Fang Zhiwen was moved and almost burst into tears.

Gong Yueyue was touched, but he was still a little reluctant: "well... Isn't there Tian Hai?"

Fu Yun said faintly, "what does he know? You think it's for your husband. "

"That's what you said. All right." It seems that a woman's mind still needs a woman to understand. Fang knew that Wen's thousands of words of plea could not resist Zhao Changyuan's passing among other people

Gong Yueyue also attended many large and small banquets in ancient China for more than a year. She is also a girl who has seen the world. In her eyes, the birthday banquet in the sixth Prince's residence is not the best, but it is by no means shabby.

The most shabby banquet was pan Zhuqing's birthday. He had only planned to entertain a few very good people to his house for a simple meal. He didn't expect so many guests from all directions that day. He was surprised to catch him off guard.

But the sixth Lord's banquet was just the opposite. The guests arrived one after another. But on most people's faces, it seems that Gong Yueyue can't see through. It seems that... They are deliberately isolating themselves and alienating each other. This forms a cocktail party like scene similar to that in the 21st century. They look around absently holding tea cups. People they know nod to each other, even if they say hello.

Only a few people are heartless and heartless. It's fun to talk and laugh. This group of people Gong Yueyue knows, almost all of them are representatives of the military. Including Zhao Xiong, Yang Jinyi, pan Jingyuan, He Yong and so on. After Tong Xian arrived at the scene, he greeted everyone symbolically and sat far away from them, drinking tea and listening to the play alone. Fang Zhiwen was relieved.

Almost everyone present stopped talking and moving their hands, turned their heads and looked out of the lobby door. As if this was the first time they saw pan Zhuqing's face

Still the expression of light clouds and light wind, with a leisurely pace, pan Zhuqing's broad back slowly came into people's sight in the sunset of summer night.

His face looked a little pale. It must be because he was too busy recently and neglected to rest. But the inherent coldness and arrogance between the eyebrows and eyes and the eyes that seem to see through everything still make him energetic and extraordinary.

At this time, Fu Yun's face, which was originally clear and faint, suddenly burst into rosy clouds, and the autumn color was shining in his eyes. She may not have noticed, but Gong Yueyue sitting next to her felt that her breathing had been out of order.

Gong Yueyue was calm on the surface, but she was very sad in her heart. A woman may be able to marry someone or have sex with someone. Love is the only thing that can't deceive yourself or others at all.

She suddenly remembered her heart pounding past. When he first fell in love, Jiang Haoran looked back at the corner in his uniform, which was comparable to the classic lens of Wu Yanzu in the love of beautiful teenagers. Passion will eventually dissipate like fireworks, but the beauty of the first palpitation will be branded in each other's hearts and become an eternal good memory.

And Zhao Changyuan, her Zhao Changyuan... When did she begin to feel involuntarily for him? She seems unable to define the boundary accurately. Perhaps it was when he protected Lord Luo Xiangye's car, wearing armor and riding a high horse through the crowded street; Perhaps one evening, when she returned to Zhao's house and saw the figure he looked forward to; Perhaps it was the moment when he held Yang's little nephew high above his head and laughed in the garden on the day he returned home; Maybe the moment he opened the car door and held out his hand to her

Now recalling this scene, she only felt that every moment and every expression of his was enough to make her heart beat wildly and have difficulty breathing

"Lord pan finally came. I thought you didn't intend to reward me today. " The voice of the sixth Lord untimely interrupted all Gong Yueyue's reveries.

"It's the prince's birthday today. How dare you neglect it? It's because of official business that I'm a little late. Please forgive me. " Pan Zhuqing was a head higher than the sixth Lord. Under the other party's luxurious appearance and innate arrogance, he didn't seem humble at all. The tone is neither urgent nor slow, neither humble nor overbearing.

"Official business is important, but adults should also pay attention to rest." The sixth Lord was hypocritical and polite. In fact, he had already broken the young man in front of him.

"Thank you for your consideration."

From beginning to end, most of the guests present were surprisingly quiet.

Almost all the people at Gong Yueyue's table saw some doubts. But the only person who couldn't calm down and put it forward directly was Du ruotong, who lacked a heart“ My husband, how do I feel? The atmosphere is strange? "

I was lost in thought and didn't hear my wife's question clearly. But Gong Yueyue inadvertently took over the remark: "most of the officials here are the little brothers of Lord Qian. Now the big man has committed a crime and has been arrested. Can these people not be nervous when they see the police? " Just now pan Zhuqing repeatedly stressed that he was on official business. Isn't he telling you with subtext that Lord Qian's case is in full swing?

