20 Twenty: Corn Dog Lover



The school bell rang as all the students huddles in the hallways hurriedly made their way towards their classes. Shao Liling and Liu Shan together, now the power couple of the school, as people stared at them wherever they went.

It was annoying, but their insignificant opinion or thoughts didn't matter to them took their seats, as the teacher soon entered the classroom. People hushed down but continued whispering, the teacher, Mr. Yang, stood there with a smile on his face, the students were a bit suspicious, but let it slide and did not bother him.

"Good morning class, as you have heard, fall is almost to ready to end, and winter will come along, and as I've expected for you to know, that there will be a school trip one week later, and the entire highschool is going hiking in the Lu Village, the one which is famous for it's resorts and hot springs"

The chatter around the class grew louder, and friends talked to each other about it, completely ignoring what the teacher had to say next.

"Uh, uh. Not all of you are going, and from the recent mock exams, most of you had done terrible in it, I have already been granted the permission of the principal for this, and I would like to say that, there will be a test, just to ensure that you guys won't slack of once we reach there, we are staying there for at least four days"

Groans resounded from all around the classroom, no wonder Teacher Yang was smiling like he won the lottery or something, he had done this purposefully so that they would study maths during their free time, obviously tempted by just the name of a trip to the Lu village.

Shao Liling had nothing to worry about, she had scored second during the mock test, coming second to Hyogee, who was surprisingly fluent in chinese and possibly, maths. He had scored perfect marks throughout the days of the mock exam and shocked everyone, but his followers, who were just a group of five girls, increased to twenty. He tried not to be bothered by them, but the girls were persistent and stuck to him like glue throughout the day, they even waited right outside the Men's toilet the day before, taking it to a whole new level.

Honestly, it wasn't so surprising. The racism of middle schools and highschool these days were changing into whole new definitions, they do things worse than what normal people would have considered psychotic. It didn't matter since the harm done was minimal but it did alter a lot of things around their area though.

Shao Liling glanced at Liu Shan, who had a blank look. It was as if he was a statue, girls around her were jealous just because she sat next to the two popular dudes, like who cares? She would change her seat right away if she was allowed but Teacher Yang, nor any other teacher wouldn't comply to her request saying that it was too troublesome. And plus Liu Shan would cause a ruckus if he was to sit next to some other girl than Shao Liling.

Shao Liling just shrugged to herself and just sighed, continuing to listen to the teacher once again, soon when it was their five minute long break, Liu Shan snapped out of his daze when he felt a harsh tap on his left shoulder. A scowl forming as it did hurt quite a lot.

"Aye! What was that for?"

"You didn't even listen to the teacher did you? What were you even thinking about?"

Liu Shan who was about to retort back to her stopped, and Shao Liling stared as his face turned crimson red, neck also covered in blush now.

"What would you be thinking? Whatttttt??~"

She raised her eyebrows, a smirk evident on her face, she continued to tease Liu Shan as he tried fighting back, but nothing can into his mind, he was way to busy thinking about.....

'Corn dog'

He drooled slightly, just thinking about the crunch and the taste made him shiver in delight, but also starving as he felt like he was deprived of food for a long time. That spit rolling down Liu Shan's chin made Shao Liling widen her eyes in disbelief, he had never done something like that ever, he had never drooled thinking about having s*x.

Shao Liling shuddered in disgust as Liu Shan quickly wiped the spit with the back of his school jacket quickly and sat straight properly. Adjusting his hair and brushing it back, revealing his strikingly handsome hot face as girl couldn't keep their eyes away. He ignored them and turned to Shao Liling, who had a weirded out look on her face.

"What happened?"

"Jeez, you are so disgusting, you drooled thinking about sexual intercourse?! Not my friend anymore, ugh"

Shao Liling said quietly enough that the other students wouldn't hear, she didn't wanted to be reminded about him drooling over having s*x the entire day, it really did quite made her disgusted considering that they were still teenagers.

"What!? Who would dare saying that about me?! I was just thinking about corn dog! I didn't had breakfast so I wanted to eat it"


Shao Liling wasn't overly flabbergasted with that information either, she just spaced out like Liu Shan and continued having her butt over the seat as she felt too lazy to move, but she felt her phone vibrate in her right pocket as she took it out, it was Ye MinFeng.

She suddenly smiled, too occupied by the text that she didn't notice Hyugee peering over her from all the girls surrounding him, smirking to himself once he realized the name was 'Ye MinFeng'.

'Tsk, he's still going around persuading girls like her, does he even know she was off limits?'

Hyogee knew about the marriage between the Shao and Liu families, who wouldn't? They were so eye catching he had to find out more about their lives, and guess what? He came to know of his fellow coworker, Ye MinFeng, trying to hook up with her? That was almost laughable but he had to keep his cool image.

"Oppa, aren't you going to the cafeteria? Should I bring you something?"

"He asked me! Why are you butting in?"

"No, and shut up I'm not hungry"

He sat back down, too lazy to go through the crowd swarming around him and just rested his head on the desk.

Ye MinFeng: Hey, you wanna meet today???

The triple question marks were too cute and irresistible,Shao Liling had to clench her heart mentally trying to keep her cool composure on the outside.

Shao Liling: Sure, I'm not busy for all I know

Ye MinFeng: Great! Let me know when and where, see ya

Shao Liling: I'll think about it, bye!

She put her phone back, smiling brightly, as it didn't escape Liu Shan's eyes,

"Why did you smile?"

Shao Liling threw a glare at him,

"What? Am I constricted to smile now?"

"Nah, I didn't meant it that way, I was wondering what other reason might there be if not because of my handsome face, girls always drool over my face"

"Pfft, the irony is that he's into corn dogs"

"Yah! Don't speak about me lik-"

"Good morning class, please head to the gym for PE"

Shao Liling stood up along with the other students and left before even turning towards Liu Shan to tease him further, and left giggling evilly to herself and made her way towards the locker room.