22 Twenty Two: Finding Something New


"Daddd! Someone bullied me today!!"

"What?! Who dare bully my precious daughter?!"

"That Shao Liling, you know? The daughter of Shao Luhan!? You know him, right?"

Xu Meng Bin, who was relaxed the entire day, was now seething in anger from this information, 'how dare those people bully my daughter!?'

Yup, Xu and the Shao business were hardcore business rivals, they hadn't given up, even if they had to take extra measures to get what they want, they sure wanted the other one behind them.

Now that Shao Luhan's daughter had taken a part in this, how could Xu Meng Bin let them go so easily?

"What did she do, baby?"

Xu Shen Qing started to fake cry, bawling her eyeballs as if even a drop of tears were in them.

"She...she...harassed me and my friends! She knew that I was from Xu!"

Xu Meng Bin abruptly stood up, startling Shen Qing, but that did not stop her from still acting like the victim, she wants what she wants, and she's gonna get it. Nobody can stop her.

He had to do something.

Something that could make them regret what they did to his precious daughter.

Xu Meng Bin went back towards where his desk was and, dialed a number. He had to make sure it was someone he trusted, so he had to take this seriously.

"Good afternoon, mast-"

"No time for that today, I want you to track someone, and bring me any information, that will be enough to manipulate them in handing me the Canadian Structural project, from last month. It's business related, and I want you to do it as soon as possible, no delays, understood?"

"Yes, master"

Xu Meng Bin hung up, tired from all the rants he had just let out, but he cannot just let anyone bully his daughter, they had to pay for whatever they did, and also learn the lesson of dealing someone like them.

His daughters faint sobs slowly subdued, his heart beating down with the rhythm, he was having trouble breathing, but let it slide, it wasn't as important as Xu Shen Qing at the moment.

"Thank you dad, I knew you would be the one able to help me"

Xu Meng Bin nodded, trying to ease the pain in his heart, and calmed his ragged breathing. He closed his eyes and sank in the office chair and relaxed. Shen Qing exited his office, wiping her fake tears with a smirk on her face, but quickly hid it when she saw Xu Meng Bin's assistant approaching his office.










"Yes, master"

He huffed out a bit, overworked from his job and school both, but he still had to listen to Xu Meng Bin, or else he wouldn't have the money to buy food to live on.

"What a pain in the *ss, I get to do all the stuff anyways"

He turned back to his computer screens, each with resting b*tch faces, glaring back at him.

"What? Wanna fight with me, huh?"

He was honestly tried from all the work but just let it be, and turned on all of them, he had to snatch the Canadian Structural project, pfft, easy work, he could just lie around than do that, but he was getting paid for it, so why not?

"Let's see, we have to get that project, and who has that?"

He exclaimed with a smirk,

"Shao Liling"







Shao Liling sneezed, she was waiting at the bus stop, it was a rundown with dirt scraps all over it, and the posters around it looked like it was from two or from three decades before, she made sure she didn't touch anything and just stood at the side, patiently waiting for Ye MinFeng to make his arrival.

Shao Liling rubbed her freezing hands together, despite wearing three layers of sweaters and jackets, it did not make her feel warm enough. She realized it was probably a bad day to wear a skirt out. Her teeth chattered, it was evident that winter was approaching, except it had yet to start snowing.

While blowing hot breathe against her pale hands, she looked around, no sign of a bus yet, but a figure was approaching her, someone tall, with a dark maroon coat draped around his shoulder that reached his knees.

It was clear that it was Ye MinFeng, he was approaching her with a wide toothy smile, displaying his perfect racks of teeth. His round eyes turning into crescents with his cheeks looking stuffed and cute. He resembled a sunflower, bringing warmth to her and her surroundings, reminding her of the sun.

"Heyyy, sorry if you had to wait, it was quite difficult finding this bus stop"

"Not a problem, I just reached here"

"Soo, shall we go?"

"Uhh, sorry. But I don't think there will be a sunset today, the weather looks pretty bad, probably should have checked before coming here, my bad"


"Do you want to go to somewhere else?"

"I did have a place in mind, do you want to go?"

"Yeah, I wanna spend more time with you"

Shao Liling ended the conversation with that, awkwardness tinted their surroundings, but both of them had smiles on their faces as the waited for the bus to reach the stop when the both of them heard the screeching of a bus tire, which was nearing them.

The bus soon made it's way towards them, appearing from behind all the tall trees surrounding them, there was no one around that area these days, so the bus driver was a bit confused but let that be. People tend to wander around the places and just climb on the bus that arrived at that place, it wasn't something jaw dropping, and let them enter the bus.

Shao Liling looked around for places to sit at, since she came first. But as she searched for empty seats, she felt a gentle tug on the back of her skirt, but almost fell from the force afterwards. Shao Liling turned around, and looked downwards, it was MinFeng.

He had a faint blush on his cheeks, despite the weather, and looked sideways towards the windows with his thin lips pursed together. Shao Liling did not understand it at first, but when she saw his fist coiled around her skirt, trying not to have contact with the skin near them, she snickered.

The bus stairs were quite steep, she had taken two steps already when MinFeng had entered, her butt was directly shoved in his face. The skirt was riding up, so he had to pull it down, but he didn't realize that he used so much strength that she would tumble back a bit.

"Uhh, sorry, I should have gotten in first"

Shao Liling didn't say anything, but just stared at him. He looked too cute and shy, like a prey of a large animal, but his ears weren't like a small animal's. It looked more like a wolf or a black panther, maybe a fox. But he's expressions and gestures did not look predatory, so she was at ease.

Shao Liling pulled out her hand from her pocket, but regretted it the next second, it was really cold.

She hurriedly loosened MinFeng's grip on her skirt and covered her hands with his warm ones. Surprise transformed his face, but he wasn't able to process anything as Shao Liling tugged him inside the bus and sat at the back, away from the few people at the front.

It was quite through the journey, but almost as an instinct, she turned to him, and gave him a sudden peck on his lips. But the reaction wasn't what she had expected.

He let out a small groan.