There are many kinds of waiting in the world, but the most difficult thing is to wait for someone.

Some people are destined not to wait.

A heavy snow under the Wuji gate covers the way to the mountain, while a group of young swordsmen go down the mountain with their swords, rushing into this era and never looking back.


"Are you Ruiwen?"

In an army tent, a middle-aged man with a vulture appearance was sitting high in the main seat. Ruiwen, who was half kneeling on the ground, asked. Ruiwen was armed with a huge sword and dressed in dark purple armor. The shape of the armor looked like the blade of the champion. She lowered her head and said solemnly, "yes, Mr. imistan, I have been ordered to escort the regiment to deliver materials."

As soon as the name comes out, some people who know more about the background story of the League of heroes will know what will happen next.

"Escort? Does my regiment need your escort? " Emistan played with his glass and said contemptuously. Ruiwen frowned slightly and said: "military orders are like mountains!"

"What a military order! I'll give you a military order, too! Since Lord svein has entrusted such an important task to you, it fully shows his trust in Centurion Ruiwen's ability. You are known as the strongest newcomer in the army and a strong candidate for the title of the next hand of Knox. "

"In that case, the materials should be delivered to Centurion Ruiwen and your troops." Said emistan with a sneer.

"What about your regiment, my lord?" Ruiwen's brow is more wrinkled.

"We are hiding in the rear. This is a top secret task. You are a small group of 100 people and it is not easy to be found. But if you are found, you will send us a signal and we will help you." Said emistan with a sneer.

"Yes, sir." Ruiwen has no objection any more. In her opinion, even if emistan is not happy with her and envies her, it's the most difficult for her to give her the task. If there is a military event, the other party doesn't dare to delay, so he simply agrees.

But there are so many things she doesn't know.

After she left, an officer stepped into the tent, saluted him and asked, "general, has she agreed?"

Emistan's face became more serious, nodded and said, "yes."

The officer sighed and said, "in this way, we will completely offend Lord svein."

Emistan said with disdain: "if you offend, you offend. Although general swiyne is very fierce in war, he is too ignorant to be the opponent of Lord Loveland. Now almost all of his people have been transferred to help the emperor duckwell go to various temples to find the medicine for immortality. If Ruiwen dies again, I see who else can help him fight, At that time, sville will be guilty of defeat, and the supreme commander of this battlefield can only be me, emistan! "

"What's the strongest newcomer, the next noxas hand? They're just a bunch of idiots! I, emistan, will be the best general in Knox

With these words, there was an uproar in the cinema. The fans finally knew why Ruiwen came to that end. It turned out that it was because of infighting? But what's the infighting between Loveland and swiyne? However, these things Lin tired just understated, so explained a pen and then brought in the past, these things are not the content of this film, if the fans are interested, they can find information later, but he can't write too much here, otherwise he will procrastinate.

As the story goes on, Ruiwen escorts three carriages with her army of 100. The carriages are full of pottery pots. Ruiwen doesn't open them to see what's inside. She covers them with thick canvas and crosses the mountains.


"Lord Ruiwen, you will arrive in Ionia after passing the valley ahead."

On a hill, soldiers in black armor reported to Ruiwen Hui, who had short silver hair. Ruiwen's face was serious, and she said, "go on, order everyone to keep vigilant. This batch of secret weapons must not be lost."

"Yes The soldier hugged his fist and then asked curiously, "my Lord, what is this secret weapon?"

"Say it's a secret weapon, and ask?" Ruiwen glared at the other side. The soldier was not afraid to be angry. He laughed, nodded and said, "yes, I'll send the order first."

"Go ahead." Ruiwen nodded, and the soldier turned his horse back. As he ran, he cried out in a loud voice, "Ruiwen, you have orders. Keep vigilant and keep going!"

"If you want me to say that Lord Ruiwen is too vigilant. Our people are almost fighting to the capital of Ionia. What should we be vigilant about here at the border?"

"That is, not to mention that the amistan troops are behind. Even without them, the people who come here are certainly not the opponents of Ruiwen."

"Well, don't talk too much."


A group of people walked into the valley laughing and joking. Looking at this scene, some players couldn't bear to see it. Immediately, Ruiwen will face the biggest frustrations in her life.

Sure enough, after a while, a group of Aeolian people came out of the valley and rushed to Ruiwen's hundred people group with swords in their hands.

