Chapter 406

Name:From the Apocalypse Author:风邻晩
The future magneto left and walked firmly without hesitation.

When I left, I only took the money sent by Shen Guang and the information. Money is not much for Shen Guang, but it is enough for the future magneto to spend some time.

His departure has nothing to do with new Chinatown. New Chinatown is developing smoothly according to Shen Guang's plan.

Of course, the so-called stability is only relative. It is impacted by the outside every day.

On this day, Shen Guang learned about the problems he had accumulated for a week.

"... coke sued us for infringement!"

"... the lower supply channel is about to be stopped by the other party, and liquidated damages are promised."

"... the fast food chain was smashed and involved malicious competition."

"Relevant departments came to the door and said that our fire control was not in place and should be rectified."

"... if the sanitation is not in place, it should be rectified."

"Someone said that he ate our fast food and was hospitalized. He wanted to tell us to pay a million yuan."

"Said we added toxic chemicals to our food, including stimulants..."

”A fast food restaurant was robbed and the money was robbed“

Shen Guang listened to these and rubbed his forehead. What's this? I can see such nonsense almost every day, and it's so annoying that I can't stop it at all.

"Sue us? To bring a lawsuit against them, our lawyers can't just eat and don't work. As long as they use normal means, they will accompany them. Later, they will do so. The lower channels will be cut off, buy some reliable companies and form our own... "

Whether it is his own knowledge or his own suggestions, Shen Guang can find a solution.

Of course, the core of solving these problems is inseparable. Without operating funds, these troubles will directly make the problems difficult.

Shen Guang is rich and powerful. For others, the problem is not a problem. This guy can smash a lot of people with his money. Almost all the problems and small troubles are gone.

Although there are many troubles, they seem to have been solved well. Shen Guang is satisfied with them. He will add some dissatisfied ones himself.

"As for those who smash, find them and let them know what can be provoked and what can not be provoked... Huh? It has been handled. As I thought, let's do it. "

Here in the west, we pay attention to such things as blood for blood, tooth for tooth and virtue for resentment. It is not the mainstream of the world at all. If we do so, it will be despised.

Happy gratitude and revenge, Prince revenge, this is the mainstream of the western world. Revenge for good will only be regarded as cowardice, and everyone will step on you.

Shen Guang agreed with them, and he did the same.

Now that they have been plotted by the other party, it is a correct way to directly return to the past - and many Chinese do not understand this and suffer a loss here.

"After eating fast food, he was hospitalized and compensated a million yuan? Blackmail, let him lose his fortune, let others know, the consequences of offending us... "


Time passes when Shen Guang deals with these trivial things.

It has been more than a year since the future magneto left. Magneto left, like a drop of water melting into the sea, without any response.

It's not that he didn't act, but that he kept a low profile, didn't attack with a high profile, and made a lot of noise.

This is a smart way to avoid being hit directly by his enemies.

He is not a good child. Now he has his own strength, raised funds and is developing his own strength.

"The book is not for nothing." This is Shen Guang's praise to the future magneto after he got the other party's information.

According to Shen Guang, with these means and methods, Eric has gathered some mutants around him, is developing underground, and has no intention of publishing.

However, these people's skills are not very outstanding, many people's abilities are not very outstanding, and they don't mix very well. The really powerful mutants and mutants who can directly help the future magneto are not with him, and almost all of them are attracted by his enemy Sebastian Shaw.

However, he did not reap, but found a powerful kind, which was not found by his enemies and could win over each other.

The most important thing is that they became friends at first sight. They talked happily and almost became best friends.

Shen Guang ignored this. He was relieved to see that the other party really didn't mess around in his name and hate him everywhere.

New Chinatown.

In the evening, in the living room.

”UFO? Where? Near our farm?! OK, I know. Be careful. Don't get close for the moment... "Shen Guang's voice increased eight degrees, which immediately attracted the people on the scene. Then he heard it carefully and calmed down again.

At the scene, Natalia and Peggy Carter suddenly pricked up their ears when they heard such sensitive things as UFOs.

Over the years, things suspected of UFO have been appearing in the sky. Extraterrestrial life may be more powerful than human beings. Human beings are worried that extraterrestrial life will invade the earth and enslave human beings, so that they have been worried for some time.

Natalia's "cousin" stared at the roast suckling pigs and roast geese on the table.

Roast suckling pig and roast goose are made of burnt yellow and bright. You can clip the fat skin with chopsticks at will. If it weren't for the fact that the crowd didn't start, she couldn't help eating.

Peggy Carter knew about the little devil girl, but he didn't interfere with Shen Guang.

She wants to pull the little devil into her department, but the little girl is the person Shen Guang is looking for. What she wants to change seems impossible for the time being.

Pastures and farms are an important part of Shenguang's industrial chain. The grain planted in them and the output of these grains will become the raw materials of their fast-food restaurants or restaurants, so they don't have to be controlled by others.

In addition, many pigs, cattle and sheep are raised in another pasture to solve some potential problems.

There are many Chinese. These places can arrange Chinese to work, which can not only solve the problem of congestion in new Chinatown, but also solve the problem of employment difficulties.

Although new Chinatown is very large, the jobs it can provide are always limited. Some jobs are not suitable for everyone. It is more suitable to go to pasture and farm.

These Chinese may not have many other advantages. They work hard and can support these venues. It's just right to go there.

At this time, Chinese people can't look for jobs or grab jobs from other whites. It's not allowed and they are easily hostile.

"Good, that's it."

At the end of the call, Shen Guang suddenly found three pairs of beautiful big eyes staring at him.


The UFO incident spread quickly, and the US empire moved here.

Before the dinner was over, Peggy Carter got a call and left in a hurry.

Although her department can't compare with the past, she has begun to contact these mysteries.

Fortunately, she had realized that she might leave in advance this time. Before the phone call, she ate quickly and solved the dinner in advance.

On the contrary, Shen Guang was confident that he could arrive in advance. The speed of dinner was not affected. He ate at the usual speed.

When the dinner was over, Shen Guang took out his car and left in Shen Guang's car with Natalia and the future magic girl.

For her, Shen Guang and Natalia felt it necessary to cultivate her and let her open her eyes.