you were a child. You should know that there are few completely good people in the deep house. This is the true answer to the old saying: good people don't live long, and disasters last for thousands of years. In this high gate and deep house, if you are too kind, I'm afraid you'll only be bullied. "

"Your cousin shaowan can live safely in this house as a common woman. She is not arrogant or impetuous. I think she is a pleasant and wonderful person. She has both wrist and brain. The most important thing is to know current affairs."

"Even so, it's not very pure. If you really know each other, Ying'er's girl is more reassuring. Although she is stubborn, she has no intention of harming others." Zhao Changyuan handed Gong Yueyue a glass of rice wine.

"Your cousin is more than naughty." Gong Yueyue tooted his mouth, "just as you spoiled him as a child, you were so used to it that you didn't know heaven and earth. That day, you rushed to my house with a whip to beat people."

"If you really want her to be good all the time, you'd better go back and discipline her now. The act of soaking pepper water on the whip is not the responsibility of a naughty child. You say that if you don't care about her, something big will happen sooner or later."

"What am I going to do with her?"

"How to manage her? Only your cousin is worried. What can I say? It's just that her temperament is too vicious. A girl really shouldn't know such vicious means."

"You..." Gong Yueyue raised his head to continue, but saw Zhao Changyuan's face getting worse and worse, and couldn't help worrying, "what's the matter with you?"

Zhao Changyuan sat in a chair and didn't speak. He just stared at Gong Yueyue, which made Gong Yueyue very uncomfortable. At this time, he continued: "how should Ying'er teach, why not?"