
Lin tired lay down on the bed and sighed.

Too tired.

Different from the tiredness of the set, the set is physical tiredness, but this is heart tiredness.

He really didn't like the scene.

He was nostalgic for the days when he studied movies alone.

"Bang bang."

There was a knock at the door. After looking at the direction of the door, Lin tired turned over and got up, and went to look after the door.

"Director, don't disturb me. Would you like a drink?" With a smile on his face, Peng Yan deliberately looked at the direction of the room. He was teasing him and Han Xiaoxue. He lifted a bag of canned beer in his hand and shook it, about eight or nine times. He also carried some takeaway boxes in his other hand.

Lin Qin doesn't like drinking very much.

But we can make an exception this time.

"Come in." Lin tired said with a smile, turning back and walking to the hall, the hotel that the cinema side arranged for them would not be too late.

"Close the door."

Peng Yan shrugged his shoulders and closed the door with his feet.

"Director Lin, Han Xiaoxue is not in the room." Peng Yan said jokingly as he walked.

"I would like to." Lin tired not good gas said.

Are men, Peng Yan is not do not know their own thoughts on Han Xiaoxue, there is nothing to pretend.

Peng Yan laughs and reveals this topic. He is not a gossip.

After sitting down, he laid out the food and wine and said, "director Lin, I really admire you."

"What do you admire me for?"

"It's not easy just to think about your experience, self-study as a director, and then make a movie and release it by yourself."


With a slight dull sound, Peng Yan opens a can of beer and hands it to Lin tired.

Lin tired took it with a smile, and said: "different fate, I admire you more, every film to get a certificate."

"I'm nothing but hard work. You're skilled and talented." Peng Yan laughs disapprovingly.

"You win on that alone, and there's no talent." Lin shook his head.

Peng Yan looked at Lin tired and changed the topic with a smile: "come to guide Lin, I respect you. Thank you for giving me this role and opportunity."

Lin tired smiles, touches him and says, "you thank me many times."

"More than once is not enough."

When Peng Yan finished, they looked at each other with a smile and drank together.

All in silence.

When drinking, we have to drink and eat. Peng Yan brings us barbecues. Seeing these barbecues, Lin tired remembers that they should be in Qingdao now.

"Director Lin, I have a question that I am particularly curious about."

When eating vegetables, Peng Yan still can't help but ask Lin tired, which is why he came to find Lin tired.

"What's the problem?"

"Director Lin, you're not going to make a series of films, are you?" Peng Yan looked at Lin tired carefully and asked.

Lin tired showed a smile on his face and asked with interest: "why do you ask like this?"

"I always feel that something is wrong. If it's just a series, you don't have to wait two or three years to make the second one, and you want me to guest star next year, that is to say, Chen Feng will appear in another independent film." Peng Yan made a serious analysis and looked at Lin tired from time to time.

"So I don't think what you're planning is a separate series."

With that, Peng Yan looks at Lin tired and waits for the answer.

Lin tired smiles and nods under his gaze: "yes."

He so admitted, and here Peng Yan is in shock.

It's true

How bold and ambitious is it to say that one should build a superhero movie universe from scratch?

Anyone can boast, but it really involves action, which is at least tens of billions of investment!

Now that the first one has been successful, and depending on the situation, he plans to combine these superheroes and make them in a movie.

This is a crazy thing. At present, the two world-famous movie universes, DM and myth series, are separate series of films. They have not shot the films that are forcibly combined, but they have all gone.

This involves a lot of problems, such as the different character of each hero, the conflict between the strength of ability, no matter which one is weak, the series will be affected.

Then there is the plot arrangement, actor schedule, film payment and so on.

There are not many problems.

How dare he do it!

Peng Yan looks at Lin tired and doesn't know what to say.

And no one knows how many superheroes Lin tired has built in his mind.

"Why, scared?" Lin tired laughingly looked at him and asked.

"Well, a little." Peng Yan nodded honestly, then said with a deeper smile, "but I'm more excited!"

It's exciting. Who's not?

"Captain Huaxia" has already gained such momentum. Peng Yan thinks it is the peak. Now Lin tired tells him that it is only the beginning.

The huge sense of expectation made him want to put Lin tired on the set.

Shoot me!

But I can only think about

Lin tired is the boss.

"That's good. You've been in good shape in recent years, especially don't make any negative news. Your role is very important." Lin tired smiles but says seriously.

Peng Yan nodded seriously, and suddenly recalled what Lin tired said to him at that time: "cherish this role."

Now he really understood the weight of this sentence.

"Don't worry, director Lin." Peng Yan said solemnly.

"Well." Lin tired nodded with a smile. In fact, some wanted to give some assurance, but he held back.

Come on, achievements are always more convincing than words.

He is not a boaster, otherwise it would not have been so difficult to find a distribution.

"What kind of superhero will Lin be directing your next movie?"

"He ah..." Lin tired smile, meaningful said: "is my childhood superhero."

"That's what I want to be."

"Who is that?"


After that discussion, in a flash of time, in the middle and late October, there were more and more favorable comments on the Internet, but the same thing, the bad comments never stopped.

Douban and other places have seen a large number of one star reviews and bad reviews. More and more people say that the bad voice of the film is not premeditated, but this achievement has made some people feel unbalanced. People who originally thought it was not good-looking but were not ready to speak have also emerged, leading to the polarization of the film's reputation.

Like people as mannose, hate people as arsenic.

It's normal.

In this storm, Lin tired is quite indifferent. As he runs, he slowly writes the script of the second film when he comes back to the hotel in the evening. Their popularity outside is getting higher and higher, which makes Lin tired gradually break away from the label of 'new director' and become a really recognized director.

I'm not only a loyal fan, but also a black fan.


To be honest, Lin tired thought it was quite interesting.

It's too monotonous to praise in life, and it's easy to lose yourself.

And it's also interesting to see some people who make complaints about their own half mad.

In fact, Lin tired has some bad taste.

In this case, the box office came to 2.3 billion.

This is the end of their publicity period.