Nine billion directors born! The real king of business

Qitian Dasheng box office breaks 3.5 billion

Lin tired going to New York and Hollywood

Lin tired series: is the next superhero in the universe American

Count the eggs in Lin tired's two movies

Lin tired's new film iron man

Worship foreign countries? Why do you have to find foreigners

Why did the hero of Lin tired choose him? Is it the distortion of human nature or the decline of morality


In China, because Lin tired's personal box office has exceeded 9 billion, he has officially become the number one box office director in China.

Jimmy is a 38 year old middle-aged white man with sharp edges and yellow hairs

He is one of the producers and managers of universal. At this time, he is looking at a young Chinese in front of him in his office with a smile, and his mind is constantly emerging.

What's his name? Tired forest? Or Lin Juan

Why doesn't he have an English name

Is he really a $1.1 billion director

"Hi, Lin?" Asked Jimmy tentatively.

"Hello, I'm Lin tired." Lin said hello with a smile.

"I know, 1.1 billion dollar directors. No one in Hollywood has so many box office directors at your age. It's amazing." Said Jimmy with a smile.

Lin tired said with a smile: "thank you."

"OK, let's talk about what you need from me." Jimmy's attitude is very good. The head office assigned this task to him. He learned about Lin tired's information on the same day.

The box office of the three films has reached 1.1 billion US dollars. The new film universe. Now the fourth film is coming to Hollywood. Now everyone can see that the layout of this boy is not small.

There are a lot of people in Hollywood who pay attention to Lin tired.

I just don't know if he's going to film Hollywood superheroes?

These capitalists are cautious in their investment. If it wasn't for Lin Qin's strong appeal and achievements in China, they wouldn't have invested at risk.

"I need you to help me communicate the shooting site, such as Disney Concert Hall, and select some actors to interview, not too expensive." Lin tired said seriously.

"No problem, but I have a question. The hero of this movie, I suggest you change someone? Hollywood knows... "

"No, I decided it was him, it was him." Lin tired shook his head and said.

After watching Lin tired seriously, Jimmy put out his hand and said, "OK, the editing right of the film..."

Lin tired seriously said: "it can only be me."

"It's not Hollywood rules."

"I'm Chinese." Lin tired looked at him and said.

Want to take the editing rights from him?

A moment later, seeing that Jimmy was still silent, Lin said with a frown, "maybe you can consider not investing."

The movie is his adversity, no one wants to touch his movie.


Except for radio and television.

"OK, don't get excited. Do you know Zhang Mou in your country? His film the Great Wall was edited by our people, and we know Hollywood better

Lin tired frowned and was about to speak. Suddenly he thought of something and said with a smile, "well, what you said is very reasonable. In this way, I'll cut out the North American version and you can put forward your opinions, but the final decision is up to me."

Promise, promise. Anyway

When the movie comes out, you can find an extra clip to cut in and I'll lose.

What if you know Hollywood better? It's such an important start that you can't make a fool of yourself.

"It's a wise choice. Since you are in Hollywood, you should abide by the rules of Hollywood. Wish us a happy cooperation." Said Jimmy, rising with a smile and holding out his hand.

"Happy cooperation." Lin tired also smiles to hold with him.

You're going to have a good time.


Five days later, New York.

Lin is fixing Donnie's make-up in the hotel dressing room where the crew is staying.

Donny looked at himself in the mirror, looked left, looked again, raised his eyebrows, nodded and said, "well, I like this look."

Lin tired nodded with a smile. This modeling is based on the original version of iron man in the system. I have to say that this modeling is too impressive and suitable.

"Then we'll make the whole movie with this shape." Lin said with a smile.

"Good idea." Donnie agreed, and said that he reached out to clap his hands. Lin tired thought he wanted to shake hands. He gave a smile and shook his hands twice, which made people look at his hands in amazement.

After finishing making up, Lin tired took him to see his clothes. The most noticeable thing was two sets of armor.

Mark 1 and mark 2 are models made of iron sheet. Although most of the time these models are made with special effects in the studio, some literary plays still need Donny to wear them himself, but only half of them are enough.

Fighting drama or something will be done by the stand in of the crew.

"This is my first time to cooperate with Huaxia opera group. Do you know how to play there?" Said Donny, pointing to the armor.

"Of course." Lin tired nodded with a smile, and then said, "try it on?"

"Well, of course." Donny nodded.

That's what he said, but when he was half dressed in mark one, he stopped and exclaimed, "I think I'm going to have a hard time next."

Model mark 1 weighs 45 Jin. It's not easy to dress and act, even if there is a stand in to do most of the work.

Lin tired hugs his shoulder and smiles.

If it's not because you're old, most people want a double?

It doesn't exist.

This fixed make-up photo was taken all day, and the final effect was pretty good. Lin tired and Downey were very satisfied.

On the seventh day of Lin's arrival in New York, with the help of globegroup, Lin has identified all the other major actors in the cast. In addition to stark, the most important roles in the film are pepper and villain.

But these two roles Lin tired has decided two Hollywood third line actors, the important thing is cheap.

After a few more busy days, Lin tired began to make up for the rest of the actors and deliver the scripts. They could only get their own scripts and kept them secret.

After everything is ready, the next step is to officially start shooting. Lin tired plans to finish shooting the American part as soon as possible, and then return home to shoot with the leading role.

There is always a sense of insecurity in the United States, the alienation and uneasiness of a foreign country.

Really is to go abroad to feel that kind of mood, incomparably miss the motherland's land and domestic sand carving compatriots.

And it's too expensive for a whole crew to stay in the United States.

On the evening of February 26th, us time, the cast officially opened in the Disney Concert Hall.

At this time, the hall was already full of well-dressed people, and the group performances in Hollywood were all from the actors' Union. The price was high, but the overall quality was better than Hengdian and other places in China.

They whispered and watched the Chinese staff of man's crew and the young director. Fortunately, the global people helped coordinate and told them how to do it. Otherwise, communication alone would be a problem.

"It's said that the director's film has already made $1.1 billion in the world box office?"

"It should be all in their country..."

"Do you think he will succeed in Hollywood?"


There was a sound of electric current from the walkie talkies at all positions of the crew, and then a peaceful sound.

"All set, Tony, go where you should be."

"We're going to start."