"Who are you? What's going on? Where are the children? Tell me, tell me where my children are. Are they still alive? "

The woman in the off white coat felt the strength of her body was almost dead and came back to life. She was already weak and weak. The cells of her body began to be active again. Mo Qianqian immediately squatted down and shook the woman's shoulder in front of her!

"Come on, where are the children? Tell me, I'll give you whatever you want! Even if you want my life, I can give it to you! "

Who knows in front of this woman wearing a blue dress, with a look of panic on her face, some fear, some flinch said!

"No, no, I don't dare any more! I Know! Sorry, Jiuye has already warned me! I just escaped from the place where life is worse than death. Please don't add me in. Please, please, don't throw me in that place!! Please spare me, I'll tell you where the child is

The woman in the blue dress seems to have thought of something terrible. Her eyes are a little scared, and her eyes are enlarged. Her body is shaking like chaff!

"Shut up, don't you tell me where you're going? Where are the children! If you don't make it clear, I'll take you back immediately! "

At the same time, a cold voice suddenly sounded. The tall, handsome man, at this moment, one hand across the side of the weak woman, President Lu comforted the woman in his arms and said.

Mo Qianqian, even though he is weak, has no strength on his feet at this moment. There are some signs of bleeding in his legs that were just bandaged. But at this moment, when he hears that his twins are still alive and that his children have not disappeared from the world, his whole heart is beating again, Knock your soul and feel a kind of spontaneous joy!

And this kind of joy is the gene for her to survive. She immediately stood up and looked at the woman in front of her.

"Please tell me where the children are!"

And the woman who always wears a blue dress has been frightened by the tall, handsome, tall, but ruthless man in front of her. This man threatens to throw himself back if he doesn't cooperate. She thinks of the terrible scene of the devil training camp before, and she sees the inhuman way to deal with the criminals, The woman in the blue dress was shaking and immediately knelt down to beg for mercy.

"Lu Shao, I'm sorry, I'm so confused. I was so confused that I wanted to attack your former fiancee. Children, children are on the cruise ship. Now we have the island that we should have set sail to, and now we are about to land on it... "

Ink shallow step forward, in front of a bright, full of hope in the eyes and with a touch of care.

"You say the children are on a cruise ship now? Where can I get on the cruise ship? Are the children safe now? Are there any ferocious kidnappers around the children? How are the children doing now? Is it hurt? "

Lu Shaoze looked at the woman in a blue dress with a gloomy face. Then he waved his hand. After the woman's shrinking problems, he immediately took the woman away.

At the same time, Xia Yuxuan is looking at the woman in the blue dress not far away!

Actually dare to hurt their own little girl, it is a mortal sin, although now let go of this woman, but I will absolutely clean up this woman! If you don't torture this woman, you will not be Xia Yuxuan!

Although in the past five years, I have always been gentle, gentle and amiable. In front of my little girls and children, I act like a perfect husband and father. But I only believe that I know what a man I am! He Xia Yuxuan is definitely not the kind of weak and incompetent grass bag that has suffered a loss and doesn't fight back!

Of course, I also believe that President Lu has the same idea as myself, but it's not obvious.

But even so, Xia Yuxuan still feels that her anger is hard to calm, and her resentment is hard to dispel. The woman in the blue knee length skirt, who is clearly the one who played tricks with President Lu before, and the old lady she worked with, once talked with the woman in the light blue breast wrapped skirt. She can even imagine where the courage and courage of this woman comes from, Actually want to frame a top jewelry designer who just returned home!

Behind this, if there is no smart and respectable person, Mrs. Lu's hand is more unbelievable than her own!! His eyes were gloomy, and his mind kept turning, but I didn't expect that the old lady should be so cruel, even to his little girl!

At the beginning, when I chose to cooperate with the old lady, it was also because of the same interest relationship between the two people. But now, I didn't expect that the old lady was just pushing an inch. Now she is going to kill her little girl's family!

"We're going to that island right now. The cruise ship may have left the coast, or it may have just left. We must hurry up. There must be no delay at all!"

When Mo Qianqian heard President Lu's firm instructions to his subordinates, he settled down a little, and his eyes filled with tears!

Quiet Ya also felt that some of the whole person could breathe. At the same time, quiet Ya heard an urgent voice coming from her side.

"Ya'er, what do you think of my children. Can you be seriously injured or disabled now? Will not have been in a coma, has been unconscious, how to do? I dare not think! I want to see my children and I'm afraid that they will be hurt. I'm afraid that they won't be together. I'm afraid that I will see them suffer inhuman harm. I'm afraid that I'm not qualified to bring them back! "

Suddenly, I heard the anxious and scared woman in the beige coat say to herself, quiet and elegant. Although she was also uneasy, she could calm down a little bit. So she immediately took her friend's hand and comforted her softly.

