Mo Qian looked around, hesitated, hesitated. He didn't have the courage to look at his evil eyes. The man's eyes were as deep as a hawk's hawk. The dark black eyes seemed to have a magic power and could see everything. She was frightened.

"I didn't! Besides, even if there is such an idea, it has not been put into practice, nor has it been successful? " Ink shallow some hasty weak droop eyelids.

The answer is a man's sexy and hoarse voice. The young master of the Lu family's eyes are full of joking smile. At this time, he also slightly bends up a pair of cold eyes. In the depth of his eyes, there is a touch of invisible tenderness, and the speed is so fast that almost no one can notice it.

She blushed in her arms and only went to the real woman in her arms. She took the real woman out of the hotel and threw it directly into the black Rolls Royce, but her eyes became sharper.

He told the driver to go to a place. Mo Qianqian was thrown into the back seat of the car. The man quietly lit a cigarette, turned his head and gazed at the car shrouded in night, the night outside the window.

In western dress and leather shoes, a beast in human clothing, who can think of this, looks like a man of Fan Er's evil spirit. But a man who make complaints about kings is actually a paranoid.

Mo Qianqian originally just felt that he had left the hotel which made him feel like a jackal. He could not help feeling a little safe and let go a lot. Then he looked at the beautiful man beside him quietly!

But when I was absorbed in it, the other side's cold eyes moved slightly, and the radian of the corner of his lips also stirred up a smile. Suddenly, he turned his head and looked at himself with a smile instead of a smile.

"Is it good? So obsessed with it? Why do you suddenly think your husband is very handsome? "

Mo Qianqian's original peeping action was caught by the other party. He felt a blush, which spread from his ears to his cheeks. However, he was choked by the other party's narcissistic tone and could not say a word, but could not refute it.

But feel the other side's condescending eyes, sexy thin lips raised, arrogant and domineering action, determined evil spirit of the tone!

She did not have the autonomy of clenching her fist, some deliberately turned away, disdained to move his face.

"Who is looking at you? Don't do that! How narcissistic! Don't think that women all over the world are prostrated under your suit pants! "

Mo Qianqian could feel the chill in the eagle's eyes. He was staring at himself, shivering.

"Ha ha! You better be! You should know that the position is not worthy of a woman like you, and it is not what you should think! Do your job well! Don't be paranoid about the rest

The young master of the Lu family's Falcon like eyes instantly calmed down, but there was a trace of anger hidden in his usual calm words. I don't know why he heard this woman's scornful and disdainful casual words, and he had an impulse to tear and destroy this woman!

There has never been a woman in front of her, so blatant back, so reckless ridicule, actually said he was narcissistic? Just now the woman's undisguised amazement in her eyes was pretended?

Sure enough, this woman has a deep heart! Want to seduce your idea in a special way! And ink shallow appearance is that a pair of pure and refined, do not apply powder Dai, indifferent appearance completely does not match!

"It's time to get out of the car!" The man direct cold voice command way, all the way between two people's atmosphere all the more strange, all the way two people didn't speak, the atmosphere instant gloomy!

It was only when he arrived at a high-end brand clothing store in the rich area outside a very famous high-end villa that the man opened his mouth like a handout.

Mo shallow very speechless to open the door. Just want to slowly look around the environment, but suddenly the arm was caught, the man ruthlessly drag ink shallow to the side.

"What's the matter? If you want to waste time, hurry up Then he pushed the woman hard, his voice coldly opened her lips, and her face was still expressionless.

"Go and change the face of this damned smelly woman! Within one hour, I want to see a perfect Lu family young grandmother! Not this plain looking ugly girl

Two black bodyguards in uniform, simple black suits, respectful, neat short hair combed in the back of the head closely followed the woman.

Mo Qianqian saw that the man was just standing next to the Rolls Royce, leaning against the expensive luxury car, spraying thick smoke rings around, and the faint tobacco smell of Cologne permeated all around

Ink shallow just feel that there is a kind of inexplicable complex in my heart!

Some angrily get rid of the two bodyguards around the coercion!

"If you let go, are you afraid I won't run away? I'm the little grandmother of the Lu family. How can you do this to me! " With that, he stamped his feet and glared at Junmei wutao angrily. A pair of deep, ink like eyes were squinting slightly, and he looked at Lu Mo Ming from a distance.

