Chapter 44

Name:From the Apocalypse Author:风邻晩
early morning.

the red sun rises in sky.

The sky, light mist, gray, looks a little gloomy.

The helicopter rotor roared.

Shen Guang, with a headset and a big sniper, looked under the helicopter through the window.

Condescending, he saw the changes of the whole city.

Below, black smoke billowed, very bleak, like the smoke of gunpowder in the war.

On some streets that have not been affected, zombies block a street or a residence.

Helicopters roared over these zombies, making them look up one after another.

In addition, there are some people standing on the roof, waving for help, or putting SOS signs.

On the streets, some people shuttle in cars, or fight with weapons and zombies, or compete for the ownership of supermarkets between people, regardless of the surrounding dangers.

Shen Guang looked at these crazy scenes and thought about the reasons for their madness.

It is nothing more than the threat of life and death and the madness caused by hunger. This is not the most fundamental. The most fundamental thing is the destruction of order.

Flying in the sky, unobstructed, directly in a straight line, is more convenient than the heavily obstructed land. I don't know how many hurdles.

When Shen Guang regained his consciousness, the helicopter had arrived at the international airport of bedmaster city.

A lot of barbed wire has been arranged on the edge of the airport, and there is a safe place isolated by containers.

Outside the container, countless zombies looked desperate and numb.

"Well, it's a good place to brush monsters."

Seeing this, Shen Guang immediately thought of playing strange upgrade.

He also made a strange attack yesterday. It's not far from upgrading. Those zombies outside the container can now be used for upgrading.

At the other end of the airport is the sea, which can be used as a wharf or for aircraft landing - the land of island countries is tight, and the airport has formed such a scale after reclamation.

The helicopter went straight over the dense zombies outside. Inside the container, as long as there is a small space, it is safer.

"Boss, here we are. Can you stop here?"

The driver asked Shen Guang.

In such a disaster, the helicopter is a good escape tool. In order to survive, these crazy people will do anything.

The driver who understood the danger naturally asked Shen Guang for instructions.

"Well, well done, Akiko! Just here. "

Shen Guang looked at it and couldn't help nodding in praise.

Akiko is the first person he came to the world to hire. At the beginning, she was asked to make Bento at Kato School Park. After getting familiar with her, Shen Guang saw that she was reliable and poor, so he directly hired her as a life assistant to take care of his life - Shen Guang handed over all the trivial things in life to her at that time.

She handled all these very well, which made Shen Guang very comfortable. In recent years, he has been very natural and unrestrained, very comfortable, and Akiko has contributed a lot to it.

Shen Guang is comfortable, and after making money, he will not be stingy with her, but vigorously cultivate her. With Shen Guang's help, she was reborn and burst out with 300% efforts.

After several years together, they both trust each other very much.

When Akiko knew that Shen Guang was looking for someone she could trust, she kept learning and improving herself. Among them, I learned driving skills, from ordinary vehicle driving to tank and helicopter driving.

Shen Guang arranged a lot of people before and didn't take minglizi's efforts to heart. Just unexpectedly, she happened to play a key role when things came to an end.

The day before yesterday, she went to the shrine as agreed to meet Shen Guang. After meeting Shen Guang, the woman seemed to find the backbone and quickly cheer up. She started work yesterday, which made Shen Guang very relieved.

Come to the airport today.


The pilot Akiko cheered up and carefully controlled the helicopter to land.

Shen Guang took a big sniper and hung a lot of bullets around his waist and legs. These bullets were enough to support him in a war.

When the helicopter appeared over the airport, the whole airport already knew.


In a remote Hall of the airport, a woman stood up, picked up her weapon and went out.

At the place where she left, there was a noisy voice - expectant conversation, or shouting, or cursing.

"I have money! I have a lot of money! I'll pay whoever gets me out! "

"You policemen! Take our taxes, you should... "

"Come on! There's a helicopter outside! Let's rush out! "

She had gone a long way, and she vaguely heard the voice behind her.


The woman couldn't help scolding, and then continued to walk out.

The disaster has happened for several days. These people still can't recognize the form. They thought it was before the great disaster. They were foolishly pestering and making a noise here. They wanted to improve their treatment and didn't obey the arrangement.

"I don't know. The person Jingxiang said is unreliable."

In recent days, the airport has been deteriorating, especially after the EMP, the whole airport fell into darkness and was almost broken by zombies outside.

If Juchuan Jingxiang hadn't called her in advance and made an appointment, she would find a way to leave here.

Although there is an agreement, this is not her final choice. If the other party makes her feel unreliable, she will not only leave, but also take her good friends with her.

Outside, she didn't see the helicopter.

"What about people? Are you gone? "

Nanlixiang looked at the place where the helicopter landed.

Bang! Bang!

"Gunfire? Here it is! "

The steady gunfire attracted her.

With her weapons, she quickly walked to the place where Shen Guang was. Without much effort, she came to the place where Shen Guang was - a highland with containers piled up.

The zombie can't climb here. On the terrain, only he can snipe others. If others snipe him, he will fall into disadvantageous.

She noticed Shen Guang in the distance, and Shen Guang also noticed her - not only her temperament, but also recognized her in her dress.

A sat police uniform, she wore a different taste. Her pretty face was exquisite and beautiful, with pride in her eyes. Shen Guang felt her pride from a distance.

This is a capable and arrogant woman! Her pride discourages all men who touch her and are not as good as her!

Nanlixiang climbed up the temporary steps formed by the small container and saw Shen Guang.

"Are you the student of Jingxiang sauce?"

After seeing Shen Guang, nanlixiang made no secret of her disappointment.

Underestimated again!

Seeing her expression, Shen Guang was speechless - young and hard injured. It is more obvious here in the island country. It is easy to be despised by some adults. Even Shen Guang is not underestimated.

"Yes, you're nanlixiang. I'm Shen Guang said by teacher Jingxiang. Since you're out, let's go."

"Go? When did I say to go? "

Nanlixiang said with a pick of her eyebrows.