The small light of the big screen is printed on the faces of the audience, and their serious expressions can be seen.

In fact, they are looking forward to the film, but instinctively distrust it.

Song Peng is one of them. While waiting, he secretly tells himself not to set too high a demand. After all, he can't really imagine how wonderful it is to resist US aggression and aid Korea.

Yes, he was there. He was one of the more than 100 invited audiences.

When the title of the film passed, the picture appeared on the screen.

All things withered, frosty mountain road, a team of winding long volunteers in a neat line on the way.

The picture has a lot of texture.

Some people can't open their eyes when the cold wind blows.

Several overhead shots fully demonstrate the harsh environment.

Lin's shot is as sharp as ever, straight to the point. After several shots explain the environment and characters, the next shot is the close-up of the protagonist.

Peng Yan's angular face appeared on the screen. He wrinkled his eyebrows and made up to look much younger with perseverance.

"Chen Feng, why do you want to join the volunteer army?"

Peng Yan side by a young man who plays by the soldiers turned to ask.

"If there is no place to go, I just want to be a soldier and defend my country." Peng Yan said with a smile.

"How can there be no place to go?" The young man is puzzling.

"My parents died during the Anti Japanese war. I grew up with my grandfather. A few years ago, my grandfather also went, so I had no place to go." Peng Yanwei frowned, smiling, and his tone was a little low.

"I'm sorry, but it's good to join the army! How glorious it is to defend our country

The soldier said with a smile.

"Well." Peng Yan nodded.


The cinema with five hundred people is quiet. Ordinary fans are attracted by the straight to the point plot. They watch it carefully and occasionally whisper how Peng Yan's figure has become like this.

There are only a few people who are not serious, such as song Peng. Although he knows he shouldn't, he can't help but come up with an idea.

Another grandfather died

And the critics take notes.

[the rhythm is sharp, and the camera switch is clean and neat]

Very strong personal style and blockbuster feeling

It's a good feeling to start with the aerial shot, so it's important to get to the point

The narration is not clear and the beginning is sloppy


Everyone's opinion is different, but it doesn't affect their investment.

On the screen, at the beginning of the team came a joyful cry: "it's almost here!"

The aerial camera takes off and flies all the way over the top of the team. What appears on the big screen is a camp.

An endless barracks.

The magnificent scene appeared unprepared in front of the public.


"It's almost here at last. Where are you from, Chen Feng? What did you do before?"


During the conversation, the soldiers marched into the barracks. The recruits occasionally talked excitedly about each other and looked around in novelty. Peng Yan also looked around with a little novelty and expectation, and then stopped at a certain angle.

Along with his eyes, Han Xiaoxue stands in front of the military medical tent and looks at them with a smile of long hair and shawl. As in the trailer, she amazes the protagonist Chen Feng and the audience.


Sitting in the first row, the tired lips moved, and finally they could not resist the skin. They gathered around Han Xiaoxue and asked, "how did I make you well?"

Now his state is a little excited. In normal times, his character will not make such a jump.

Han Xiaoxue looks at him with a smile, nods, and then continues to watch the movie. Lin tired smiles with satisfaction and looks up to the big screen in a good mood.


"I'm so tired. I'll sleep in this bed. You go there."


On the screen, for the sake of the bed, Chen Feng had a dispute with others. Just when people thought Chen Feng would suffer losses, Peng Yanling on the screen had a broken step, a sharp fist, elbow, knee and three times.

Put people to the ground in a crisp way.

"Chen Feng, have you ever practiced martial arts?"

"Well, I learned it from my grandfather."


The crowd on the screen launched a chase around Peng Yan, but without a few words, there was a cry outside the tent: "gather! New recruits, assemble

This is the age when the call basically depends on roaring

The recruits gathered, and the company commander lectured them. At the beginning, he said, "you are the worst recruits I've ever led!"

"It took five minutes to assemble! If the enemy attack! Enough for the enemy to kill you all! "

"How can we fight in such a state?"

"Before you were recruits, but now you are on the battlefield! Your comrades in arms died in front of us! And you will be the next soldiers to go to war! "

"You didn't have a team. From now on, we will arrange experienced veterans to train you in class."

"Don't say I won't give you a chance. These veterans are right in front of you. If anyone can beat them, you can be the monitor! Have you brought a handle to have a try? "

When the first plot of the film comes, the audience is very interested to see that several people who go out are put down by experienced veterans, until Chen Feng comes out.



"I want to challenge!"

"Good! Out of line

Peng Yan didn't hesitate to step out. A veteran came up opposite him and looked at him seriously.

The recruits are looking forward to seeing Peng Yan. Those who just went out of them all failed. Every time they failed, they were scolded by the company commander.

Now it really makes them feel a little bit relieved and feel a sense of collective honor.

In Peng Yan's watchful eyes, the veteran rushed over with a roar, and Peng Yan met him with a sharp look.

Block the old soldier's fist, a close to the body short fight, the old soldier was directly hit on the ground, and then fell on the ground by a back.

The whole training ground is quiet.

Song Peng is so excited and handsome!

"Report!" Peng Yan stood at attention and yelled.


"I won!"

"The battle is not over yet!" The company commander said with a firm face. Peng Yan was stunned. The next second his waist was hugged, and the whole person was rushed to the ground with a force.

The old soldier clenched his teeth and strangled Peng Yan fiercely. He was bloody! No matter how hard Peng Yan tried, he couldn't get rid of it. How could his thin body carry the veteran?

However, it is obvious that Peng Yan is also fierce. With a roar, he bumps his head back to break away from the shackles, and there is no suspense about the next thing. Peng Yan finally gets up and stares at the company commander and yells: "report!"


"I won!" Peng Yan roared.

This is the second time.

Compared with the first time, Peng Yan's expression this time was more firm and bloody.

"Then you are the monitor!"

With that, the company commander said to the following with a resolute look: "see? This is the wa