"It doesn't matter. You don't see that President Lu has started to inquire about the shortest route, and has sent helicopters at a high speed. Then we can make a body plane and land directly on the island. We should be able to see the cruise ship that has landed on the island! I'm sure the children will be blessed, safe, and safe. They'll be fine! "

"Really? Children really don't have anything? But why does my left eyelid and right eyelid keep beating up and down? Does it mean that children are very unsafe when their eyelids jump? I'm so scared. Now I don't even dare to think about it or imagine that kind of picture, otherwise I feel my heart is about to stop beating... "

"You just like to think too much. You have to believe that children are not so easy to be controlled. I've seen your two twins, but they are different from ordinary children. They will know how to protect themselves. Believe me, I know your two little demons, but they are very smart, They can also cook seafood porridge and take good care of people, so they must be able to protect themselves, so you must rest assured! "

Quiet Ya doesn't know how to comfort her best friend. After all, she is still a little uneasy in her heart. At the moment, her eyelids are also beating. She feels that things may not be so smooth after that. The two little guys can't be brought back so easily!

But in spite of this, I can't beat my best friend. I must give her enough confidence and courage. Otherwise, according to her character, if I know whether my two children can come back so smoothly, I may even suffer and faint. I absolutely want to give her strength.

"Well, well, you don't have to think about it any more. I promise the children will be alive and healthy. Even if they may suffer a little, they will be safe after we get them back!"!! There is a saying that good people will accumulate good fortune. You often come into contact with those kindergartens to help poor children and help innocent orphans. I believe that the good fortune you accumulate will be able to succeed and bring the children back healthy and safe! "

Mo shallow shallow this is tearful, still some can't believe to shake head.

"But I help those children, but I do too little for my own children! However, I have never made too many promises to my children. I dare not make too many promises to them. I even promised to take them to Maldives for a tour, but it never came true! I owe my children so much that God can't see it anymore. He wants to punish me severely, make me repent and make me suffer! "

"Shallow... No, no, you're just too busy. You have to be busy with your work. You've got to be busy with giving children a good economic environment and a future free of food and clothing. I know how you got your title as a famous designer of jewelry design? It's definitely not from scratch, it's definitely not to get rich overnight, it's to accumulate little by little through their day and night hard work and hard work... Children will understand. Children just four and a half years old have a long way to go, and they will have a chance to travel to Maldives! "

Quiet Ya doesn't mean that she didn't hear the despair and panic in her friend's voice. It seems that traveling to Maldives with her children has become a nightmare of her own. It has become a nightmare caused by her unfulfilled wish... Quiet Ya Dun was at a loss when she was at this moment, but suddenly she heard a slight noise!

Then I saw my friend squatting on the ground in front of me was held up by someone!

"Go! I'll take you to see the children right away. Don't worry. I will never let my children suffer a little. Whoever dares to let my children suffer, I will let them go to hell! "

"Lu Shao, have you found anyone? I'd like to go! I want to go with you, too! " Quiet Ya immediately stood up, also expected to say.

"No, that place is not very safe!" The tall and handsome man interrupted coldly.

Mo shallow is also repeatedly shaking his head to stop his best friend.

"Ya'er, this matter has delayed you too much time today. I know you are very busy with the company's debts. I know you have to go around for your father's operation expenses. I have spent all my savings over the years. I took it out of my previous card and transferred it to your account! You should be able to pay for your father's operation now, so go to the hospital with him! I'm very grateful to you for your help. You can't suffer any more. If you have any more accidents, who will your father depend on to support you? When your father woke up from surgery, if he knew what happened to you, he would have to faint again? So you go back quickly. Lu Shao and I are staring at things here... "

Mo shallow suddenly strong but let her some greatly surprised, quiet elegant some can't believe asked.

"Are you sure you can?" It is clear that just now, this woman is still a little weak and afraid, and in just one second, when she heard that her child is still alive and on the island, the whole person has been reborn. The whole person's body exudes a strong maternal care, and with a force of perseverance!

"Don't worry, I can. It's my own child, after all. If I don't know the past at this dangerous time, then how can I be a mother? So no matter it's a sea of fire or a hail of bullets, I will rush to the past without hesitation. Anyway, I have to protect my children. I can't let these little demons suffer any more! "

"Over the past five years, I owe them too much. Now I've decided that I can't be a failed mother any more!"

"Then start by finding your own children."

Mo shallow tone affirmative said, but let the side of quiet Ya some of my tears, really did not expect that this obviously very weak woman encountered this kind of thing, but also the fastest growth, the fastest growth for a strong for their children from the wind and rain indomitable mother!

Is this the truth that it is better to be a mother?