"You let her go!" The man's sexy voice rings out and looks at the kitten with a smile, but his mood suddenly brightens up! Just for this woman just a moment of a Lu family young grandmother!

It turns out that this woman, who seems very disobedient and is also very resistant to herself, actually engraves the title of Lu's young grandmother firmly in her heart! That's why I can blurt it out! And no half of the affectation! Without any affectation!

"Do you hear me! Let me go! " Mo shallow horizontal eyebrow cold vertical, stare two bodyguards! The two bodyguards immediately got the order, and then immediately stepped aside, their eyes full of reverence.

"Yes Now that she has been admitted by the young master of the Lu family, this ordinary looking woman should be the young granny of the Lu family in the noble Lu Group!

But they are also people who can't afford to offend. They can keep pace with the master of the Lu family. Such people give them 10000 courage and dare not offend and provoke!

The forehead almost overflowed a layer of cold sweat!

Mo Qianqian snorts coldly, shakes his black hair, closes his eyes, and quickly goes to the luxury boutique of high-end clothing customization that Mr. Lu has pushed himself into!

But he didn't expect that his road was blocked and his pretty eyebrows were slightly wrinkled. He had just entered this luxury shop and met such a show. Which one is on stage?

Ink shallow at this time frowned, eyes across a trace of displeasure, raised his head.

At this time, a sweet voice with a trace of domineering, condescending, women with the latest very dazzling beauty pupil, face with easy of course contempt and disdain.

"Oh, who should I be? Isn't this the illegitimate daughter of the stubborn and stupid Mohist woman who was expelled from the family? Is this the place you can come in? If you don't know where you're coming from, get out of here

Then he raised his chin high, and several female companions came in with a sneer. They all showed their compliments and agreement, and then sneered scornfully at the Mohist who was once in the doldrums in front of him. He was dressed in shabby clothes and didn't have a famous brand. He dared to go in and out of the most luxurious and expensive brand custom clothing shop in the workshop!

"Who are you? What's your business? Get out of the way Mo Qianqian was still indifferent. He didn't want to waste saliva and words with these domineering and powerful young ladies who grew up in pampering. But when I heard the words of Mohist eldest lady and illegitimate daughter, I suddenly felt that my heart was severely hurt, and my face was as cold as a mountain!

For a moment, that pair of eyes, which were as plain as water, were full of ice cold color! Although the tone is as plain as water, but the voice is as cold as ice! It's as cold as ice

"Drag what drag, but a little-known illegitimate daughter! I really regard myself as a character! Do you know that even your stupid mother would bow to me when she saw me! Look at your fragile appearance, and your stupid mother a virtue! At the beginning, we didn't have to do it at all, so we left easily! At the beginning, I thought that your mother would not survive without the protection of a rich family! Ha ha ha, now you are right! What are the virtues of her daughters? At first glance, he is a poor man who has never seen the world! How can you enter such a luxurious and luxurious place, such a place full of famous brands and elegance, and still wear ragged clothes that can't be put on the table! "

A woman is obviously in her early 40s, but she looks well maintained and in her 30s. At this time, she is constantly sarcastic and alluding to the old things. She laughs and dallies, and starts to put on the colorful and golden manicure! The face of condescending contempt, it is like a hammer, hard hit at this time plain face, wearing shabby ink shallow heart!

"Pa!" A loud slap resounds through the whole haute couture shop! Everyone was shocked by this farce! Look here in amazement!

Mo Qianqian is merciless! What burst out in the eyes is the rampant killing intention! She can insult herself, but how can she insult her mother?

"You're an illegitimate girl, how dare you beat me!" Cried the woman in a hoarse, shrill voice! With that long sharp nail to pinch the ink!

Mo Qianqian dodges cleanly, and the two bodyguards behind him step forward at the first time!

"Pa Pa!" Bow left and right, continue to slap the woman in the face!

"This slap is for my mother! Another slap is for the loyal servant who was framed by you to save my mother! You should remember that if you hadn't instigated behind the scenes, innocent people would not have suffered! "

Ink shallow, this is a moment, I think of the woman in front of me! She can't forget the face of a ferocious and vicious woman who looks like a pear blossom with rain and is well maintained! Because, when I was young, I witnessed the tragic scene with my own eyes!