
"One, two, three, four...? Hey! It's not complete! Did you take one!?"

Shao Liqin, who was about to escape from her demon sister with the 100 dollar bill tucked safely in her pink shiny purse was caught by her elder sister, Shao Liling who smirked evilly with a murderous glint in her eyes as she caught her from the back of the collar of an expensive branded shirt her younger sister was wearing from apparently, HER money was trying to steal from her again.

"Ahhh, jie jie, please let me go~ I'm going to meet my friends at the mall, and I said yes to be the one paying for food so I just needed some extra cash for assurance~"

She puppy eyed her elder sister who looked pretty pissed and her black eyeshadow made her eyes look ten times bigger which looked really creepy as Liqin regretted making eye contact with her and looked down from the glance her sister was casting over her.

Honestly, Liling was decent looking in her everyday attire, she dressed in all black everyday which was kinda scary as people seem to find it hard to make friends with her except from the friends she had from her elementary school with her goth like appearance as the other girls at her school say so.

Her change of attitude and the way of her dressing shocked everyone as she used to dress in shiny, vibrant and very eye catching dresses till she was in middle school and was the flower girl as she was very sweet and cute, a representation from what every girl should be like in this demolished society's opinion.

"Nope not a chance, you took my credit card when you went to a shopping spree last week and used all my allowance just in a day, whatever you say I don't care, hand me back the money or else you have to suffer through the consequences again!"

She bellowed as Liqin reluctantly put her hand in her purse and slid out the bill as she extended her arms and put it in front of Liling as the 'consequences', which was her sister's punishment was still vivid in her mind from last week as she shuddered and watched as her sister took the bill angrily but with a hint of satisfaction because she didn't had to pull out her dangerous weapon apparently very despised by her little sister.

Shao Liqin was about go to the mall with the money she received as the weekly allowance with her friends but their dad called her and asked her to pass the allowance to her sister also and what do you expect?

Of course she'll take advantage of it and try to swipe some money from Shao Liling's allowance unnoticed, with all her daily activities, money was the main source so she thought of a evil yet very foolish plan.

Shao Liqin left her sister's sun-lacking room since it was very dark and it was creepy even if it was just her sister.

As Shao Liling got her money back, she rejoiced happily and slipped on a black hoodie with a pair of black sneakers as she went out to buy the newest special edition of her favorite game, "World Domination:3"









'Tap, tap, tap, the rain started pouring, as soon as she exited the gate of her mansion as she realized her money would get wet if she didn't hurry and ran towards a nearby shelter as lazy as it sounds, she didn't want to go back in and waste the efforts she put in coming outside.

'Whatever I will go like a flash and zoom back like the lightning'

Her thoughts were interrupted as she saw her best friend coming out of his house, sporting an umbrella in his right hand as they were literally neighbors and made his way towards the Gaming Shop since both were gaming enthusiasts, Liling did not find any surprise in what he was doing.

'Oh, I should just go with him if-WAIT! NO!' The last time Liu Shan saw her coming for the same game as his, he bought the entire display case and didn't even let her play or just let her buy it from him. He was a literal devil as he didn't do anything with the other copies of the games and just let it rot in his basement.

"Ahhhh!" Shao Liling growled at herself in annoyance and made a dash for the taxi pulling up near the pavement.

Even if the Gaming Shop was right around the corner, she would get a teeeeny bit of advantage from it and decided to do what Liu Shan did to her as a return gift for his selfishness.

"Mister! Mister! Hold up!"

Shao Liling yelled, motioning for the taxi driver to wait for her as the taxi slowly halted. As the driver heard someone yell for him, he looked in the rear view mirror and saw a thin, pail, ghostlike girl, hair down sticking to her head from the rain and dressed in all black as he screeched suddenly from the thought of a ghost coming after him or possibly a thief since the people living in that neighborhood were from high society and possibly would not dress outside like that, and with that thought he sped suddenly from fear of the ghost girl and vanished from her sight, going on full speed.

"Huh, huh, huh, why did-did he lef-left me here?" Shao Liling huffed in breathes continuously and tried calming down her poor heart from the sudden exercise as the taxi was reluctant to pick her up.

