"Look, how beautiful it is."

In a gorgeous white building on the top of a mountain, mieba is quietly enjoying the real gems in his hand. The power gems that the galaxy guard can't even touch are so clever in his hand, emitting the color of Meili.

"Its beauty is only worthy of you, my Lord."

Standing behind mieba, a man in a gorgeous dress, but just like a mummy, is humble and elegant, like the best housekeeper in the middle ages.

"It's time to go." Mieba clenches the gem and turns around from the top of the mountain. At this time, the camera moves to his back. There, the sky is occupied by the fleet, and countless armored soldiers on the ground are carrying out a large-scale killing.

The mountains and rivers are broken, and the blood flows into rivers. Just a glance is enough to shake people's hearts.

The egg's over. It's blown up in the theater.

"Is this star shandar?"

"No? Or was it destroyed? "

"It's really mieba!"

"What a pity."


The lights of the premiere were turned on, and the screening officially ended. There began to be constant applause. Li Qingyu teased Xiaozi and asked, "Xiaozi, is the movie good?"

"It's not good-looking, so you showed up for a while." Li Qingyu was amused and asked, "it's because we don't see that we are not good-looking."

"Well, it's not as good as Mom."

"Oh, Hello, my mouth is so sweet."

Li Qingyu was coaxed not to find the north, Lin tired funny looking at this scene, patted his brother small bean curd butt, asked: "how about you? What do you think of tofu

Once in the system, he will begin to learn the art of film in two years. Now Lin tired has the feeling of nurturing, but this thing is still random.

"Good looking." Little tofu is so precious, but he can't say what's good. Maybe he thinks those flying swords are cool.

Little tofu is a cool boy.

"Now let's invite director Lin to tell us something."

When Lin tired and his wife tease their children, he Yan on the stage thanks Lin tired again, and then says like this. The fans on the scene are excited, and the cheers are very warm. Lin tired smiles, but he doesn't refuse. This is the link that he talked about before, so he puts down the bean curd and goes on stage step by step.

It may be a long lost relationship. On the way to the stage, he also recalled how he felt when he first stepped on the stage.

That kind of feeling, really good, so exciting and blood gushing.

After that, the feeling became weaker and weaker. At last, he even took it as a routine job, but now it's different. He seems to have the same feeling as before, but he is more calm after all.

"Hello everyone, I'm Lin tired."

Finally, Lin tired got the microphone and stood in the center of the stage. Just a word, there was a tsunami of cheers and shouts. They were all the people of the union. At the moment, they were welcoming their king. Lin tired had the microphone in one hand and the back of the other hand behind him. He stood upright, warm but upright, and outstanding, He welcomed their cheers with a smile.

"Director Lin, I love you!"

"Director Lin! Hurry up and make a movie

"Director Lin, when will you be back?"

"Director Lin, I want to see your movie!"


For a moment, the fans have all kinds of shouting, and the excitement is endless. Xiaodoufu turns around and looks at this scene, which is deeply imprinted in his heart. At the same time, unconsciously, Lin tired's image becomes extremely tall in his heart.

In this kind of enthusiasm, Lin tired said with a smile: "I'm glad to stand here again, and I'm glad you like the league as always."

After a pause, he continued: "before, some people asked me why I wanted to retire. Many people guessed that it was because I was with my wife and children."

"In fact, it's true, but part of the reason is that I feel the lack of mental strength. The League series has progressed to the stage at that time, and the script setting I need to complete and the follow-up plot direction work become more and more huge. If I direct at the same time, the face-to-face consequence will be the decline of the quality of the work, so I decided to take a break, Focus on the script. "

"The League series released in recent years should prove that I'm not lazy."

Lin tired smile, fans also laugh, but also vaguely aware of what, become a little excited.

"But." Lin tired looked at Li Qingyu and Xiao Doufu, and his smile softened. He said, "I've been at home for three years. A few days ago, my son asked me why I didn't go to work. It's wrong to let my mother support my family by herself. This smelly boy thought that I was at home and even suspected that I was a very unsuccessful director, so there was no film."

Fans are amused to hear this, but at the same time, they can't help praising the beauty of little tofu.

"So I decided to come back. After three years of precipitation, I came back with some written works, so yes, I'm going to make a new film, and the process of the alliance will enter the next stage. Thank you for waiting all the time. "

Lin tired smile become gentle, said softly, his smile is sincere and gentle.

Three years ago, he suddenly decided to leave, so now he decided to come back and always talk to the people who have been waiting for him, otherwise his character may not be on the stage, let alone say so many words.

His character never cares too much about what others think of him, but he will respond to every expectation and kindness in his way.

After three years of precipitation, he has become more peaceful. His only requirement for himself is to walk every step steadily. It doesn't matter if he is confused occasionally. At most, he can go back and think more. He is not a genius, but he will be sure that he is really moving forward and walking on the road he likes.

There was another round of applause.


"Wow, husband, you are the top stream."

In the evening, Li Qingyu, who was applying a mask, looked at the headlines of micro-blog on the mobile phone page, and turned to jealous of Lin tired, eating something.

It's clear that we went there together, but we didn't even mention her on the news

Well, my husband, don't worry.

"That is, after all, a flow of long face."

"Bah." Li Qingyu showed no mercy.

"Ha ha."

"Well, husband, do you have any plans for your scripts? League or something? Has it been decided? "

"Well, let's shoot the League first." Lin tired made a decision, before he did have some entanglement, what to shoot first, after all, the union can give other directors to work for.

"Well, I'll have to wait a few more years." Li Qingyu sighs, but he likes Lin tired's script very much. According to the plan, Lin tired will play the leading actor and make a real cinema movie. Lin tired is quite repulsive at the beginning. He doesn't like to stand in front of the stage very much. The online cinema is OK. If it's on the big screen, he will have a sense of shame.

But in the end, he was persuaded by Li Qingyu, so he simply let go of his scruples and added a lot of intimate but not missing parts to the script.

"It's OK. Your husband is very fast."

"Well, it's a little fast." Li Qingyu pretends to be serious.

Lin tired turned to see her quietly for a few seconds, and then began to take off her clothes.

"I'll fight with you today!"

"Ah ~ ~ ha ha ~"

Outside the window, the night is getting dark. In the next room, little paw scratched his delicate face, turned over and stepped on little tofu's face.