Du ruotong was more confused by the modern words contained in her words“ Yue Yue, what are you talking about? What little brother, big brother, jingcha's...... "

"Er... I'm talking nonsense." She quickly fooled Du ruotong.

Their whispered comments did not disturb the fight between the two heavyweights standing in the middle of the lobby“ By the way, I came here today and prepared a big gift for the Lord. I hope the Lord will accept it. " Speaking of this, pan Zhuqing waved to Xue Jiu, who was only a few steps behind him, "take it up."

The ninth master retreated. The sixth Prince's face was covered with a hypocritical smile: "ah, you'll come soon. What gift do you bring! That's very kind! " He received a congratulatory gift from pan Zhuqing a few days ago. It was a perfectly framed word "Shou", and there was nothing else. He almost died of anger on the spot. Now it seems that the boy surnamed pan doesn't know so much about the rules.

Pan Zhuqing didn't speak any more, but inadvertently adjusted his sleeves with a faint smile.

Before long, Xue Jiu came in with two guards holding two brocade boxes.

They held the brocade box respectfully in their hands and walked to pan Zhuqing. Pan Zhuqing opened the brocade box. Two boxes of jewelry, like two small hills, were naked in everyone's surprised eyes.

"Wow! So many jewels! " Gong Yueyue only felt that a strong local tyrant atmosphere diffused the whole hall.

The two brocade boxes are not big, that is, the length and width of a laptop and the depth of an ordinary birthday cake box. There is absolutely no amount of gold and silver in ancient costume TV dramas.

But there is always a very different distance between reality and TV dramas. Gong Yueyue estimated that she, together with her mother-in-law and Du ruotong, would take out all the jewelry and stuff it together when she was full, and she was not satisfied with this box. It's not because Zhao Xiong, Zhao Changyuan and pan haoshao are stingy with their wives and don't buy jewelry for them. These three men, without exception, handed over their financial power to their wife. But it is because of their noble status, especially the women with titles like Liu, who will never go out with fake jewelry. Even if you lose yourself, you will lose your husband.

However, genuine jewelry is rare and expensive in an era when the mining technology is a thousand years behind that of the 21st century. No matter how rich my husband is, he can't spend it indiscriminately.

It can be seen that pan Zhuqing is really generous this time“ Your big brother is so rich! " Du ruotong couldn't help but say what everyone wanted to say. I can't see that pan Zhuqing has so many private goods. In fact, the origin of these jewelry can be said to be unexpected

"This is a little humble intention of the younger generation..."

Before pan Zhuqing could finish a sentence, the sixth Lord's Chrysanthemum smile bloomed on his old face: "Oh, how interesting..."

Pan Zhuqing was not vague. Before the other party's joy and strength were vented, he turned to the public and said something that surprised everyone: "in fact, pan has a weak temperament on weekdays. How can he spare time to enjoy these treasures. I really appreciate the love of all the elders. I'd like to thank you here. " Then he bowed to the officials present. Gong Yueyue knew that these jewels were given to pan Zhuqing by some officials present. She didn't know why, but later she guessed that it was probably because these officials were afraid of being implicated by Lord Qian, so they took the initiative to surrender to pan Zhuqing. To sum up in a simple and crude sentence is to bribe law enforcement officers.

"Offering flowers to Buddha? That's really damaging. But... It's exciting. " Gong Yue couldn't help sighing.

But something more incredible happened to her.

Pan Zhuqing took the two guards holding the brocade box and strode to Fang Zhiwen's table - Gong Yueyue's table. He still looked popular and said in a gentle but resolute tone: "now the enemy is in front of us. The officers and men of our three armed forces have left their hometown to defend the city and pool. It can be said that they have worked hard and made great achievements. Without them, we would not have gathered so comfortably tonight to celebrate the prince's birthday. I will donate all these jewels and money in the name of the Lord today to comfort the soldiers of the Song Dynasty. I also hope to comfort general Geng Jingguo and patriotic businessman Chen Yuanwai. Although the murderer has been punished, the younger generation will never forget the loyalty and righteousness of our ancestors. "

Then he turned his face and said politely, "please accept it, marshal Zhao."

Fang Zhiwen was already stunned, blinking and stunned. Gong Yueyue stepped on him hard below, and he suddenly woke up: "thank you... Thank you, Lord pan..."