'Uh,OH NO! Liu Shan would have already seen me and left! Ugh why didn't that driver stop for me, jeez that reluctant *ss'

Shao Liling cursed in her mind as she slowly went towards the shops and then for her dismay, saw through the glass wall as Liu Shan paid for two boxes with the label of 'World Dominantion:3 (special ed)'.

Shao Liling pushed open the door as both the cashier and Liu Shan were distracted from their talk as Liu Shan turns towards her and slowly, with a smirk, exclaimed,

"Xiao Liling, what happened to you? You look like you came from a horror movie"

Shao Liling threw a glare towards him as he chuckled softly.

"What? Why are you suddenly acting like a snobby b*tch"

She rolled her eyes as she looked around the shelves and didn't pick anything since all the good stuff was already at their mansion. Shao Liling just decided to look around.

"Haha, do you need help?, I would love to help"

Liu Shan teased with a wide grin and went towards her, who was trying to reach the top shelve. And was not tall enough to reach it.

"Hey, let me help shortie"

"Who are you calling shortie, huh? You're just way to tall like a giraffe that is why everyone is short for you"

"Apparently, no, that cashier dude is way more taller than me. He said he was 6'2 or something"

"I was referring to our age group, dumbo"

"Well he is just seventeen so we're not that younger in age or something from him"

Liu Shan muttered as Shao Liling casted him a surprised glanced as she flicked his forehead with all her strength and was able to make Liu Shan wince in pain slightly and close his eyes with the blow on his white forehead, where a red mark was forming slowly.

They were both sixteen so there was not much of a gap but that guy over there had a body of an adult as the outline of his biceps and muscles were slightly visible from the hoodie he was wearing, which clung to his body, with a baseball cap on his head which only made his face look younger.

"Ow, what do you eat for all that strength to be stored in that petite body of yours?"

Liu Shan complained as Shao Liling ignored him and went towards the register.

"Hey, do you have any copies of World Domination:3 special ed left?"

"Oh, that young guy over there bought all of them"

"Whhaaatt? Why are you staring at me like that? It's your fault you came later"

"And tell me, what are you gonna do will all of them?"

"What? I have my own uses. It's none of your d*mn business"

He spat as he picked up both of the boxes as it was nothing and showed her his tongue and exited quickly without the intention of looking behind and sped towards his own mansion.

"Ahhh, what am I gonna do with that sh*t"

Shao Liling's face crumpled like a piece of paper as her dry lips were forming a pout as she angrily crossed her hands around her chest and was about to leave,

"Oh, we do have one piece left, do you want it?"

Shao Liling turned towards the cashier to see him waving around the piece of game she wanted since last month and dashed back to the counter and nodded furiously.

"YES, yes please"

He was surprised from her sudden outburst but nonetheless smiled and scanned her game and put it inside a plastic bag as he recited the price to her.

Shao Liling dug in her pockets and she pulled a hundred dollar bill with her extended hand and paid him. She was excited to go back home and play this game all day as she giddily jumped slightly with a extra bounce in her shoes with a cute smile on her face.

It completely contrasted with her appearance but still looked cute as her face looked like an innocent baby.

"Hey, I'm Ye MinFeng, what about you?"

The cashier asked as she stopped her moments and answered him simply,

"Oh, I'm Shao Liling, I guess it's nice to meet you...?"

Shao Liling was awkward as human interaction was rare for her since she always stayed inside her mansion and barely talked to anyone when outside.

It's seems like he was unfazed by her hideous makeup skills as he smiled politely, sliding the bag containing her game with her change, a piece of unknown paper was visible in it.

"Are you free tomorrow?"

"Oh, I guess after two pm"

"Great, do you wanna go grab some coffee with me then?"

"Ok, sure I don't mind"

"See you tomorrow~"

Shao Liling exited slowly with the game swinging side to side in the bag she carried as she continued happily to the her way home.







'Wait. Did I just earned myself a date?!

Was it because he was lonely and wanted a companion?

Or is it not a date?

What do I do!? I don't even know how to dress up!'

She was having a mental breakdown as she went back with her mind in chaos.