"Dao Mei!"

"Shall we go to the black house later? I want to play Dao Mei. "

"I also want to play Dao Mei..."

"Beast! She is still a child


The movie hall with 3000 people is full of noise. The flying blades on the screen make people feel the emotion of witnessing history. Lori arilia, who is tied with a small shell on her head, looks at the floating fragments of national glory with a shocked face. Obviously, she knows what happened.

The soldiers in North Texas are still fierce. Although the things in front of them are unexpected, they don't intend to be merciful.

The soldier came again with a knife, and arilia whirled around her blade. She flicked away the long knife that wanted to hurt her, and she began to dance. She raised her arm, and a blade rushed out, easily penetrated the soldier's heart, and then the blade came back obediently.

More than a dozen Knox soldiers who had been watching all the time drew out their long knives and surrounded arilia. In front of them, arilia, who was wearing a long white dress, looked very petite and scared.

Finally, they began to charge. In the waving of the long knife, she clenched her teeth and jumped, rotated and jumped. She watched the long knife pass in front of her eyes.

The blades beside her chirp sweetly, they quiver, and then move through the crowd, graceful and deadly.

When arilia landed with her back to the soldiers, the blades returned gracefully, and her movements became gentle around her.

Behind her, the soldiers in charge fell to the ground one by one.

Some soldiers rushed over from a distance. Arilia looked back at the corpse on the ground and waved gently. The biggest fragment, the one most familiar to the fans, crossed arilia's face. Arilia sat up like a witch on the broom, and then rose up in the joy of the little blade's buzzer.

Flying sword! The little pieces were dancing and cheering around her, as if celebrating her awakening.

The soldiers on the ground looked up, but they could no longer catch up with the petite figure.

The wind was blowing through little arilia's hair, and her little face was full of confusion.

What should I do in the land of birth

In a forest, she stopped, her white skirt covered with stains, blade fragments around her gently vibrate, issued a small beep, as if to comfort her, she reached out to touch the biggest piece, a memory appeared on the screen.

In the warm room, the younger arilia sat in front of a young woman. She gently stroked her hair and said, "arilia, your talent is the best in our family, but you know, our dance is not just for others to see."

LORI arilia looked up at her mother. Her big eyes were full of curiosity. When she opened her mouth, her young voice said, "what's that, mom?"

Many fans were sprouted on the spot, and the girls wanted to buy Q version dolls, which was irresistible.

"According to legend, the dance of our family has the power to communicate with the land of birth."

"What is the land of birth?"

"It is the earth under our feet and the source of everything. It gives us life and wisdom. It is the Mother God of the earth. It has been protecting Ionia and bringing us peace."

"Really? Then why can't I communicate with it? "

"Maybe it's not the right time, but I believe that one day, my little arilia will be able to communicate with her birthplace, and she will love you."

"Hee hee, I'll tell her to like her mom and dad too..." little arilia laughed happily.

So far in memory, back to reality, arilia's hand touched the fragment of Zu Hui. All the big fragments were familiar to the fans, because it was the old version of Dao Mei's weapon. The red lines on it glowed slightly with her touch, and flickered with the rhythm of breathing. Good things comforted her.

In the dark and silent jungle, little arilia stands in a pile of dead leaves, and the picture is very textural.

"Mother..." arilia whispered. She closed her eyes and lowered her head. A tear fell.

The impact of a soul suddenly rushed into the hearts of the fans. Many people were sad in their hearts, and their eyes were full of water. At this moment, the girl is no longer the inherent image of the game in their minds. She has become three-dimensional, flesh and blood.

She's arilia.

The silence lasted for a few seconds, and just as the sadness spread, arilia raised her head. She looked at the shimmering lines with a firmer look.

"Ionia is calling."

"Fight for the land of birth!"

With her saying these two lines, it seems that there is a fire in the hearts of fans!

If she was just a blade dancer, now she is blade will!

They are not only fans, but also players!

Players are always hot blooded!

Screen, arilia step by step to the edge of the forest, she is going to face their own destiny.

The picture goes dark. When it lights up again, Yi, who sits cross legged, appears in front of them. Compared with his youth, Yi's face becomes more mature. He sits on the huge rock of the cliff and meditates. Suddenly, he opens his eyes, grabs the Doran sword and raises his hand.


With the sound of gold and iron fighting, there is also a cheerful voice.

"Ha ha, I said you can't attack easily."

A group of martial brothers are playing not far away. One of his elder martial brothers is also attacking Yi. He laughs and says, "come on, Yi, let your elder martial brother see if you have made progress."

Yi smiles, spins up, and attacks with his sword.

"Come on easy!! Defeat elder martial brother Gute

"Brother Gute, come on

When they were fighting, the long sword in their hands flashed in cold light and fell in front of them. The sword was cut off by the blade. Yi stepped on the previous bow step, and the sharp sword in his hand suddenly fell down. The sword was full of air, and the dead leaves were flying. The action was very beautiful and powerful. His opponent, elder martial brother Gute, was flying away, still laughing: "Yi, this speed can't beat me."

The corner of Yi's mouth is curved. Suddenly, his whole person disappears in front of everyone. Just when Gute is shocked, the blade cuts through the sky, sweeps from the right side, and stops on his neck accurately. Yi's hand stands behind him, holding the sword with one hand. The corner of his mouth is still curved. He says with a smile: "elder martial brother, you lost again."

"Ah, ah, ah!" Gute uttered a fretful cry. He lost his sword in his hand. He turned around and said, "I can't beat you, younger martial brother. How do you practice?"

The group of martial brothers also gathered around, laughing and saying: "our younger martial brother is a genius."

"Elder martial brother, you lost again. Come back and clean for us."

"Yi, you are wonderful."

The cheerfulness here suddenly dilutes the sadness just brought by arilia, and the corners of the fans' mouths can't help rising. However, with Lin's tired urine, how can you watch the whole movie happily?

After a while, a elder martial brother said, "ah, look, is there a fire at the foot of the mountain?"

As they looked away, they saw a thick cloud of smoke rising slowly at the foot of the mountain, and the blazing fire could be clearly seen even far away.