Chapter 16 - Lies.

Icy planet, a group inside a small base.

The group of four looked at the man crying as he held on to Cooper.

Ezekiel shook his head, unlike Romilly this man Dr. Mann possess a weaker will than the others, not only he lied about the possibility of life in this planet, but also fabricated misinformation to further enhance his point and leave this planet for once and for all.

The fact that his pride could not accept that the planet he received to analyze and look through wasn't capable of holding life, made him crazy to the point of almost destroying the future human possibility of searching for a planet.


Minutes later.

Mann held a cup, "pray that you never learn, just how good it can be to see another face" pausing and looking at them, "I hadn't a lot of hope left, my resources were all exhausted…the last time I went to sleep, I didn't even put a waking date".

Mann: "You literally raised me from the dead".

Cooper: "Lazarus", while Mann nodded.

Mann: "What about the others".

Romilly: "I am afraid you are it, sir".

Mann: "So far, surely".

Cooper: "No our present situation, is that there is very little chance of rescuing any others" while looking sideways.

Mann was stunned, while countless thoughts kept appearing about the situation and his bad luck.

Brand: "Dr. Mann, Dr. Mann? Tell us about your world".

Mann nodded and made a decision, "our world, we hope".

Mann: "Our world, is cold…stark…but undeniably beautiful, the days are 67 hours long, cold. The nights are 67 far colder hours. The gravity is a very, very pleasant 80 percent of the Earth…".

As his description went on, Ezekiel stopped listening as he is sure, 10-50% of the information might be true, everything else is fabricated or changed. He used his telekinesis power and stopped the heart of Dr. Mann without mercy, and also fainted the rest of the group.

Dr. Mann slowly died, and looked at Ezekiel the only one still standing and tried to reach out, but Ezekiel just turned around and went up to TARS, just like CASE had been modified by him unknown to anyone.

Ezekiel: "Put Romilly in hypersleep, take Brand and Cooper in the Endurance and prepare for departure in 6 hours".

Finished, Ezekiel flew outside controlling his energy within his cells, and slowly went to the coldest parts of the planet, while also studied the planet itself. He also had already studied the water from Miller's planet, and discovered that although it is clear, it is not for human life.


6 hours later.

Sitting in the driving seat of the Endurance, he looked at the Ranger, and decided to finish this entire space-time travel faster than it should.

Ezekiel first modified the three brains; Romilly, Brand, and Cooper, and also removed the data from TARS and CASE about anything related to this.

Approaching the black hole, the first Ranger to be removed was TARS, which was also the first to enter the black hole. After which would be Ezekiel's and Cooper's Ranger, and Cooper was already awake, as for Brand she was left in the last Ranger attached to the Endurance, which he ordered CASE to pilot to Edmund's planet, the only change possible would be Wolf Edmund's being alive.

As we approached the event horizon, Cooper too looked at everything around him, as for Ezekiel he is completely immersed in this unknown nature of the Universe. Everything went black, even his 'Eyes of Seeing' didn't see anything, flashes started appearing, the gravity around him also increased tremendously the particles of light which couldn't escape were crashing against the ship.

Cooper ejected himself, while Ezekiel also took hold of his leg and also followed the same path, as they continued going he noticed his speed increasing and nearing a planet, Ezekiel calmly looked at it, and saw it was the 5-Dimensional planet, although he does not know why he was allowed, or if he is even known to be here, he still studied everything within his vision.

Quantum mechanics, Gravity, Space, Time…many things within one place non-stop Ezekiel stayed looking, studying, changing, confirming his thoughts with his suitcase and his abilities…while unknown to him Cooper was already making the way for Murph as he already started sending the Morse code.


As time went on, the planet started closing, he doesn't know if there exist any being watching over here, or if this is just correction of the Universe to correct mistakes from the future to the disrupted past, but he knows he got what he needed, and left this world.


[Gate to the Multiverse]




Looking at the time-space bending he too wished to further continue on his discoveries, so he chose option 1 [Movie].

Before going to the other Universe, he looked at the closing physical time-space bending closing in, and closed his eyes.


[Gate to the Multiverse]

'Edge of Tomorrow'

Item: Hand suitcase.

Time entry: 10 minutes before William Cage death.

Pause time: Yes.


The second Ezekiel disappeared the planet stopped and it stayed half closed, showing that even space-time is nothing in-front it's power, all unknown to Ezekiel.