"Ready to fight!! Signal for support Ruiwen shouts out, commanding the battle with a serious face, but she doesn't seem flustered at all. She takes the lead in charging away. Every time she waves her sword, she can bring a burst of wind blade, which is unmatched. However, the number of enemies is several times as many as theirs, and Ruiwen can't take care of the whole scene for a while.

Just at the time of chaos, reinforcements arrived, but they did not join the battlefield. Instead, they stopped hundreds of meters away from the battlefield. Emistan looked at them from a distance. Beside him was a strange man with a huge yellow bottle, a gas mask and a crazy face.

"Let me have a look at my work!"!! It's about time. " That strange person can't wait to say, the voice is permeated with a crazy smell.

Alchemist, cingid.

Emistan glanced at hingid, then back to the battlefield. He waved indifferently and said, "shoot."

In an instant, hundreds of flaming arrows came down from the sky to strike indiscriminately. The sharp arrows penetrated not only the bodies of Ionians, but also the soldiers of Ruiwen hundred people regiment.

"Oh, you're so wasteful. These people can do experiments for me," said hingid discontentedly. However, no one paid any attention to him. After seeing this scene, Ruiwen's pupils contracted and cried out: "no!! Stop! "

As she shouts, she helps her soldiers resist the arrows. At this moment, Ruiwen, who has always been strong, reveals her vulnerability as a woman.

However, her actions were useless. As the arrow penetrated the earthenware pots, a violent explosion started, which directly lifted Ruiwen away. With the explosion, there was a green poisonous fog in the air, and all the people who came into contact with it howled out in pain. They were all convulsed, and their hands kept picking their own skin, And then it turns into a corpse in a few breath.

Ruiwen waves a huge sword to drive away the poisonous fog, but his soldiers still fall one by one. She sees the soldier who just asked herself fall on the ground in pain and wails. She rushes to call his name. However, the soldier just asks her: "my lord... How... Can this happen?"

With unwilling in his eyes, he just watched Ruiwen stop struggling.

He's dead.

Ruiwen suddenly collapsed. She looked up at the canyon. There were wailing soldiers everywhere. One by one, his people or Ionians died in front of her. The arrow rain had stopped, but the pottery pot was still exploding one by one.

All this seemed like a slow motion in her eyes. There were memories in front of her eyes. It was emistan who said to her with a smile: "this is a secret mission..."

"Knox Ruiwen's voice was full of hatred. She took up the huge sword of Rune in her hands and turned the sword point down to the earth. The rune on the sword gradually bloomed green lines. The air began to stir, and the breeze gradually became manic, blowing Ruiwen's silver hair.

She looked at the soldiers who were still wailing and running for their lives. The next second she gritted her teeth and forced the big sword into the soil. The rune radiated a strong light, and she roared!


The fury of Rune power swept all directions in an instant! Looking down from the high altitude, it was like a bomb was detonated. There was a layer of air wave carrying the rolling poison fog, sweeping the earth in a round crazy way. Ruiwen was also shaken up by this force, and her body was bounced off, rolled several times, fell into a piece of grass and fell into a coma.

The slowly retreating army of imistan over there noticed the movement and looked back. What appeared in front of them was a sandstorm like poisonous fog hurricane with a height of more than ten meters.




The Legion suddenly began to break up, and then the layer of fog quickly caught up with them, less than a few seconds to completely engulf the whole army.

The whole world is quiet.

There was darkness on the screen, as if the whole world had been engulfed by the poisonous fog, and there was silence in the cinema.

Even though some people know what will happen, watching Ruiwen try so hard to save those people, and feeling her sadness and her powerlessness, the fans also feel heavy. With the outbreak of Ruiwen later, the power of rune is liberated, which creates a sand storm like scene and destroys the amistan army. The depression is released instantly, and there is a sense of revenge, fully and delightfully!

It's not only for the plot, but also for the perfect special effects on the screen. But it's already so cool. Why is it still hard in my heart?

Oh, yes

The girl with silver hair.

It's really distressing.

Some people are still a little tangled. Will NIMA go out to play with Dao Mei or Ruiwen? Just now I said that I was captured by Dao Mei. Isn't it not good to empathize with her?

"Hoo..." a lot of fans take a breath and feel the emptiness after the climax. They watch the screen and wait for the follow-up development quietly. At this time, the sky is still dark, but there are many stars in the sky.

Ruiwen in the grass moved her fingers and woke up.