"Is Yasso back?"

Jin Jie asked in an old voice. He sat quietly on the ground with his knees crossed. There was a chessboard on the low table in front of him. He played chess by himself.

Li Qingyu stood at the door in a low voice. She said in a low voice, "no, my name is Ruiwen. I'm the centurion of the 27th corps of North Texas."

After a pause, ginger's hoarse voice sounded again, still old and slow. He said, "what's the matter with you? To invade the village? "

"No, my soldiers have just died nearby. You are elder Suma. I came here to ask you something." Li Qingyu's voice is still low, but with a little sincerity. Although there will not be their original voice in the later stage of the film, but the voice of a dubbing engineer, for a competent actor, it is not the reason that he does not speak his lines well, and acting well is the basic quality.

"Come in." Said ginger.

Li Qingyu slowly pushes the door open. Lin tired's mind simulates a picture. It should be in the dark. Ruiwen stands in front of a wooden house with orange warm lights. She gently pushes the door open. There is even a "creak" sound of the wooden door in Lin tired's mind.

The contrast of darkness and light, the contrast of cold and warmth, Ruiwen walked into the symbol of warmth of the hut, but later she will be more embarrassed to come out.

Step by step, Li Qingyu slowly walks into the house and comes to Jin Jie. At this time, Li Qingyu is thinking fiercely in her mind. What kind of posture should Ruiwen take in front of Su Ma Chang? They used to be enemies! Is it arrogant, or lost, or?

"Sit down."

Without waiting for Li Qingyu to speak, Jin Jie quietly dominated the situation. Li Qingyu woke up with a sense of relief. After Jin Jie's relaxation, the atmosphere between them was much more relaxed. Fortunately, Li Qingyu's performance was similar to Ruiwen's complex mentality at this time, which was perfect.

"Are you elder Suma? Varan is the last master of wind fencing. " Li Qingyu sat down and asked again.

"I'm Suma, but I'm not the last one." Ginger showed a smile.

"What's on your mind?" He asked kindly and gently.

Li Qingyu looks at Jin Jie's peaceful face and suddenly cries. Sometimes you can carry the setbacks, but a bowl of hot porridge can make you cry.

She choked out the rune sword and said, "I come to ask you to help me destroy this sword."

In the quiet room, there was only her voice, and the cameras around were recording it dutifully.

"This sword was given to me by the emperor of Knox. Originally it was my honor, but now it's a shame and a sin to me."

"Sin? What happened to you? "

"I was betrayed, I sent a batch of weapons to the front line by fate, but the Empire leaked our whereabouts to the army of Ionia, and we were ambushed..."

"My troops and Ionia's troops are all dead. I want to save them, but I have nothing to do."

"They have no bottom line." Li Qingyu spoke in detail with a choking voice.

"Then you should thank this sword for saving you." Jin Jie said gently. Li Qingyu shook his head and said firmly, "I don't want to have anything to do with these crimes any more."

Jin Jie is silent for a moment and sighs a little. In the script, Ruiwen has fallen into a magic barrier. She wants to escape everything in the past completely.

"OK, I'll help you." As Jin Jie said, he took out a fine sword from his robe. After a moment's concentration, a sword fell on the huge Rune sword that Ruiwen had put on the low table.

Nothing happened, which is a little bit in the second scene, so that a lot of people on the set chuckled.

"OK, click." Lin tired's voice rings out, and the next plot is about special effects.

Lin tired began to check the playback, two people over there are afraid to move, before making sure, the actors need to keep their current position, can't move, in order to avoid problems in the reception, of course, this is not an absolute thing.

"Qingyu, starting from" this sword was given by the emperor ", let's do it again. The expression is a little bigger, otherwise the feeling is not obvious."

This kind of shooting method is a new attempt for both Li Qingyu and Lin tired.

On this day, Lin tired finished filming Su Ma Chang's death and Ruiwen's escape. Later, there is Ruiwen's adopted part, and the adoptive father Kong De... Is played by Jin Jie.

This is not a hero's role, there will be the original voice of ginger.

These plots are all in the background stories, or they are communicated with the plot designers of fist company by Lin tired, but they only give the plot direction, some of the details still need to be filled by Lin tired, and they even need to be mixed together to form a complete story.

The heroes are not the only ones in this story.

The shooting is going on smoothly. Because of the low-key of the crew, there is no way for the outside world to know where the plot is going. However, the news that League of heroes is on soon spread all over the world. As for the film directed by Lin tired, no matter which country, the players express their confidence and expectation. After the release of Captain 2, Lin tired has been promoted to the first person in the world box office by virtue of his works since his debut.

"Go home" in the late copy release, the global box office reached a high figure of $200 million, and so did "geocentric adventure". After Lin tired became famous, it was arranged to release a round abroad, with a foreign box office of $300 million, plus domestic, a total of $800 million, plus "Captain 1 and 2", "Iron Man 1", "Qi Tian Da Sheng 1 and 2" 2》 Among the eight films, such as League 1, the end of the world and Sword Fairy, Lin QUIN has just directed ten films, and the global box office has reached a high figure of 12.8 billion US dollars, with an average box office of 1.28 billion US dollars per film, which is an amazing figure.

If you don't trust Lin tired, who else can you give it to? Commercial film is not everything, but at least it can represent the popularity.

It's time to rush into December, and winter is coming. They've all been here, but they only play a small part. For this film, although live action is important, it can only be regarded as secondary. What's really important is special effects. It takes a long time for a performance to be turned into CG pictures, so the shooting is not in a hurry, They don't have time to transform.

This kind of shooting experience is very new to Lin tired.

But most of them are the majority. In fact, the shooting work is still very heavy. For example, some action plays don't need to be shot by real people, such as running. They can be done through modeling. The real-time performance is only used for fine facial expressions and complex action design.

Just as it happens, in the movie the origin of League of heroes 1, some people's movements are particularly complicated, such as Yasuo and kenseil.

So on December 3, Liu Xing came to report.