"It's more high-end than I expected. The picture is beautiful!"

"I want to see it."

"I'm going to wallpaper that 35 second shot."

"The members of the alliance are wonderful. They all help forward, and there are also other stations."

"Mythical universe, your emperor is back!"

"Ah!! A few days ago, we were still under pressure. Now when director Lin's new film comes out, the momentum is invincible! "

"The alliance with Director Lin is the alliance!"

"I really feel that Lin tired's film momentum is not the same."

"Don't mention the mythical universe. This movie is not a league. Wait for director Lin to lead the League back!"

"This movie looks great, too! It must be a movie worth watching over and over again. "

"More than expected."


The online response to the trailer was full of admiration. At the same time, they also expressed great enthusiasm for Lin tired's return. This enthusiasm was unexpected even by themselves. Originally, they thought that there would be fewer people to support. Unexpectedly, this gathering turned into a huge dragon roll.

The major media and people in the circle were also shocked, sour, envious, envious, admiration mood is different, but almost all have the same idea.

Who can think of this heat

Don't even look at what's agreed? Why are they all out now?

Now people... Really don't know how to insist.

When people in the media heard the news, and people in the circle were also bombarded by the news of the film, Lin tired laughed and said thanks to them in the group and then put down his mobile phone. At this time, he once again sighed in his heart that the quality of the film was the king, and many fans probably changed their attitude after watching the trailer.

In fact, he was a little surprised and grateful for the current momentum, but in fact, he knew that these people had flattered him too much.

"The end of the world" is not a commercial film. People need to calm down to watch and experience it. From the beginning, this film was not aimed at making money, nor was it aimed at awards. What he aimed at was his love for the film itself.

This kind of rhythm may disappoint some fans when the box office comes out.

But there's no way. Other people's views on themselves are changing all the time. It's good for him to keep his heart unchanged.

Lin is quite calm about the choices he makes and the feedback he receives from life. But then again, if he is a real fan, this film should not disappoint them.

"Little tired, come out to eat."

"Well, here we are."


On January 20th, the temperature in Jiangcheng this year is very strange, although it is very strange every year

Yesterday, there was 13 degrees sunshine, today, it suddenly began to snow seeds, that is the kind of small particles, hit the window rustling.

Lin tired's room was heated. He drew the curtains and turned on the light in the room.

At this time, he would appreciate the progress of science, otherwise he might live in caves like primitive people, and then freeze to death in this weather.

Then in this kind of weather, when the sky is gray, he will close the curtain and turn on the light, so that he can feel a kind of warmth. Especially if he can hear the rain outside the window, he will feel a sense of happiness.

Of course, you need money at this time, otherwise you will be anxious or unable to stay at home, because you have to go out to work in the rain.

As it happens, now Lin is rich and doesn't need to go out to work.

There was a crackling sound in the room. It was Lin tired knocking on the keyboard. There was a cup of coffee on the computer desk, emitting curling heat. Lin tired looked attentive. He was the kind of person who could immerse himself in his own story and find happiness in the story.

However, when he was serious, the same mobile phone on the desk suddenly lit up and began to shake. Lin tired frowned slightly at first, but showed a helpless smile when he saw the caller.

He can't provoke this man.

"Hello, Qingyu." Lin tired has a gentle voice.

"What are you doing?" The voice over there was more gentle, with a smile. Lin tired said with a smile: "I'm writing the script. The script of Raytheon 2 is almost finished."

"Well, what's the weather like over there? Is it cold? I bought you a scarf and sent it to you. It will arrive in about two days. I still left your number. You remember to sign for it. " Li Qingyu warned.

Lin tired helplessly said: "I already have three scarves..."

"How many more clothes do you like?" Li Qingyu's tone implied threat.

Lin Juan: "I'm not sure."

Who dares say he doesn't like it?

"No, I like it very much."

"That's more or less. By the way, when did you first come to our house?" Li Qingyu asked in a big way. Lin tired thought about it and said, "let's go to the movies with our family on the third day of junior high school. Let's stay at home on the second day of junior high school and go to Tianhai on the afternoon of the third day of junior high school."

"Well, you remember, don't buy too expensive things, such as cigarettes, wine and meat. There are many uncles on my side, so you have to prepare more." Li Qingyu began to talk, Lin tired can not help but ask: "how much?"

"Five or six. What's the matter?" Li Qingyu asked in surprise, Lin tired a sigh of relief: "Oh, nothing, I thought you pulled the troops past."

"You can't talk nonsense." Li Qingyu can't help laughing.

Lin tired showed a smile, outside the cold wind and snow, warm as spring inside.

So is his heart.

"By the way, your program was broadcasted, and now the Internet is praising your gentleness. How about it? Are you very happy..."


Time is always passing by in trivia. A few days later, Lin tired breathes a sigh of relief and sends the script of "Thor 2" to Jimmy. It's still late at night in the United States, so he should not see it now, and Lin tired can be clean.

Then he rubbed his hands and began to write a long-awaited script for a new hero. This new hero seems strange to Lin tired, because he has three versions

To build this series, Lin plans to integrate the classics of these versions, as well as the alliance.

Lin thought it was very interesting.

In the room with warm light, Lin tired focused on typing three big words on the document: "Spider Man".

As time goes by, the outside world's discussion about Lin tired is becoming less and less, and no matter how hot it is, it will not last forever. In particular, Lin tired himself has not been seen. The dust light publicity has spread out, and posters of "the end of the world" have been put up in various cities all over the country. The treatment is the same as those blockbusters, worthy of Lin tired's treatment as a director, but this kind of advertisement can not form a topic.

When Lin tired of salted fish, his opponents were not idle. They began to publicize crazily to see who their opponents were.

"Russian lost", "Chinatown 3", "Mermaid 2", "Skyfire", "emergency rescue", "journey to the west 3 by banana fan", "ring of Jupiter" the last is "the end of the world".

Among these films, the first three are domestic series with excellent works, and there are many famous stars. Skyfire is a Chinese adventure blockbuster directed by Hollywood, which has long been expected. In the case of emergency rescue, it is worth mentioning that the movie starred Yu Yan and Jupiter ring, which is also a science fiction film with large investment, It seems very tragic to watch the preview. As for the journey to the west, fans agree that it is a rotten film to make soy sauce.

At present, these films are in crazy propaganda, and it is clear that no one is willing to accept any one. The war is fierce, which can be regarded as a fight between gods.

It is in this form that time quietly comes to the new year.