"Well, I'll go back. You must be careful! Although I don't know who kidnapped the children in the end, but see that they are now repeatedly transferring the children's technique is absolutely not ordinary people, you must be careful!! If children know that you hurt yourself in order to save them, they will also blame themselves very much!! You should know how sensible the child is, so don't get hurt, even for the child, be strong! You have to protect yourself. Do you know? "

Quiet Ya knows that the best way at this moment is not to make trouble for her best friend. Since Lu Da, the president of the University, has a sense of propriety in his work, let him leave, it means that his existence will disturb their plans. Moreover, according to her stubborn character, she will never let her stay here, and her best friend is right, Now my father is about to have an operation. I really can't do without those people in the company, and I want to take care of the aftermath of the company day and night!

What's more, if you make a decadent appearance, if you don't appear in the company now, if you let those people catch hold of you and say that you gave up everywhere, then the company will be really over. There is really no possibility of turnover, and all your efforts are in vain! For the sake of father, for the sake of the company, for the sake of one's best friend, no matter what, one has to work hard!

Quiet elegant small face with a firm look, and finally she clenched her fist, and then heard her best friend's face light said.

"Ya'er, don't worry. I'm not as weak as you think. Maybe it's better to be a mother! Now that I know where the children are, I feel relieved! As long as I make sure that the children are still alive, even if I fight for my life, I will bring them back and fight with that group of people! So you can rest assured that I will never let my life die before the children are safe... "

"Shallow..." quiet Ya felt tears in her eyes, but finally still reluctantly waved goodbye.

"Let's go!"

Xia Yuxuan urged in front of the road.

"Go Lu Mo Ming took his little wife's slender waist and walked forward. Along the way is not unable to feel the little wife's anxiety and mood, but in the face of the little wife's nervous mood, I can't do anything on paper comfort or flashy laugh, what I should do now is to find the whereabouts of the children and bring them back as soon as possible!

Only in this way, can let his little wife completely at ease, also only in this way, can the group of lawless people be caught, even dare to their own or hands, that group of people should be bold fat, tired of living!!

"Lu Shao, please tell me, are the children safe now? What happened to the kids? Was it sold? Or... "Mo shallow finally summoned up the courage to ask, in the heart uneasily tangled for a long time, finally still some uneasy inquiry.

"Don't worry, the children should not have been abducted and trafficked. Even according to my investigation and understanding, there was no abduction on the cruise ship. What's more, the children were still dressed up and appeared on the cruise ship. That is to say, someone might have deliberately attracted our attention and wanted to take us to the island, That's why we use children as bait! "

"Is it the ninth master that the woman in the light blue dress said?"

Mo shallow some uneasily inquired, some trembling voice, tone and some fear.

In any case, this nine master is absolutely a mysterious and unpredictable person, otherwise it will not be like such a big game of chess will lead himself and the people around him out!

"Oh, it is this man! But I have used all kinds of methods, but the woman doesn't know much. The woman in the light blue dress can only say the man's name and what the man asked her to do! The others know nothing and get nothing. But you can rest assured that although the information you know is limited, it is enough! "

"In other words, must the children be safe now? After all, the man just wanted to lead us to the island, or just wanted to lead us to the cruise ship, and didn't want to lay hands on the children, so the children must be safe, right? "

Seeing the woman in front of him so excited and powerful, Lu Da, the president of vigorous and resolute University, did not know how to open his mouth for a moment. The man who always spoke frankly and spoke fiercely, suddenly had a kind of helplessness and entanglement that he did not want to open his mouth, but had to.

"But the development of things should not be so smooth. We should try our best to lead us to the cruise ship and take the children as bait. Even if the target is not the children, we will not easily let those children go. We can only say that we should go step by step and try our best to put forward conditions so that they will not hurt the children! However, there is no guarantee that in this process, they have not done anything too much to their children! You'd better be psychologically prepared. In case there are scars or whipping marks on the children, you must be psychologically prepared... "

"What did you say? What you said must not be true, not true... "The tears in Mo shallow's eyes burst out.

"Shallow, calm down, you must set an example for the children! Let the children know that in a dangerous situation, the more calm they should be! Only in this way can we save ourselves

"Wuwu, my poor children..." Mo shallow also don't know why, he seems to be in front of this tall and straight man, always can't help but not hide his vulnerable and helpless side, and when he face alone, but can be strong.

"Well, well, don't worry! I will bring the children back safely



Lu Shao's eyes are full of tenderness.

But just at this time, the helicopter suddenly landed. In the process of slowly landing, we can see the burning fireworks in the sky not far away... At the same time, those gorgeous fireworks in the sky actually formed a few big words!

"The Lu family will die!" That red blooms in the sky, just like blood, which makes people feel strange!

Mo Qianqian felt his heart tighten.